Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

The reason I've always done it like this is the new growth shoot is tiny so there is less of a scar to heal. It's not shown properly on the pictures but the new shoot bends right over before it pops off.

Glad to help MsBadger, that's what we're all here for :)
You see, this is an interesting subject. There really is a lingo to Cannabis Culture, but it is not standardized yet. I think it would make life so much easier if someone would define terms and place them properly into the array of growing methods discovered by trial and error.

It sure would be nice to open a book about growing pot and have it look like an actual textbook with fully defined terminology.

Hopefully, with each Summit the Cannabis Industry holds they will get more and more standardized. That would also in a way protect the consumer from manufacturers who make claims with nothing, no science to back up the claims. It would also give more credibility to the subject within the horticultural community. Right now, it is a laughing stock, I must say. The only growers I'm familiar with are the Stanley Bros. in Colorado who are really going all out, making investments in super scientific research on their content levels, molds, fungi, etc...We need some form of standardization in the industry. Not for the private growers like me, but certainly when you put a face on this issue.

FLUXY MOMMA (Power Flower, Flux style) Day 126

Ok Professor. I stripped everything inside the flux except on the arms that haven't reached the pot rim yet. I didn't touch those so that they might grow faster as the rest are trying to recover. I also fimmed all the over & under heads again.





Looking good BAR. You are almost there. I will be posting some pics soon of my 4 straggle's due to not training the clones and letting them grow to tall, but I training and fighting with them. Happy growing.
Hey guys,

Here's how my fluxer is looking at the moment:


The main ends have reached the edge of the pot but the secondaries aren't there yet (especially the ones furthest from the middle), is this a problem?

Also would now be the right sort of time to top the two mains and start training a dominant node vertical, or should I wait a bit more first?

Thanks for the help :)
Hey Fast, OK she looks great! good structure all the way. If you havent got any room constraints I'd let her go longer. I run my flux arms a good few inches past pot rim. just use your wire to hold her as needed.
As for the limbs at center being bigger than the others, this is normal. Once you do top the flux ends you can then use selective defol and raising of the lesser limbs to combat this.
You only do the raised dominant end bit once going vert! :)
Nice job indeed!!!
Looking good fast. LA here are my scraggly fluxs 32 days veg. The one on the right lower hand is growing like gang busters, but the other tree are lagging behind. The two with the stakes in soil are organic and the other two have FF nutes. By the way these are from clones that I let get to tall. Trial and error.
Hey Fast, OK she looks great! good structure all the way. If you havent got any room constraints I'd let her go longer. I run my flux arms a good few inches past pot rim. just use your wire to hold her as needed.
As for the limbs at center being bigger than the others, this is normal. Once you do top the flux ends you can then use selective defol and raising of the lesser limbs to combat this.
You only do the raised dominant end bit once going vert! :)
Nice job indeed!!!

Thanks LA, that's great to hear :)

No room constraints so I'll let the arms grow longer.

LA, this isn't flux related but it's quite radical, so I think it still fits here. I'm thinking of doing some major defol on my three kids to increase growth to the branches. My plan is to remove nearly all the fan leafs to get light to them, what d'ya think? Shall I do it?

Here's a few pics & as you can see one's extremely messy underneath

just a little update from my journal guys. im going to make a habbit of sharing my flux updates on both my journal and here!

update time guys!

so the world cup final is on so i aplogise for any mistakes on the only half paying attention to what im writing!

so i did some defol today on the hgk girls...the blz didnt need it lol






BLZ with defol from my dog!




so thats my set up so far.

everything i need to make the switch to CAP'N style will be here by wednesday so i shall be back in my grow room by then with my big boy TOPLED light on
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