LKABudMan And The Vivosun Auto Oasis - Sponsored By VIVOSUN

Great ride BudMan, and I'm not ashamed to say I'm glad it's finally over. Geezy peezy, I feel like I've been watching this plant grow for damn near 150 days! :Rasta:

Can ya' grow some photos and maybe cut down on the time it takes for you to finish one? :laugh:
Thanks GDB. I kept waiting for her to go south or finish up, and she just kept chugging along. I still like the idea of two autos in a perpetual auto tent, if I could do that with photos easily I would. We'll see how the next one does.
I hope you enjoy the booty!
Me too. She was really sticky, but I haven't tried any yet.
Good grow and harvest LKA! :) Can't wait to see what's next.:cheesygrinsmiley::bong:
Thanks GW. I just put the next seed in a plug yesterday, a Super Silver Haze auto. I'm hoping to see a new sprout this weekend then straight into the 5G SIP bucket with coco. I'll hand-water for the first 2-3 weeks then let the SIP take over. I'm enjoying playing around with coco and the SIPs are still the easiest way I've found to grow a single plant. Vivosun did send me a new piece of equipment I'm playing around with, more to come on that soon :cheesygrinsmiley:
And side note, that floor makes my heart sing!
Thanks Trala. Harder to see is the thin layer of fungus gnats covering that floor. They all got swept up... for now.
Damn I completely missed this. :( Belated congratulations on both your patience and the great harvest of Lizzy the never ending auto! That's a lot of hangers and I'm sure it's all settled in for the cure by now, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's up your sleeve.
Thanks Shed. She took forever and in the end was a lot of foxtails and nanners. As for how the cure is going...
Lizzy (Herbies Seeds Bruce Banner Auto) in coco SIP *** Final Harvest Update ***
Herbies Seeds Bruce Banner Auto - Final Harvest Update
Medium: 5G SIP Bucket with Coco & Dynomyco
Nutrients: Megacrop 1-part, Bud Explosion, Epsom​

*** Note *** I wrote this post a week ago and thought I posted it. :loopy: Well, here it is a week later...

Friday July 26, after 16 days in the drying closet, Lizzy was done drying. Her stems were reading < 15% on the wood moisture meter and the smaller buds could be easily broken off. The RH and temperature were controlled pretty well (for summer temps) the entire time. The last week I had a humidifier in there set to 60% to keep anything from over-drying.

I took all five hangers downstairs and bucked the buds off the stems into my Vivosun trim tray. Then they went into two 1Lb Grove bags, leaving plenty of headspace in both. I weighed both bags, subtracting the weight of the Grove bag (44g). I placed a Govee in one of the bags and, after a day or two, it settled right at 61% RH. That's the perfect range for a nice long cure in the Grove bag.

That weekend I had the kids over and we all sampled some Bruce Banner. It could still use come curing, but it already tasted really nice. The buzz was very euphoric and uplifting, a great party smoke. I'm thrilled to have another nice daytime smoke. My wife is loving it as well and it's even better as is cures.

I ended up with 496g (around 17.5oz) of Bruce Banner Auto. It's not very dense, with lots of foxtails and a few nanners. Those foxtails are covered in trics, though, and smoke fantastic. All the bud is very sticky, so I expect to be squishing some real soon.

With Lizzy done, things are slow in the Vivosun Auto Oasis right now. I started another auto seed after Lizzy was harvested but nothing eer came up. I dug it up and it didn't have a tail or anything. A few days ago I popped another seed so we'll see what happens. Hopefully I'll have an other auto here soon.

#VIVOSUN #SmartGrowSystem #LoveWhatYouGrow
What a great result after a rough start! :bravo:
Thanks Shed. I though about giving up her and starting over. I'm glad I decided to flush (and flush and flush) instead, because once she turned the corner she really put on a show! Right now she's the new girl and everyone's favorite. A guaranteed smile on your face, sometimes so much your face gets tired. I'm grinning like a fool typing this now:D
Wow, :oops: another over a pound auto that's sticky, and taste good.:love::cheesygrinsmiley::bong: Congratulations.🤠
Thanks GW. I'm happy with the result, unless you calculate grams/day ;)
My Weed Cart
One of the things I've loved about the Vivosun Auto Oasis and having a perpetual auto garden is the variety of weed. Along with a RDWC run with four different strains, I now have over 20 different strains to choose from. How do you use so many strains, though? We were constantly grinding something different, and there was always a mess on the kitchen table and more.

So I made a weed cart. From Amazon I got a small bamboo kitchen cart. The cart has three shelves, with a drawer in the top shelf. I got some 1.5oz glass jars with lids to hold ground weed. Then I picked up a few little bins from the dollar store. Finally, I got a pack of 50 1oz @GroveBags

So here is my weed cart. The bottom shelf has three bins filled with 1oz Grove bags. We can use these when we need to grind more to fill the jars. This way the larger Grove bags don't get opened as much either, allowing them a better cure.

The middle shelf has a couple of bins with all kinds of grinders and smoking accessories. There are vaporizers and pipes, dab pens and perfect pipes. There are also q-tips and toothpicks and filters and all manner of other things we use.

The top drawer is filled with the 1.5oz glass jars, each labeled and containing ground weed. The jars seal pretty well, at least as well as a canning jar. Some we fill all the way, and some we just grind a little and throw in there. There are also a few smaller jars in the back with rosin. On the left are some filters, screens, papers, and other things we use often.

Now, all the weed mess stays on the cart. We can easily fill a pipe/bong or roll a joint with any of the strains, or a combination of several. Empty jars get set on top and every few nights we'll grind and fill after dinner. And we can just roll it away whenever we want. Now the only problem is figuring out what to smoke next!
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