Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

Looking good Blew. I'm oogling your soil. Nice.
So far they seem to like it too!

With autos, it seems to be all about the light though...can't seem to get enough in the summer...they really like the 20/4. Last winter I ran 18/6 and they liked that as well.
Hiya BH,

That Bloody Skunk is looking great. Curious to know how many weeks in the soil. NLxBB is bushing out really nice. Should be a few nice colas! I'm interested in how much more buddage you get from lights opposed to the autos you grew under the sun last year. Looks like a fun winter time grow!
That Bloody Skunk is looking great. Curious to know how many weeks in the soil. NLxBB is bushing out really nice. Should be a few nice colas! I'm interested in how much more buddage you get from lights opposed to the autos you grew under the sun last year. Looks like a fun winter time grow!
Yes, I am pleased with both the Skunk and the Kush...both are looking good in their own unique way.

I know from experience that autos do much better under lights. "Daylight" and "usable light" are two entirely different things and with the short timeline of an auto, every second of usable light makes a huge difference at harvest. It's the main reason I run autos in the winter...because I can control those usable hours of light. The reason I run autos in the summer (using sunlight) is because I can harvest them before the photos hit flower which still keeps me legal. So I consider that a "freebie" crop and don't sweat the yield.
New Gorilla Lite 4x4 arrived today! Great packing, all parts were there, put it together in 45 minutes. Transferred the plants from the GH to the Cottage through some lightly falling snow. Will have a better idea overnight about temps, but after a few hours with the tent closed and the lights on full the interior temp was 70F...which works. I have the 10" roof vent fully open for now.

Nice looking grow space BH. I made a light bar just like that. Loved it. Nice size winter grow. It must seem good to get that off your mind!
That the big thing.... losing the power for me would be devastating
That was my main concern...we never lost power last winter for more than 4 hours and THAT is too damn lucky to happen two winters in a row!
Nice looking grow space BH. I made a light bar just like that. Loved it. Nice size winter grow. It must seem good to get that off your mind!
Hopefully I can squeeze in 2x crops this winter before we have our first guests in May.
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