You know I went and looked at that link also and I didn't find it very clear myself. Even though I've been doing Everclear washes for some time now.
What confused me is he appeared to be using a carrier oil while he was doing this alcohol wash which just doesn't make any sense.
Rick Simpson Oil is the process of taking wet cannabis and washing it with naphtha.
You will always have residue of whatever solvent you use when making the oil so in my opinion if you can afford it the only thing you should make it with is alcohol safe for human consumption.
I reclaim my alcohol so that helps keep costs down.
When you follow the Rick Simpson method you get a lot of chlorophyll plant waxes lipids just about anything actually.
The alcohol wash methods start with bone dry cannabis that has been frozen for at least 24 hours and his wife with alcohol is been frozen for 24 hours. I wash for No More Than 3 minutes. I haven't found anything longer to do any better.
So I break up my bud and remove it from the stems and I put it in my dehydrator to bone dry it but I don't use any heat in my dehydrator. I don't want to lose any of the terpenes has the heat will help release those.
Once I have the material bone dry I put 15 grams in a pint canning jar. Then I put that jar in the freezer and however much alcohol I'm going to use overnight. The next day I take out that jar open it up for the alcohol and real fast shake it crazy hard for three minutes.
Then it goes into a screen filter and a bunch of coffee filters. At that point you have a very strong tincture. I reduce it down to an oil by using a modified water distiller.
In fact I'm actually running about half a pound of product this morning so I'll put up a few pictures.
I apologize for the pictures being out of order.
I pour my tincture into this pitcher and mark the level with the dry erase marker. Then I know when I'm getting most of my alcohol back.