Congrats on the uppots and they won't look tiny for long!
Small plants in big pots should be watered as if they were in a pot about two inches bigger than the original. Once you see new growth, it means the roots are growing outward and you can start to water in a larger and larger circle.
A small rootball in a big pot needs water on the roots and just beyond. Any water in the soil around the outside edge (where the roots won't be for a while) will just sit there and create the possibility of wet feet, drooping leaves, and low oxygen in the soil.As I now understand, best to water from the outside edge of the pot to the boundary of where the end of the leaves are and not too close to the root for new plantings, as that will help the roots reach out to the moist soil looking for moisture. Seems watering and handling them properly at this critical time of their growth is so important to get right, RIGHT?
Small plants in big pots should be watered as if they were in a pot about two inches bigger than the original. Once you see new growth, it means the roots are growing outward and you can start to water in a larger and larger circle.