Let's Attempt A 1lb Grow!

LOL on the shape of that rootball from the milk jug but nice work on the upcan. Looks like there's some lower growth starting on Eden that you probably will be plucking any minute!
Yeah and I know exactly what growth you're talking about sour g just loves to grow anyway it wants to you I guarantee you though if that shit was out in the wild my god there ain't no telling with the yield of that sour g would be! Because I'm telling you no matter how you upset the plant and make it stress out it always comes back tenfold very powerful strain here just don't piss it off with the light! I'm trying to figure out what this strain optimum light distance and intensity to where it don't cry out for stress... As of right now it does pretty damn good maxed out at 80% 16 to 18 in away from the plant with fans blowing at the top.
I'm thinking sour g will love a hell of a lot more light if you got CO2 capability other than that don't screw yourself! I believe if I had CO2 pumping into this tent I would have came across no issues but my tent is too small therefore I will be wasting any CO2 I put in there. So until I'm able to buy my house I can't get all that hooked up and get it ready not without taking chances. I need 80 grand from my house working on it but highly unlikely for a while.
Today Eden is 132 days old I guess that's how old the ones I have flowering is as well is. So Eden will be ancient by the time she's done and of course we got a clone off of her why not right let's see how long I can keep one going without having to pop anymore seeds. Honestly I was thinking about taking one of my smallest branches from my 60 day of flower plant! Yes today is 60th day of flower! Lmao seven more days chizzop!!

Good catch in the nanner and luckily there's nothing left to pollinate!

How's the leaf wilt angle?
I guess we'll find out tonight them was the only pictures I took last night and when I sent the manor I called hell trying to find something to pluck it with only thing I can find was needle nose pliers. So tonight I will show picture of leaf will angle but honestly last time I looked they wouldn't even showing signs of needing water yet. As far as leaves dropping goes. We'll see tonight update tonight is day 6 without zero water but they can usually go three to four days without showing signs of wanting any water. Time to go back to work holler at you later two more hours. Yeah I'd say she's had nanners in there before though because that one picture look like a big old seed already formed you seen that picture a while back. But anyways they look pretty damn good to me if there is any seeds it's maybe one or two not that many
I guess we'll find out tonight them was the only pictures I took last night and when I sent the manor I called hell trying to find something to pluck it with only thing I can find was needle nose pliers. So tonight I will show picture of leaf will angle but honestly last time I looked they wouldn't even showing signs of needing water yet. As far as leaves dropping goes. We'll see tonight update tonight is day 6 without zero water but they can usually go three to four days without showing signs of wanting any water. Time to go back to work holler at you later two more hours. Yeah I'd say she's had nanners in there before though because that one picture look like a big old seed already formed you seen that picture a while back. But anyways they look pretty damn good to me if there is any seeds it's maybe one or two not that many
And when you say luckily there's nothing left to pollinate what are you meaning? Are you meaning as in not enough time to seed out. As in all my stigmas is already turning and it's too late for him to get pollinated. LMAO freaking manners I guarantee you Eden will never see the light of 100%! We going to see how different she grows the only way she'll get light at 100% is if we were able to introduce CO2 but my grow is not big enough for any of that because higher ppfd means you need CO2
I'm thinking it's anything over I can't remember exactly what it is I was thinking 1100 ppfd but I can't remember honestly if anyone needs to answer that I'm sure they can find it somewhere but got to get back to work peace out
Like I said the only thing I did last night was just peep inside and took off that nanner that I happened to see when I took three pictures last night! Today is day 6 of drought they've had zero water not a damn drop! I want to see how much the soil has pulled away from the bag tonight for one for two I will go ahead and take pictures of those same two buds I'm hope I'm doing right when I set my leaf Wilt angle sometimes it's different. So I'm going to find the very first two pictures that I took without putting any leaf Wilt angle shit on it and we will have those four pictures side by side tonight it will see how much of a difference they look!
I'm just going to go ahead and throw this on up for now for the hell of it and I will still put the four up tonight but these are my two buds that I've been following this is day one of drought when I gave one and a half gallons of water! It's kind of hard to get a good reading on my drought because my buds are crookeder than a damn snake! I mean they heavy as hell they was straight about a week or so ago but now they're all leaning and I do mean leaning heavy. And it's also to get a good reading because it's hard to see a damn stem because it's nothing but Bud so I'm having to guess where the damn leaf meets the stem. The very first picture I can see the stem to where the leaf meets it that's pretty much the only straightest Bud that I can get


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