Lost In The Fog

Drive, driver, drivers...

Been thinking of complementing the 4000k veg light with 40W of 3000ks. Done the math on the drivers and found out I didn't have one big driver for them so I connected them in parallel so I just need one wire down to the lights. This was very fiddly but now it's ready to be mounted.

The 3000ks cob 5W. Got 8 of them.
Nah, wouldn't want to intrude! You might be talking about me :oops:.
If I would talk about you.. I would speak English so you would understand what I am saying about you. :)
I am rude, but only to your face, not behind your back :hugs:
You guys/girls would be the last I talked shit about. :high-five:

Little update on the girls. They are growing like weed now. Nothing stopping them. Think it's time to start giving them some cal/mag boost.

@AngryBird Ja, det är högskole utbildning. Matte hej å hå åt alla hållen. Både el, pneumatik och programmering.
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