LKV 420 Outdoor Grow Journal 2022

Some plants get droopy after upcan from disturbing the roots and water in the new soil, so give them a few days to recover.

Lots of good nute sponsors here, including @Prescription Blend and @GeoFlora Nutrients! PB is liquid you mix like regular nutes and GF is topdress and/or blended into the soil on transplant, and then water only.
Great info! and GREAT NEWS.. I found a friend who lives on a farm up in wine country she's gonna take 1/2 my plants if i help her learn to grow. LOL i'm such a noob i hope i can help her. Another question. Do you think i should top these clones? I want to make sure i'm giving her the best info on this. I didn't do much topping on my seeds i think i cut 1/3 off after the 5th set?
I don't usually top outside until the 8th node from seed, but you can top a bit lower if you want. Though with clones, a lot depends on what the lower growth looks like, since it's not like symmetrical growth nodes from a seed. You might cut off the bottom 4 or 5 branches if they're not going to amount to much.

Check out what I did on transplant to the one on the right.



You can see I took off at least 4 branches, so it's a good think I hadn't topped it yet. I'm giving that away in about a month and I may top it just before I hand it off, if it's about 2' tall.
Question on auto flowering plants please, on of mms autos says "
Sugar Monster
(Gelato Ice Cream Cake x Dosado Sherbet)
Gender: Feminized / Female
Flowering: 60 - 70 days
Yield: High
Height: Medium
It doesn't not give a harvest time, so planted in soil April 29, what month would I expect harvest for the one ?
Ok now my second Auto flower is from seed:
Mimosa Cake: says :
A fast flowering and massive producer Sativa-dominant hybrid, This strain offers a strong and well-defined fruity aroma that comes along with an extreme sweetness and earthiness, and thanks to the insane 24% THC
First-class autoflower. Impressive genetics that reach up to 130cm and yield 550gr/m2 in 63 days.

So they both say about 60 to 70days to flower but how long till harvest? is it shorter than a photo flower which is usually end of October?

Screen Shot 2022-05-03 at 11.27.29 AM.png
Oh, so you removed branches form the bottom not the top ?
Yes. The lower branches don't often produce flowers of the same size as the upper ones. Lower branches tend to be weaker. And I don't grow autos any more!
It doesn't not give a harvest time, so planted in soil April 29, what month would I expect harvest for the one ?
So they both say about 60 to 70days to flower but how long till harvest? is it shorter than a photo flower which is usually end of October?
Autoflower plants tend to run between 60 and 100 days from sprout depending on the variety and conditions. It's hard to know exactly because they will flower when they feel like it, so you never know how long veg will be.
Yes. The lower branches don't often produce flowers of the same size as the upper ones. Lower branches tend to be weaker. And I don't grow autos any more!

Autoflower plants tend to run between 60 and 100 days from sprout depending on the variety and conditions. It's hard to know exactly because they will flower when they feel like it, so you never know how long veg will be.
And here are my 6 clones I have no idea when they were cut by breeder. I put them in 3 gallon pots last Friday. I thought these were auto flower because they said 60 days till harvest, but after doing some reading it seems It’s not very likely that people would clone an auto flowering plant so I guess these are photos? I DK I can’t reach the grower to find out any thoughts?

And here are my 6 clones I have no idea when they were cut by breeder. I put them in 3 gallon pots last Friday. I thought these were auto flower because they said 60 days till harvest, but after doing some reading it seems It’s not very likely that people would clone an auto flowering plant so I guess these are photos? I DK I can’t reach the grower to find out any thoughts?
Most definitely photoperiod. No one clones autos unless they're doing an experiment for themselves.
Today while I’m eating for my new crop, I’m putting my last years harvest to good use. I learned how to make amazingly potent Feco oil by reading a book by Jeff Ditchfield, The Medical Cannabis guidebook. I invested in the water distiller and the electronic hot plates store and boy what a difference everything made came out nice and very potent. Growing it yourself is extremely rewarding!
Since I know my Flower was extremely clean without traces of pesticides I don’t run off the chlorophyll , and therefore came out extremely dark from the Feco. Meat my black beauties….! Best Bach ever!!




So I’ve noticed a couple of my little seedlings which were planted on April 15 and are doing well except they have what looks to me like pest issues although I’ve looked on every leaf and can’t find anything perhaps I’ll give them a spray with some BT I don’t know what is it look like pest damage to you?


Another question I have is I want to make sure I’m doing this low stress light training right . So these seedlings that were pre-started before I got them and they’re really growing nicely so I thought instead of topping them this year I would just pinch and squeeze gently on the stems to make them bend over to allow more light to get inside because last year when I top them all plants ended up with a split trunk due to the ones we have here. I just need strong trunks that won’t split as we get strong costal winds here. Any advice or thoughts on this would be great here are some photos of what I’ve done so far…



@InTheShed, So I'm thinking i may have some type of mites (though i have only seen a clear tiny clear like bug being chased by down into the soil by a ladybug as evidence) After researching and examining the appearance of the yellow-beige spots and missing parts of leaves I'm guessing its mites of some kind?

I went to the Nursery today and bought Captain Jacks Neem oil, Ready to use which says how frequently it should be used. I watched a youtube vid and it said to only use cold pressed neemoil and mix it with castle soap and water then drench the soil and don't spray the plant? The video said not to buy Neem oil that says it has an extract of neem oil and is not 100% as it will not work. Is that correct? I had already bought Captain Jacks RTU and the label below says active Ingredient is " Clarified Extact of neem oil at .09% (so we have no idea what the other 99.01%) I'm a bit confused. Is Captain jacks ok to use? Or is this a shady product? Thanks for any advice!





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