Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

This year I am going to concentrate on fewer gals, better seeds and possible a few clones. I think if I can remove some variables I may have better results. I like the idea of growing in summer, outside or better yet, in a greenhouse so I bound ahead with unbridled optimism!! :thumb:
Hi again,

Mr GreenJeans - You can grow outdoors until Nov 1st at 44th parallel. I've been growing outdoors for 4 years now, and get a decent harvest every year. It's not that cold (here, at least).

I was reading about the ShopBot. Very interesting. One scene a guy was using it as a 3d printer. Very cool!! I've used a router a bit, but nothing like that!!! Have fun with it!! Cheers
This year I am going to concentrate on fewer gals, better seeds and possible a few clones. I think if I can remove some variables I may have better results. I like the idea of growing in summer, outside or better yet, in a greenhouse so I bound ahead with unbridled optimism!! :thumb:
My second summer, with lessons applied, was much more pleasurable!
Mr GreenJeans - You can grow outdoors until Nov 1st at 44th parallel. I've been growing outdoors for 4 years now, and get a decent harvest every year. It's not that cold (here, at least).
If I recall it snowed about a week after you harvested last year ;)
I was reading about the ShopBot. Very interesting. One scene a guy was using it as a 3d printer. Very cool!! I've used a router a bit, but nothing like that!!! Have fun with it!! Cheers
Yes, it is an amazing tool. We have a local dude who is know for his hand carved (and painted) signs that average $1-2k (depending on size). What took him days this thing does in an hour...
I harvested the last one on Oct 20th. Year before last I had snow (dusting) on a couple in November. I was seeing how long they'd be okay outside. Chopped the middle of November. I guess we won't know how tough they are until we challenge them! Cheers
What are the other sprouts??
Probably a variety of soil is made from a majority of vermicompost...and scraps used to feed the worms often have seeds (peppers and cucumbers). I just pick out those sprouts as needed.
Highya BH,

It's that time again! Woo Hoo!! My favorite time of the year. Seems good to get dusted off again, lol. Cheers
Yeah, mine are usually tomatoes...those little buggers look a lot like weed for the first little while!! I had used my 5 worm bins, laundry tubs, contents and all, to be repurposed as weed growers but then when I was getting things cleaned up in the fall after harvest I found about a dozen red wigglers still jumpin' around - so I have started over again with them.
Just heard something from a neighbor about some kind of virus spreading around? Anyone else hear about this?:rofl:

Like you, it has been busy here and we have been laying low. Most people in my area don't panic (much) and since our population density is >15/mile2, "social distancing" in an everyday thing anyway :cheesygrinsmiley:

Keep safe, stay sane, and think long term. And don't forget any of this when you go to vote.

Highya BH,

You must be winding up for spring planting. Much better weather this year than last. I'm dropping beans a little earlyier than last. I already have pepper seeds in soil.
We're put out by all the stores closing, and sports on TV is nil, but more than that, we're fine. I like your synopsis of social distancing in Maine. Nailed it. Cheers
You must be winding up for spring planting. Much better weather this year than last. I'm dropping beans a little earlyier than last. I already have pepper seeds in soil. We're put out by all the stores closing, and sports on TV is nil, but more than that, we're fine. I like your synopsis of social distancing in Maine. Nailed it. Cheers
Stores are open by me, but we don't have too many restaurants anyway. Schools closed so kids hanging at home. Waiting on spring planting to see how bad all of this gets. I got pigs and chickens (and eggs) and a full pantry so I'm good. One thing I am not doing is getting in a fight over a roll of ass wipe :laugh:
Stores are open here, too. Seems to be a huge media event (democrats). Seems they want to declare marshall law so they can replace a democracy with socialism. I just stay in our little neck of the woods and keep day by day and don't bother with all that crap. I'm old enough that I probably won't see socialism, but I don't want that for our kids. I'm best at keeping my head down and keep on keeping on! We'll get by!! Cheers
.my soil is made from a majority of vermicompost
Hey Blew - do you have any trouble with, I call them, Drain Flies!! They are like a fat Fruit Fly and must proliferate just as fast. The little bastards are all over they place!!
Hey Blew - do you have any trouble with, I call them, Drain Flies!! They are like a fat Fruit Fly and must proliferate just as fast. The little bastards are all over they place!!
In your worm bin? I used to get fruit flies but I've since reduced the inputs to vegetable peelings @ coffee grounds. Works great.
Yeah - these guys are like fruit flies but a much fatter body and they do more crawling than flying - but they seem to like any damp soil - they were one reason why I got rid of the bins, but then I missed them, the worms not the flies!!! I think as soon as the weather gets warmer I'll move them outside and see what happens.
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