What feelings hurt? You didn't personally hurt my feelings at all. I have a lot more life's scar tissue than that. You are simply putting way to much emphasis upon light and light sources with regard to yield. Photosynthesis and the ability for any plant to reach it's genetic potential has much , much more to do with it than just light or wavelengths. I am going to sound like a broken record here, but here I go any how. Within any seed is life's genetic building blocks. There are very few.. if any...true hybrid weed varieties out there. That's why breeders talk about phenotypes that you might see in ant seed they offer, because it is not a true hybrid. If you drive by a corn field every plant looks exactly the same if they are all exposed to all of the variables that effect growth. Weed isn't there yet. And that's what we are speaking about.......Variables. Genetics are just the beginning. You make it sound as if light and light sources are the end all deciding factor in harvests. It simply is not. There are so many variables in any grow that it is a fool's errand to claim that anyone can predict with any amount of certainty what you are going to harvest on any crop. Much less so when you are not starting with a genetic hybrid. That's what stimulated folks to try to feed us with hybrid lines. Other variable are almost endless but the biggest has to do with the timing of your cultural practices, irrigation, the amounts and quality of the water applied, nutrients..again the amount and quality of those that are applied, temperatures and when those temperature occur. Wind and wind speeds and their relative effect upon transpiration and respiration rates and how these are effected by the temperature that I just mentioned. The effects both positive and negative of relative dry spells upon the plant and it's root growth and it's ultimate potency and resin production. I mean the list just goes on and on. Plus then you have to consider the synergistic , interrelationship of all of these factors one upon another. So I hope now you see that it is so much more than just lights or light sources. I have been asked by new growers of tomatoes or melons or any produce crop how much they can expect to yield. I always tell them that for the most part that is up to them and their stewardship of the crop and the involvement of God himself in that crops ultimate success or failure. I have watched as 15 acres or muskmelons that I had babied for months float away under 7 inches of rain in 3 hours. But guess what? If I cannot predict a harvest total when I am dealing with true hybrid genetics...then ......there is absolutely no way to accurately predict what a person can average using simply one light source or another when it comes to a non hybrid crop like weed. Lastly even if you or anyone has grown
a hundred crops with specific seeds source of a non hybrid weed variety all anyone can do is give a rough average. No one can say that absolutely that they will pull down x amount every crop. There are just too many variables especially when it comes to the timing of applications and it's relationship to the entire grow. I wish you well! Best of luck in all you grow!