LKV 420 Outdoor Grow Journal 2022

Congrats on the uppots and they won't look tiny for long!
As I now understand, best to water from the outside edge of the pot to the boundary of where the end of the leaves are and not too close to the root for new plantings, as that will help the roots reach out to the moist soil looking for moisture. Seems watering and handling them properly at this critical time of their growth is so important to get right, RIGHT?
A small rootball in a big pot needs water on the roots and just beyond. Any water in the soil around the outside edge (where the roots won't be for a while) will just sit there and create the possibility of wet feet, drooping leaves, and low oxygen in the soil.

Small plants in big pots should be watered as if they were in a pot about two inches bigger than the original. Once you see new growth, it means the roots are growing outward and you can start to water in a larger and larger circle.
Congrats on the uppots and they won't look tiny for long!

A small rootball in a big pot needs water on the roots and just beyond. Any water in the soil around the outside edge (where the roots won't be for a while) will just sit there and create the possibility of wet feet, drooping leaves, and low oxygen in the soil.

Small plants in big pots should be watered as if they were in a pot about two inches bigger than the original. Once you see new growth, it means the roots are growing outward and you can start to water in a larger and larger circle.
Thank you for explaining that!
Congrats on the uppots and they won't look tiny for long!

A small rootball in a big pot needs water on the roots and just beyond. Any water in the soil around the outside edge (where the roots won't be for a while) will just sit there and create the possibility of wet feet, drooping leaves, and low oxygen in the soil.

Small plants in big pots should be watered as if they were in a pot about two inches bigger than the original. Once you see new growth, it means the roots are growing outward and you can start to water in a larger and larger circle.
Perfect sense!
HELP!!!!! A friend came over and gave me a huge tray full of full of 17 individual Ed plant clones! I have no clue how to grow clones!! I’ve only grown seed before I’m not familiar with the strain and I can’t find much information on it out there it’s called sugar monster by dark heart nursery I’ve emailed the nursery but I’ve gotten no reply as of yet I don’t know how I’m going to grow so many beautiful little cloned plants so I may have to give some away for sure!! growing these clones different than growing seeds ? omg!!! It says flowering in 60 to 70 days!



HELP!!!!! A friend came over and gave me a huge tray full of full of 17 individual Ed plant clones!

you're gonna be very busy .. :)
Great news on the seed and the clones! Clones are just smaller plants that need the same nutrients the mother plant was getting, so you don't start them off at seedling dilutions.

Other than that, treat them as you would seed plants of that size.
They need to be transplanted asap and start getting fed the Flora nova Grow Notes then i guess?
They need to be transplanted asap and start getting fed the Flora nova Grow Notes then i guess?

pretty much.
@InTheShed What size pot shoudl i put these ladies in? I dont think clones with grow as big as photos right? an they go right into 10 gal pot at this point?
I wouldn't go 10 gallons. That would make watering difficult for a very long time. Do you have 2 or 3 gallon pots?

The clones are photos and will grow as big or bigger than your seed plants depending on the variety.
Yesterday was a busy day! Got the clones all transplanted! My seedlings are doing nicely an looky here at my last sprouted seen reaching up through the soul for a warm hug from the . Oh Happy Day! I’m giving some of these to a friend that needs to learn the art of growing her own!



@InTheShed Happy Monday! Update on my clones: Got a friend to take a few of them and reached out to others still waiting to hear (Most do not want to invest the time to learn to grow but want to partake in the harvest grrr)
Still hoping I will find a few new homes many of these little girls but till then I will care for them. I get too attached to them It breaks my heart to think of destroying any of them!
Here’s my morning visit… A few these clones are a little bit droopy… carefully monitoring their watering situation and I hope the flora nova grow nutes are ok. I’m interested in learning about other types of nutrients but I just don’t wanna screw it up you know what I’m saying? Any links or advice on other nutes? Since these are high THC plants I want to maximize that and make sure I care for them properly and give them every advantage I can think of but in my ability to grow them




A few these clones are a little bit droopy… carefully monitoring their watering situation and I hope the flora nova grow nutes are ok.
Some plants get droopy after upcan from disturbing the roots and water in the new soil, so give them a few days to recover.
Any links or advice on other nutes?
Lots of good nute sponsors here, including @Prescription Blend and @GeoFlora Nutrients! PB is liquid you mix like regular nutes and GF is topdress and/or blended into the soil on transplant, and then water only.
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