I will risk some information on this here. There are some natural barriers created by the body in that area for specific reasons. I would question if it would be a guessing game as to whether the benefits of the oil would make it through to the target areas. Check this page out for some info on drug delivery for the method. Scroll down to the heading.
Then check out the 4th paragraph for some info on targets and barriers for drug delivery.
Vaginal Drug Delivery Systems for HIV Prevention
Hope that helps answer some basic questions. That's all I got on it. I'm not in a position of knowledge to debate any findings pro or con on it. And this thread probably wouldn't be the place to do that either.
Back to Magnus and making creams....
Have you made any use of Cocoa Butter in your concoctions? I used to use that to help solidify mixtures as well as the great benefits I had read about it.
I read your post with all of your oils, but didn't see this mentioned. It's not an oil, but what's your thoughts on it?
I'm so sorry, everyone, but I thought I had mentioned it in the list. I certainly meant to do so. It is definitely one of those fats that can be used to thicken a mixture since it is hard almost like damned rock when it cools!
I HAVE used cocoa butter before and I love it. I love the texture. I love what it does for the skin. And I especially love the smell of it! You don't get much better than cocoa butter for scent in fats.
Cocoa Butter will definitely be one of those fats I will address when I do up my short posts on fats used in creams/butters/lotions. I'll have a bit more to say about it then, Cannafan. Have to keep you all in suspense, now don't I? Seriously, these won't be major write ups and I will likely forget a lot to say about each one. I'll be hoping for those of you who have experience with some of these oils, or better reference texts maybe, to help me along with these writeups. Yes, I'm looking at YOU Cannafan!!! Just joking. No pressure (the pressure's on, don't you feel it?). And even though it isn't officially an "oil" but could still be classified as a "fat," I still regularly term it as an oil, just because it does so many of the same things that oils do. So please don't castigate me for that when I make that mistake, as I surely will.
I'll try to begin my postings about oils/fats later today. I've got a few more things to take care of this morning (like more sleep -- I only got 2.5 hours last night) and then I've got to feed my little deamons (my growing plants in the tent in my spare bedroom). Wow. I say my spare bedroom and it sounds like I've got all this money to throw away, like who has a spare bedroom but someone who has lots of disposable income. In reality, my wife-bot and I rent a mobile home and there's only the two of us so that leaves us with two spare bedrooms, tiny little things that are deadly cold in the winter and terribly terribly small. These are the bedrooms that all mobile homes have that are where the children of the poor in our society are supposed to sleep. Oopsie! There's an inkling of my socio-political leanings coming through right now. I try to excise that from my posts, but sometimes it gets hard to do so. So there you have it. I'm dirt poor and trying to do with all on a government disability cheque that comes each month. And it's terribly hard. And sometimes I get angry. And so I write posts like this one.
It's not exactly the government that I get most angry at for keeping us so poverty striken. It's more my own body that I get angry at. For putting me in this position in the first place. For keeping me from being able to work a bona fide job. For keeping me so ashamed of myself and my inabilities. For so much. No, I'm not one to blame someone else for my own situation. Just myself.
So, on that stupid note, hope everyone is having a wonderful Monday morning!
On another very good note... The editing on the second chapter of my novel, Finding Max, went very well this weekend and I was able to have it back to my editor by Sunday morning. I'm still waiting to hear from her. If she keeps to our schedule, and she will; she always does, then she'll have the third chapter to me by the end of the week to check over her edits and either approve or mark for discussion those edits she has done. It's kind of a fun process, if rather slow. I'm the kind of person who likes to work fast, and this is just not fast enough. Mind you, to do a good job, I'd rather she takes her time with her edits. I never knew that the editing process could be so damaging to the ego! Mind you, this is the first time I've had an editor work on a book with me, either.
So I'll sign off. Have great days, everyone. Looking forward to seeing what we come up with this week! Look for those posts on fats/oils to begin to arrive soon. They will tell you a lot and hopefully give you a lot of ideas.