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Welcome to 420Magazine @SnackWaggon :welcome:
Coast of Main is generally considered good soil.
Capable of supporting a girl through veg.
The molasses is good for feeding microbes.
I don't see any harm in adding it once a week to your plain water to keep the microbe population growing and healthy.
Good plan.
If you want to say Hi and meet everyone here is a link

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thanks everyone for the feedback, sadly they didn't make it through... so I've tossed out a few hundred seeds and gunna start with new fresh seeds. And maybe autos cuz it's more cost effective atm. Happy holidays peeps
Thanks everyone for the feedback, sadly they didn't make it through... so I've tossed out a few hundred seeds and gunna start with new fresh seeds. And maybe autos cuz it's more cost effective atm. Happy holidays peeps
Sorry about the that.
Hope the new ones turn out better.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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