Light Addicts Bigger Brighter Bad Ass Bonanza of Budmaster Raw GOD Power & More!

Interested to know how you get on with the newer white Budmaster leds. I have put my Budmaster panels away until the summer. I'm using D Pappillon 315w cmh/lec + 600w dual spec in winter. Budmaster led for when when it gets too hot in the summer. Cmh/lec is much better than led, so is hps. All the par stats don't mean a thing to me, simply hps grows more bud and grows it faster than led too, throw in a bit of blue or white light and the quality is very similar to led. Having used cmh I would buy a D papillon 315w over any led! Much better value for money! A 600w lamp may only have half as much par as some of the bigger budmaster panels, but it certainly doesn't grow twice as much, in fact yields less than a 600w hid lamp imo. I think the Budmaster 675 panels would out do a 400w hid lamp in a big area, but not out do a 600w hid lamp.

I think for veg Budmaster leds are better than hps! But not in flowering! A metal halide lamp would give led a good run for the money in veg to say the least.

Don't want to be accused of trolling because I'm not a troll. I own 9 leds, 4 of them Budmaster. Simply lec/cmh is the way I'm heading now. I'm no troll, I have a half lb plant on the Budmaster website. I will probably have more on there after the summer too.
The debate between lights is a never-ending story. I just go for what works best for me, my budget, my space, and my time. I've done cfl's, t5's, and hps and they all served their purpose. I would absolutely love to try other forms of lighting, heck, even mix'em up a bit. In the end though, it's is always the plants choice. Good morning LA and enjoy the new toys, I can't wait to see what you can do with them. :passitleft:
I agree with mixing them up. I'm currently using dual spec hps 2050k in 1 tent, bit plain being used to led though I'm considering adding a 400w 4500k philips metal halide.

The other tent... 4200k daylight ceramic metal halide + plant photonics leds which are 660nm, 630nm, 455nm + 3500k white led. Only 4 x 32w panels with a 140w panel. It looks great alongside the cmh.

Yeah, T5's are great lights, plants really like them a lot. I used to have one of those 2ft two tubes maxibright T5's. Great lights, sold mine to a buddy that was starting out.
Yeah, my T5 bulbs were broken when I got home one day so I stopped using them. Glass everywhere! I personally prefer cfl's and hps. I haven't tried led because I lack the knowledge but I've been taking the time to slowly research. I haven't tried MH because clf's just seem more reasonable to me price, power, and controlling the heat and stretch.
Hell I dont get involved in light vs light discussions anymore!

I run them and give my honest opinion, thats it, plain and simple!
I started with no equipment on here and through years of journaling and being on 420 every day, I found myself in the position of never paying for anything but soil :) :) :)
I am always honest and bag out my sponsors when they deserve it. I do all of this and much more. Yet I dont just jump in and hold my own court on someone else's thread. .....simply bad form.
Sorry, LA. I was simply continuing the conversation. Kind of the same ideology myself when it comes to lights. Main reason why I jumped in. Light bias is a bit farfetched to me. Most lights used correctly will work just fine. I hope we're good. First impressions is the lasting impression.
All good my friends :)

The cob lamps Im getting will be fun Im sure, yet the QD lamp even though just a little veg one to start is going to be something else. The precision of the frequency you will get from QD lights will be unparalleled.
The cobs will be side lighting anyway lol and then a new next gen GOD for up top!

Then we have the horti cob coming soon then the proper full cycle QD lamp! So loads to play with and then maybe a few other companies lights thrown in to test out. So a packed out year of fun coming! :)
Lighting alternatives always get discussed when led is involved. Mainly due to the high price tags and hype. Don't get me wrong here, I like Budmaster leds, especially their xg range.

I'm hardly holding my own court here! That's what forums are for, share info. I just made the point that after trying and owning Budmaster leds for a few years, I prefer cmh/lec, over led.

Who knows, maybe these new white cobs are the next best thing in leds! It's nice looking at the plants under white light.
Well :(

I only got my COB's in today, no QD yet!!!!

Who cares lol, I got new toys to play with! :) I asked for 2 smaller units instead of one huge panel. This was just for more versatility etc as BIG panels are a pain to store up and my little flat looks like a grow shop enough already.

Anyway pics

What to say about em??? Well the build is top notch and they look the part for sure! I'm liking the new casing and love its UK made and not China! Also I plugged one in and couldnt see anything but spots for nearly 10 mins! They be damn bright to say the least :)
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