Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

Congrats on the new lights and the chop LA.
Ok so Quantum dots are tiny crystals grown in the lab, they have a set number of atoms. The number of atoms per QD crystal relates directly to the light frequency given off by said crystal. So they are grown to precise levels and therefore can give precise light frequencies.
QD LED's are so small you have millions upon millions of them in a thin plastic sheet that is then lit behind by bespoke budmaster LED's!
Here is a pic of a sample piece of QD film.

This is the next gen of lighting and will give perfectly tailored light matching the plants needs perfectly. This means in the near future you could tailor the light to specific plant species!
Budmaster are the first company to be using Heavy metal FREE Quantum dots!!! Most others are all very bad for the environment! :)

So watch this space for a true jump in tech soon! :)
They look great! I look forward to seeing them in action right here. How far from the canopy are they supposed to be please? I hope they are brilliant, I really do! I hope they are a game changer!

I bet they'd work amazing on their own or with any other lighting.
Yep these Quantum dots are unreal. One use for them is a special blend of them, that are used for surgery. You inject them into the blood and they have receptors that make em seek out cancer cells. They find it stick to it and then with a light source they illuminate the tumor/cancer totally letting surgeons take the total away!
There really is loads of research going on with these! So QD tech will be everywhere soon enough :)
Hey Mono :)

These cobs are the strongest white cobs presently on the market I believe. Not a GOD lamp lol but should do really well. Ive only fired the one up and christ... very bright indeed.
Ill run a few plants full cycle with em soon to see the results. Then after that they will become side lighting when I dump my big tent on its side for my 2 meter long flux! :)

Sounds like some awesome stuff. It's amazing the light technology becoming available.

Makes me feel like a dinosaur running the ole HPS.

Can't wait to see the good things to come bud ;)
Damn the good news keeps a comin :)

I just heard from the main distributor for REMO nutrients. Now although I can call remo a pal and have blazed with the guy a few times etc. He's such a big deal he gets pestered all the time! So even having had a yes from him personally to test and review his nutes, it can be impossible to tie it all down due to him never dealing with folks directly etc. Yet Ive got my nutes on the way in the next few days :)

Im soooo made up! Now I have the Think Big test grow with new BM lights and REMO nutes to play with!

Also the HSO genetics :)

Soz people Im actually all excited :) :)
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