LKABudMan's Orange Grove - 4 Mimosa x Orange Punch In RDWC - Sponsored By VIVOSUN

Date: 9/2/22 - Day# 19 of Flower
Strain - Barney's Farm Mimosa x Orange Punch photo clones x 4
Grow space - VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent in basement
Light height and reading - VIVOSUN VSF6450 645w LED @ 100% 14 Inches away - 60-70k LUX
Extraction - 6" extraction fan
3x 6" oscillating fans + Tower oscillating fan + 12" floor fan
Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients M+G+B, B-52, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Purpinator, Voodoo Juice, Pirhana, Hydroguard, z7
Medium - 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)
Water - Carbon-filtered well water (100ppm/8.0pH)

So we finished chopping on these ladies last night. There were still a surprising amount of branches that weren't going to make it to the canopy. Even some of the 'main' branches were chopped if they were too short. We kept only the strongest and best buds. There's still a few buds that won't make the canopy, especially in the corners. I'm going to roll with what I have now, though. It's getting too hard to do anything in there without touching the buds.

I've just been adding water to the res lately, trying to keep it under 3 EC (1500ppm). These ladies are definitely drinking more, averaging over 3G/day, with an occasional 5G/day! As soon as they go below 3 EC (1500ppm), I'll add another batch of fresh nutes.

Coming into the end of week# 3 of flower and it's time to put these ladies on cruise control. I'm done chopping and messing with the canopy, it is what it is. Now I just need to make sure these ladies have enough nutes and the right VPD to take advantage of this awesome light!

Have a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend everyone!

Stellar as usual Amigo. :welldone:

Girls are Amazing :yahoo:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Date: 8/31/22 - Day# 17 of Flower
Strain - Barney's Farm Mimosa x Orange Punch photo clones x 4
Grow space - VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent in basement
Light height and reading - VIVOSUN VSF6450 645w LED @ 100% 14 Inches away - 60-70k LUX
Extraction - 6" extraction fan
3x 6" oscillating fans + Tower oscillating fan + 12" floor fan
Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients M+G+B, B-52, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Purpinator, Voodoo Juice, Pirhana, Hydroguard, z7
Medium - 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)
Water - Carbon-filtered well water (100ppm/8.0pH)

The basement dehumidifier is working well now and the tent VPD is on point. It's staying at 1.2-1.4 with no problem, with highs close to 80f and RH around 58% during the day. Between that and the new VSF6450, these ladies are really eating! They drank 5 gallons in one day again.

The PPMs spiked after their last feeding, so they're just getting water for now. I can see the pH starting to trend lower, which happens when they're flowering and consuming more Potassium & Magnesium (Cations). So I'm skipping the pH down in my well water, which adds carbonates to help buffer the res and keep the pH from falling. By doing this I usually don't need to add pH UP.

Other than that, I've just been watching these ladies flower. You can tell they're loving the new @VIVOSUN VSF6450. They're praying up to the light and getting quite a bit of frost on the leaves. The edges and corners are still what I would like them to be, but a lot better than they were a week ago. With the VPD in point and pushing the light and nutes, I'm getting excited to see what these ladies can do. I love the look of the flowers already, those pistils look huge!

There's still a few branches that won't make it to the canopy so we'll do a little more chopping soon. I don't want them to take energy that could go to the top buds. It's time to start growing and fattening some those buds!

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
Beautiful looking grow 😍
The VIVOSUN VSF6450 was packaged well. It came completely assembled (except the driver) and folded in the box.

The light by itself is surprisingly light and easy to handle. The driver was separate and can be easily mounted on top of the light or outside the tent. Since I don't really have issues with heat in my tent, and the exhaust is going through the roof right next to the driver, I mounted the driver on the light. Luckily, it was easy enough to mount after the light was installed which is good, since the driver is quite heavy.

The light has several mounting options, including steel cable hangers. For my tent right now there was only one; bar hangers that came with the light. I wasn't really sure how I was going to get this light in my tent with so little room. Being able to fold the light to get it in the tent really helped. Then I used the bar hangers to hang the light from two bars at the top of the tent. I was able to hang the light to within a couple of inches of the top of the tent. After it was hung I popped the driver on and plugged it in. Overall it was a much easier experience than I was anticipating.

Date: 8/28/22 - Day# 14 of Flower
Strain - Barney's Farm Mimosa x Orange Punch photo clones x 4
Grow space - VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent in basement
Light height and reading - VIVOSUN VSF6450 645w LED @ 100% 15 Inches away - 55-70k LUX
Extraction - 6" extraction fan
3x 6" oscillating fans + Tower oscillating fan + 12" floor fan
Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients M+G+B, Voodoo Juice, Pirhana, Hydroguard, z7, Purpinator, Bud Candy, Big Bud, B-52
Medium - 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)
Water - Carbon-filtered well water (100ppm/8.0pH)

I hope the dehumidifier issue has been solved:yahoo: This dehumidifier has a pump to empty when it's full and the pump kept failing. I didn't want to use up my existing counter space to put it on so I went 'shopping' in the basement. I found this old hutch that goes on top of a desk we no longer own, but it was too long. The sawzall made quick work of that. Now, the dehumidifier is naturally draining into the 'sink', which has a float valve to empty. And I have a little bonus shelf underneath. It sure was nice to wake up this morning and NOT have to go check on the dehumidifier ;)

With that issue solved, the tent temperatures and humidity are now staying right where I want them. Between lowering the humidity in the lung room and the new light, the temperatures are a few degrees higher into the mid-70s. VPD is staying between 1.2-1.4. The plants are very happy.

I hung the new light on Friday. On Saturday around 2pm I checked the res, and it was down 5 gallons and at 1240ppm😯 I mixed up 5g of full-strength nutes and added them. I'm still not sure if I messed up the date on a previous entry, or if somehow these ladies drank 5 gallons in one day??? Today they're back up to 1600ppm and drinking 2g/day, so we'll see.

I think I forgot how much of a hassle it is mixing up a 5 gallon bucket of AN nutes. I have to add 10 different things to the water. It really only takes about 15 minutes, though, and the plants do love the stuff. Full-strength, with the Big Bud and Purpinator added, it comes in at a whopping 1510ppm, or over 3.0 ec. As long as the plants keep looking good, I'm going to see if I can keep the res at 1500ppm for the next couple of weeks. Let's see how big I can get these buds ;)

I hope think the stretch is just about done, and none too early ;) With the VSF6450 installed at the top of the tent there's 55" from the top of the buckets to the light. The tallest buds are about 40", or about 15" from the light. According to the par chart this @VIVOSUN VSF6450 should rock these ladies at 14" in this 4x4 :)

With the stretch done, yesterday was the final clean up day for these ladies. While I messed with the dehumidifier and the new hydroponic vegetable garden, my trim crew (my wife and son) got to work. Their mission: no larf and improve airflow through the canopy, especially the middle. They took their mission seriously.

Mission accomplished! They really opened them up and allowed airflow and light to penetrate the canopy. There's still a few branches that may not make it to the top and will need to be chopped, but the majority of the clean up is done. And what beautiful ladies they are. #LoveWhatYouGrow

The rest of the grow will be mostly "hands-off". My job is to maintain the res and VPD. The rest is up to these ladies and the #VIVOSUN VSF6450. And they certainly look up to the task :)
"A family that grows together...." ...wait... uhm...

wow, you made it to part 2, in part 1! That's the true beauty of LKABudman LLC

"A Family That Grows Together"
I really like that little rack in the back holding the fans, I might have to steal this idea
I picked that up for about $15 at the local big-box hardware store. It's a great platform for mounting things, and it moves up and down with the plants :)
it's def superior to my solution, a piece of peg-board hanging from some rubber airline. Tried to steal from you, then couldn't find one in stock anywhere and ran out of patience. Yours also nicely adds strength to the structure overall. Nice one LK.
Yea, I have a piece of pegboard in my other tent, the Playpen (32x32x60). I don't do DWC in that tent, so not as important. And it doesn't have an air pump on it! That thing vibrates the whole shelf :(
Date: 9/6/22 - Day# 23 of Flower
Strain - Barney's Farm Mimosa x Orange Punch photo clones x 4
Grow space - VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent in basement
Light height and reading - VIVOSUN VSF6450 645w LED @ 100% 14 Inches away - 60-70k LUX
Extraction - 6" extraction fan
3x 6" oscillating fans + Tower oscillating fan + 12" floor fan
Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients M+G+B, B-52, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Purpinator, Voodoo Juice, Pirhana, Hydroguard, z7
Medium - 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)
Water - Carbon-filtered well water (100ppm/8.0pH)
Weekly Temperatures

The dehumidifier is working non-stop now that it's gravity draining. That means the basement is a little warmer and a little dryer each day. The exhaust fan doesn't need to work as hard to keep the humidity in the 50s, which means it holds more of the heat. You can see the VPD creeping up day-by-day. The VPD is now above 1.3 consistently. I'll try to keep it 1.4-1.6 through flower.

The res looks like its settled into a routine. Once a week it drops below 1400 and needs nutes. The rest of the week water only. I'm still periodically adding bennies (Hydroguard & z7) and Epsom (to balance the calcium in my well water), but it makes it easy to take care of. I'm watching the pH, and may need to add some pH up soon to get it back to 5.8-6.0. I'm also planning one more res change at the end of week# 5.

Coming into week# 3 of flower and these ladies are going strong. The frost is coating everything from the top to the bottom and the buds are getting bigger and fatter. The smell has gone up a notch as well. It's still very citrusy, but with some skunk and earthiness in the background.

It's a good thing they were cleaned up really well underneath because they're already starting to get bushy again. I haven't done anything to these ladies lately. Even if I wanted to, at this point they're too tall and too sticky :yummy:
The side doors of the tent are fine for looking under the skirt, but trying to get to the canopy from there is no longer possible. There's just no room.

The @VIVOSUN VSF6450 is doing a fantastic job. I have buds on the edge of the tent that look just as good as buds in the middle. And they all look fantastic ;)

These ladies are making it easy on me right now. I just need to make sure I don't do anything stupid, like bringing in bugs! Since the issue with my last grow, I've made the basement a 'clean room'. I change clothes (and shower, if needed) before going down there now. I really don't want to have to flood the basement with ladybugs again ;)

If you get a chance, check out my new journal where I'll be growing a Fruit Punch auto and showing off the new Vivosun Smart Grow System. Oh, and check out my signature if you're interested in some hydroponic lettuce action.

Have a great (short!?) week everyone!

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
Date: 9/6/22 - Day# 23 of Flower
Strain - Barney's Farm Mimosa x Orange Punch photo clones x 4
Grow space - VIVOSUN 48x48x80 tent in basement
Light height and reading - VIVOSUN VSF6450 645w LED @ 100% 14 Inches away - 60-70k LUX
Extraction - 6" extraction fan
3x 6" oscillating fans + Tower oscillating fan + 12" floor fan
Nutrients - Advanced Nutrients M+G+B, B-52, Big Bud, Bud Candy, Purpinator, Voodoo Juice, Pirhana, Hydroguard, z7
Medium - 8" Netpots with clay balls in RDWC system (5x13g buckets)
Water - Carbon-filtered well water (100ppm/8.0pH)
Weekly Temperatures

The dehumidifier is working non-stop now that it's gravity draining. That means the basement is a little warmer and a little dryer each day. The exhaust fan doesn't need to work as hard to keep the humidity in the 50s, which means it holds more of the heat. You can see the VPD creeping up day-by-day. The VPD is now above 1.3 consistently. I'll try to keep it 1.4-1.6 through flower.

The res looks like its settled into a routine. Once a week it drops below 1400 and needs nutes. The rest of the week water only. I'm still periodically adding bennies (Hydroguard & z7) and Epsom (to balance the calcium in my well water), but it makes it easy to take care of. I'm watching the pH, and may need to add some pH up soon to get it back to 5.8-6.0. I'm also planning one more res change at the end of week# 5.

Coming into week# 3 of flower and these ladies are going strong. The frost is coating everything from the top to the bottom and the buds are getting bigger and fatter. The smell has gone up a notch as well. It's still very citrusy, but with some skunk and earthiness in the background.

It's a good thing they were cleaned up really well underneath because they're already starting to get bushy again. I haven't done anything to these ladies lately. Even if I wanted to, at this point they're too tall and too sticky :yummy:
The side doors of the tent are fine for looking under the skirt, but trying to get to the canopy from there is no longer possible. There's just no room.

The @VIVOSUN VSF6450 is doing a fantastic job. I have buds on the edge of the tent that look just as good as buds in the middle. And they all look fantastic ;)

These ladies are making it easy on me right now. I just need to make sure I don't do anything stupid, like bringing in bugs! Since the issue with my last grow, I've made the basement a 'clean room'. I change clothes (and shower, if needed) before going down there now. I really don't want to have to flood the basement with ladybugs again ;)

If you get a chance, check out my new journal where I'll be growing a Fruit Punch auto and showing off the new Vivosun Smart Grow System. Oh, and check out my signature if you're interested in some hydroponic lettuce action.

Have a great (short!?) week everyone!

#VIVOSUN #LoveWhatYouGrow
Lady bugs to the rescue. :rofl:
When I was in PEI my tender brought in mites.
No ladybugs for them. :rolleyes:
Was an absolute disaster.
Between your two grows I may learn how to do math.
Such technical details on everything.
I have an antique and a half melted thermometer in the greenhouse.
Any more technical than that and I'm bound to screw it up.
Or break it.
Hope your well Amigo. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Lady bugs to the rescue. :rofl:
When I was in PEI my tender brought in mites.
No ladybugs for them. :rolleyes:
Was an absolute disaster.
Between your two grows I may learn how to do math.
Such technical details on everything.
I have an antique and a half melted thermometer in the greenhouse.
Any more technical than that and I'm bound to screw it up.
Or break it.
Hope your well Amigo. :ciao:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Hey @Bill284 , hope your feeling better. The ladybugs can stay outside for this grow :) Luckily, you must not need math that much. Your greenhouse is looking spectacular. Hope you're looking into a good bud trimmer for harvest! I got the Vivosun 19" bowl trimmer for Father's day and it worked great on my last harvest (dry-trimmed).

Take care.
Hey hey :)

Omg you must feel so proud! Your grow is just mint! And zero issues!

I can’t even imagine what it would be like to have a grow without issues… maybe one day lolling!
@Trala are you trying to jink me??? Last time I said that I got spider mites. I might have to go rip an arm off to just be sure :)
@Trala are you trying to jink me??? Last time I said that I got spider mites. I might have to go rip an arm off to just be sure :)
No! Absolutely not. But if you do need arms ripped off, I’m your girl!

I’ve been dismembering plants since foreverrrrrrr!
Hey @Bill284 , hope your feeling better. The ladybugs can stay outside for this grow :) Luckily, you must not need math that much. Your greenhouse is looking spectacular. Hope you're looking into a good bud trimmer for harvest! I got the Vivosun 19" bowl trimmer for Father's day and it worked great on my last harvest (dry-trimmed).

Take care.
I have a bowl trimmer but hate using it.
Just sheers off the buds.
But it's going to be handy I'm sure.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I have a bowl trimmer but hate using it.
Just sheers off the buds.
But it's going to be handy I'm sure.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I used mine when I harvested 2lb of Purple Haze. The trimmed buds looked pretty good and it only took 30 minutes instead of ... 30 hours??? There was a LOT of trim/shake/keif in the bowl at the end, but it all gets used for butter/oil.
I used mine when I harvested 2lb of Purple Haze. The trimmed buds looked pretty good and it only took 30 minutes instead of ... 30 hours??? There was a LOT of trim/shake/keif in the bowl at the end, but it all gets used for butter/oil.
When I had a monthly harvest it was helpful.
I'd put the trim in zip lock bags and straight into the freezer.
Oil/butter day, decarb and into the cooker.
Was fantastic for that.
I'm sure I'll need it.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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