Mars Hydro Grow Journal TS 3000: Now Growing Original Genetics White Widows, Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush Clones & CBD Autos

Gooooood Moooooorning Two Hills!

(and all associated members)

Great news today. All but one of my seeds are ready to plant. The last one should be ready by tonight or tomorrow morning. She's just a little slower than the others. But those others? I bet every single one of them has a strong survival instinct. To sprout so well and so rapidly does, in my books, indicate that these will also be strong vigorous plants.

So here are some pics:


So arent these seeds grand? All these seeds were gifted to me by another member, "Bob," but I'm not sure if he wants me to divulge his screen name. Regardless, he was VERY kind to send me these seeds at a time when I had no money and was struggling to get a grow on. I am very grateful to Bob for these bountiful gifts.


The seed on the right is the one I'm going to wait another 12 - 24 hours yet to plant. The other 2 are certainly ready for their short sojourn on this grand Earth.

I'd like to add another bit of info about these seeds... Thry were all grown and cross pollinated by a friend of Bob's and I think that is just the bees fucking knees - don't you? I think the activity of growing your own seeds and developing your own hybrids is just the way to go, especially if you use weed as medicine.

But that's just the opinion of a pollen chucking neophyte.

All my best,
I've updated my signature so that it hopefully links to Year 2 of my journal. I'll be posting photos later today.

I'm very interested in your experience doing a soil grow!


Hey Simon! :ciao:

Do you have a grow journal for this year? I looked at the date of your first entry in the journal in your signature but it was from June2019.

Do you have a more current one? I'd enjoy following along.

This will be my third outside soil grow. I might be of some help and learn along the way.

All my best,
Okay so they're planted. Now we call upon the Hope Fairy to help us as we HOOE we didnt screw up the soil and we HOPE that the night air doesnt freeze them half to death and we HOPE that Richard's ( the goddamn neighbor) damned dog doesnt get into my inside tent- but I doubt that would happen.

Still, I'd like to be able to set my growing plants outside in the sun during the day but I'm quite afraid to do that with Richard's dog on the prowl. I'm thinking of buying a table to set outside so I can put my plants upon it. I might just do that with this next pay if I have enough - but I doubt I will. Just one of those 8 foot plastic jobbies would work just fine. They can't be all that much... Mind you, on my budget even $40 is out of reach.

But anyway, here are my babies all tucked nicely in their "pots." Haha. I love mj puns.


So what I e done this time around is to layer the pots with stuff. Not much stuff but i hope it'll work.

On the bottom most layer I put in some gravel. Not fancy stuff. Just from my driveway. Nothing special. I did this for two reasons. First for drainage. And second to help prevent soil loss everytime I feed. I put a layer about an inch thick.

Second I put in about half the pot with good potting soil. Here's the label:


It SHOULD work well. I bought it at the grow store when I couldnt find ProMix anywhere.

Then I added a one inch layer of Worm Castings. Worm Castings are a cool nutrient source for plants meaning it wont burn the roots of your babies no matter how much you use (or so I have read elsewhere). I used a full inch or more in each pot. This will provide wonderful nutrition for the plant without having to give it nutes for a while - or so I'm thinking. If anyone has another opinion on this I'd be grateful to hear it.

Lastly I filled the rest of the pot with my potting soil to the top. Then I tapped it down a bit and added a bit more.

Then all that was left was to drop my seeds into little holes created by pushing my finger into the soil, covering that baby up and then labeling those pots. Finally I watered with RO water from my own drinking glass.

My babies! All ready to take on the big ol' world out there! I'm such a proud daddy...

All my best,
Fingers crossed buddy :headbanger:
Thanks man. But I think I'm off to a good start. I really hope I can pull it together to get more lights before they go into flower. I'm working with an LED that I bought advertised at 1000w. But we know that ain't true. I have no idea what it pulls from the wall and no idea how to tell, either. I'd like to get at least 2000w more light into that tent and maybe some under canopy lights. Maybe a panel of cfls or something.

But they sure are strong little seeds! Wow. They are really taking off.

All my best,
So how does one determine what wattage is being pulled from the wall socket so I have a better idea of what I'm giving my indoor plants?

I know there must be a device that probably interfaces between the wall socket and the light. Does anyone have any idea what a device like that would be called and an approximate amount in either Can $ or USA $. Olease just let me know what currency you are estimating in so that I can figure out about how much in CAN$. Thsnks so much e everyone
Sorry I'm so stupid sometimes but I've never come across anything like this device and I'd love to get one if they dont cost too much.

All my best,

Or if you can just tell me what they are called I can look one up on Amazon for pricing...
a simple VOM meter hooked in series with the light (break one lead and insert the meter) will show you the current flow from the wall. Current x Voltage = Power

Emilya's method will give real time current draw but the meter offers cumulative data. With the meter you can get a reading of energy use over a span of hours or longer. We use a Kill A Watt meter quite a bit as we are off-grid and have to seriously monitor energy use.

Okay so all six pots of germinated seeds look the same this morning - nuthin' happenin'. Bummer. I suppose by tomorrow I'll be seeing some action in here.

I've also got some more Bubba Kush clones from my budderveho thinks he is God's gift to growing with two grows under his belt. But anyway, I've got these clones from him but they dont seem to be rooting at all. I pulled one of them out of its pot to verify and I was right: no roots after already 2 weeks.

Bummer. Is Bubba Kush always this difficult to clone or is it this particular phenotype. Because I've produced lots of viable clones before this so I know I'm not doing it wrong. I'm stumped. And I really wanted some of these plants for my garden this year. Bummer.





These are just a few of the clones I am attempting to root but like I said I'm not proving to be so successful with thrme particular clones. I've had other successes but not with this strain.

So that's all for now, folks. The shit-show is over for the moments. So I hope you go about your day feeling as healthy as your body will allow and as vital as the air you breath.

Peace out,
My Solomatic high CBD seeds have finally arrived! I just have to drive to the post office in Two Hills to collect them. Those babies are going straight into water!
Here they are, my 12 Solomatic seeds a-soakin'.

Solomatic seeds info (but whatever you do NEVER EVER buy from this distributor. One of the worst online shopping experiences I have ever had.):

So, without further ado, here are those seeds...


Yep. There's a total of twelve seeds in there! And they're all delicious females. All autos, too. I wouldn't try planting photo seeds outside at this late juncture.

Thanks Richard's dog for that. I USED to have thc plants to plant outside too. But, alas, that seems like forever ago.

But I'm going to soak these seeds until about 5 a.m. I'm usually up by 3:30 or 4:00 a.m. on most days. So I'll get them out of their soaking water and place them in wet paper towels inside of plastic sandwich bags.

Got a funny story I dont like to admit usually but I will share with all of you.

When I first began growing I knew you had to soak the seeds and put them in a paper towel. But no one remembered to tell me that you then place those paper towels inside sandwich bags. So there I was during my first two grows trying to germinate seeds that I kept mistakenly drying out because the paper towels would keep losing all their moisture to evaporation! I dont know how many seeds I destroyed (and that is costly) by using this "method." It was a real saving grace to figure out to put those damned paper towels into plastic sandwich bags.

Imagine that. Even I can learn a thing or two if I'm willing to listen.

All my best,
Magnus, do you know the Possum Lodge Men's Prayer?

I am a man.
I can change.
If I have to.
I guess!

(from the Red Green show, a male must-see.)
Good morning, everyone. Rise and shine!

Okay so I've removed the seeds from their soak and placed them all between a wet, folded paper towel and then stuffed those little suckers into a ziplock baggie 'til they sprout. Then into the outside dirt right away. These girls are going to live their whole lives in sunshine. Still not sure if I should put glasses overtop the germinating seedlings. I think so but could use some advice on this one. Like, how long do I leave them covered for example. Some advice would help because I dont want to burn the plants with the sun coming through that glass but I still want to keep it warm in there.

Here they are:


(I JUST figured out how to add text to a photo...LOOK OUT!


I guess I'll wing it somewhat. Planting in this manner is virgin territory for me.

As for the rest of the garden, these Grape Krush and Purple Skunk Mass x Grape Krush seeds have not sprouted yet. I'm not worried. All five of the first ones will probably pop through tonight while I am sleeping and that last little bugger he'll probably pop through a day or so later. But I'm sure all will pop just fine.

I am curious that Purple Skunk Mass cross will look like. Will she be purple? I hope so. I've never grown a colorful weed plant before and I'd love to do so.

The clones are doing, well, not to well. I still have no idea if they will develop a root structure or not. Time will surely tell.


Pretty pathetic, I know. Maybe someone has some suggestions on how to treat clones once they have been dusted with rooting powder and stuck in the dirt. I've never been taught how to look after clones and I really dont know if I'm doing okay.

As an aside my new lettuce crop is doing rather well too!


(There are a couple of green onions in there too but the lettuce keeps taking it over. Whoever thought about lettuce being an invasive species???)

So with all that said, I bid you all adieu. Safe journeys on all your travels.

All my best,
Now it's a waiting game. Here is my simple but effective cloning technique if you want a look. :high-five:
I did look. Not that much different from what I'm doing except I'm using soil.

Have been thinking about transitioning into hempy grows. But I also want to try growing indoors with super soil. I think I'll try the supersoil technique first. Only because I currently have all the ingredients for it.

Have to go to the neighbors today. He farms goats among other animals. He told me he has a 3 year old pile of goat shit from which I can take as much as I need. I'm going to add this to my planters before I plant and maybe do a bit of top dressing for my Haskap Berries (or Honeyberries as they are sometimes called) which are even going to give me about 30 berries this year even though it is only in its second year of life. I'm thrilled! Haskaps are the earliest berry of the season, even earlier than strawberries. They look like stretched blueberries and taste like a cross between blueberries and raspberries. I cant wait to try my own...

All my best,
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