Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal

OK. I hope you're still online when I get home. We can do this today because I watered her this morning.
LA, :high-five: please share any criticism you might feel will help, she is No Lights, aks NoLie,

a few windy days will fatten her scrawny frame.

I like this green "soft" coated wire.

She gets brought in after sunset, for more ghetto cfl light in the ghetto tent, to keep her in veg state, until she is huge!

hey guys, after some great advice from a great member, thought i would copy and paste my post from my flux journal on to here to share what im doing.

update time!

i dont have as much free time as i did during my first grow so forgive me for the lack of updates and pictures.

so far so good with the flux, i love watching new arms and shoots appear!

so hear are the girls in their current form, a light defol has just been done and i plan on doing another tomorrow.





HGK00 (the 00 nickname is due to the fact its growing so much faster than the rest)


hope im doing it right hehe

edit: got the two HGK girls mixed up...has been corrected
Love the pics mate :) Subbed.
G-low :thumb: you are very good! this is our LED guy (I mentioned yesterday), I think he's doing his first run, now.

You didn't need me to find the best, well done, this is THE yard!
In Australia we call it growlow or growler. I am stoked to come across the same process even if it does have a diff name :) good times !
:cheer: Growler is classic :welcome:
Skunny my friend so you should be! :) She's a stunner, great limb structure etc. Have you topped the flux arm ends ?? You want the ends split to be basically the same diameter as the lesser limbs so you don't get over dominant ends! :)

Hey Skunnymonster She is a beauty ! Please post another picture after you follow LA's instruction. I would like to see how you trim the ends. I need to read this whole damn thing again ! LA glad to see your working, but 12 hours, that is a very long day ! I have done a few of those myself and no fun. Hopefully it is a job you enjoy. As far as my husband off to work, yes I miss him, but think of his alternative, my honey do list, I believe at times he actually enjoys his time away ! :rofl:
Thanks for the complement LA, yes both ends have been topped, one end just keeps growing, hence sending it around the perimeter & keeping it low. I don't want to crush it to slow it down so this felt like a good alternative. I'm going vertical very soon as I'm running out of space & will have about 30 tops to play with :)

Great tip with keeping the diameters the same, it makes perfect sense :)

I'll post some pics of each end tomorrow when I update my journal :)
Hey Skunnymonster She is a beauty ! Please post another picture after you follow LA's instruction. I would like to see how you trim the ends. I need to read this whole damn thing again ! LA glad to see your working, but 12 hours, that is a very long day ! I have done a few of those myself and no fun. Hopefully it is a job you enjoy. As far as my husband off to work, yes I miss him, but think of his alternative, my honey do list, I believe at times he actually enjoys his time away ! :rofl:

I don't know which method LA uses for topping but I've always done what is called soft topping. It is basically bending back the new growth shoot so it snaps off. I did it on some of my arms without thinking ahead but took some pictures, here they are & I hope they help you understand the method. I've done the same method on my flux ends, it basically gives you 2 shoots instead of one :)

That really does help thanks so very much ! Look LA, you started a self help group ! :welldone:
Cool !
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