Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

:circle-of-love:Yes,when we do not have goods in stock,we will inform our customer.If he already made the payment,we can refund.:high-five:Thanks for your help:thanks:
Well maybe the light you wanted is not instock but there is a option they can have it shipped from china or somewhere else close to you.

You can come on here and state whatever you like but we the people do not see your proof of claim.

So go take it elsewhere, like with them.

The definciencies you state are not caused by a light source but by inexpeienced grower.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
:goodjob:So the light will not affect the cannabis directly,and it's the nutrients...:high-five:I'm sure that's not about which brand:Namaste:
..".Light intensity influences the expression of symptoms of some deficiencies and toxicities. For example, growth at low light intensities suppresses the development of symptoms of zinc deficiency and phosphate toxicity. More important, when increasing light improves growth it also increases the nutrient demand and the likelihood of all deficiencies."

...the leg bone's connected to the knee bone...the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone...just sayin'...lolool...cheerz...h00k...:hookah:
:circle-of-love:I agree with you,thanks :thanks:
You are right there hook but it doesn't directly cause them and also like you said the nutrient demand so is relatively based on the nutes more so than the lights , as you said light influence but doesn't directly cause defs I was just pointing that out to him as he was clearly frustrated and throwing a whole lot of hate when it's about peace haha I liked that song as a kid ! ....

Happy growing .
So when we use any LED grow light,we need to keep an eye on the nutrients carefully.:high-five:
And it was more he was trying to blame Mars lights spasifically saying the spectrum causes them I've used them and only had one issue and that was my fault due to me being lazy with the ph only other thing was having light to close that's not down to the light but the grower ..

Happy growing .
:high-five:when the light is too close to the plant,the leaves will easily get burned,but also the stem?
No lght will do so unless its a light that can burn stuff and if so the stem will be black and burn't :)

No a purple stem is from genetics of the strain not from any light source.

A Licenced Medicinal Cannabis User
It's mostly down to genetics and nutes with the stems Sara not the lighting especially not the Mars LEDs nor any other brand of lighting .

Happy growing .
Look at my signature. I own 3 Mars. I have been using them for about 2 years. I've already resolved my problem with Mars. It just happened to be an unnecessarily long and excruciating process. That is why, I came here and took a big dump in the middle of this thread. They deserve it.

That being said, I maintain my criticism of their product, which stands on its own, independent of my criticism of their customer service. They need to fill the spectrum a little more. Specifically, they need more green and probably UV. That's my evidence based opinion.

Here it is again:
:cheer:Plant Productivity in Response to LED Lighting
But we did research that cannabis grow do not actually need green spectrum.And many growers also confirmed with that we should not give them green spectrum.:high-five:If you think green spectrum will do good for plants,i will tell your opinions to our manager and factory.:high-five:
Look at my signature. I own 3 Mars. I have been using them for about 2 years. I've already resolved my problem with Mars. It just happened to be an unnecessarily long and excruciating process. That is why, I came here and took a big dump in the middle of this thread. They deserve it.

That being said, I maintain my criticism of their product, which stands on its own, independent of my criticism of their customer service. They need to fill the spectrum a little more. Specifically, they need more green and probably UV. That's my evidence based opinion.

Here it is again:
:cheer:Plant Productivity in Response to LED Lighting
But we did research that cannabis grow do not actually need green spectrum.And many growers also confirmed with that we should not give them green spectrum.:high-five:If you think green spectrum will do good for plants,i will tell your opinions to our manager and factory.:high-five:
Sara...Cannabis doesnt need green but it sure does use it. There is always some green in the lights spectrum but some have not enough.

I have no idea how much green spectrum is in the mars lights. It could be great. It could be very little. None the less cannabis does use green. It may not need it to live or grow but it does use it for functions.

Sent from my VS980 4G using 420 Magazine Mobile App
But we did research that cannabis grow do not actually need green spectrum.And many growers also confirmed with that we should not give them green spectrum.:high-five:If you think green spectrum will do good for plants,i will tell your opinions to our manager and factory.:high-five:

Green Light (500 nm - 600nm) There has been quite a bit of research on how different spectrums affect plant growth, especially over the last decade by researchers at NASA trying to find a way to grow plants most efficiently in space with LED grow lights.
We have long known that plants need at least red and blue light to grow normally, but recent discoveries have found that green light, while not the most efficient spectrum for photosynthesis, has a significant effect on how plants grow.
Green light has been shown to be involved in seedling and vegetative development, the initiation of the flowering stage, CO2/water usage, stem growth and overall plant height. There's probably more we don't know about yet!
But like the other spectrums, plants seem to want just the right amount of green light for the best growth, not too much or not too little. After many experiments with green light, the NASA Biological Sciences research group has reported that light sources consisting of more than 50% green cause plants to grow slower, though combinations including up to 24% green actually enhances growth for some plants.
Sara...Cannabis doesnt need green but it sure does use it. There is always some green in the lights spectrum but some have not enough.

I have no idea how much green spectrum is in the mars lights. It could be great. It could be very little. None the less cannabis does use green. It may not need it to live or grow but it does use it for functions.

Sent from my VS980 4G using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Wait.....What? Cannabis doesn't see the green spectrum. That why I use green LEDs in my grow room during sleeping hours. I would throw bananas everywhere if it wasn't for the fact they are blind to green. Been using green for 4 yrs now and no problems

Sent from my Z987 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Wait.....What? Cannabis doesn't see the green spectrum. That why I use green LEDs in my grow room during sleeping hours. I would throw bananas everywhere if it wasn't for the fact they are blind to green. Been using green for 4 yrs now and no problems

Sent from my Z987 using 420 Magazine Mobile App
Although your plant can respond to green light in some ways, it can't "see" green when it comes to photoperiods and knowing when it's day or night. So you can actually use green light to look at your plants in the dark and it won't interrupt their dark period at all! Use green light to check on plants in the dark so you don't disturb their sleep!

Some of the most expensive LED panels out there that do proper research include green in their lights for that reason. I'm in no way saying Mars lights aren't great...Just sayin
Look at my signature. I own 3 Mars. I have been using them for about 2 years. I've already resolved my problem with Mars. It just happened to be an unnecessarily long and excruciating process. That is why, I came here and took a big dump in the middle of this thread. They deserve it.

That being said, I maintain my criticism of their product, which stands on its own, independent of my criticism of their customer service. They need to fill the spectrum a little more. Specifically, they need more green and probably UV. That's my evidence based opinion.

Here it is again:
:cheer:Plant Productivity in Response to LED Lighting

So you have the old models with the least amount of spectrum you. For one the lights you have are 2 years old Can't blame your misfortune on Mars more your own growing skill if you have had bad experience as you can see from about 50 of our journals we have NO PROBLEMS , and green led people use when there plants sleep ! Lol so more so dumping on your self pal all you had to do is message Sara who btw is top notch ! And your issue would have. Been solved that's twice now you fire shots with and here's an evidenced based opinion my Mars have uv and ir diodes also green lol would you like a photo to clear up your misconception ?? And I showed you evidence on what they do but here it is again as you must have missed it taking a dump on your self
. I'm sorry but no matter what you say Sara doesn't deserve this does she ? All she does every day is help rude people like your self that are frustrated and lash out like kids Sara doesn't have to do this but she does day in and day out so you can't base your judgments on 2 year old lights when people
On here have older ones and have no issues at all , and with in them two years they have filled in the spectrum firstly I think you owe Sara an apology as she doesn't own Mars and shouldn't have to deal with when people go like you as what would you do if somebody talked to your mum that way or your sister ? Nuff said you've had your rant if nothing nice to say the say nothing at all and please leave our lovely Mars LEDs thread ! Also if you wasn't happy with the spectrum 2 years ago I seriously doubt you would be buying again so that's your issue

Happy growing .
Sara...Cannabis doesnt need green but it sure does use it. There is always some green in the lights spectrum but some have not enough.

I have no idea how much green spectrum is in the mars lights. It could be great. It could be very little. None the less cannabis does use green. It may not need it to live or grow but it does use it for functions.

Sent from my VS980 4G using 420 Magazine Mobile App

I've seen people using it for when there. plants sleep weirdly

Happy growing .
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