LKV 420 Outdoor Grow Journal 2022

I meant why are you pH testing your soil! :)
Oh hehe. The mag def is still having it's way with me. I just gave them a shot of epsom and they are recovering but I want to get this soil fixed. I figure ph is a good place to start. 6.5 ph is what I got. That's in the fresh mix. I haven't locked myself down to doing the next thing yet. I changed the new mix a little and it may be ok. I think the cherries d may be in it and it's not showing any mag def. I'm not sure being in the SIP isn't having something to do with it's perfect fans, or if it's good soil? A stoners dilemma of sorts.
Been talking with Gee. He's talking lockout and maybe some oyster calcium may help. I have a hard time understanding that science but I'll get it! More reading and checking the ball of arrows for me.
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