LED grams per watt

Also keep in mind when the expensive led hype train gets going that one fancy pants $1000+ light might be better than a value priced Mars hydro, but it is not so much better as to justify the price. If it is 10% better at twice the price then that is not good (to me).
Or put it another way, whatever fancy light you get for $1000 or whatever - consider how much more yield you would get if you spent the same amount as the fancy light on several Mars hydro lights...

Just remember, yield is not the only factor to look at when comparing LED's. Look at Lumen depreciation, most cheap LED chips last around 37,000 hours before losing 20% or more of their output, where most premium chips will only lose about 5% output around 67,000 hours. So consider that as well.

Also consider electrical efficiency. Lets say you have 2 lights, both same draw wattage but one is using cheaper chips and one is using premium chips. You may get about 1 1/2 to 2x as much light out of a premium chip vs a cheaper chip at the same wattage. For instance a TOP BIN 660 epistar chip puts out about 200mW @ 350mA, where a ToP BIN Osram 660 puts out around 400mW @ 350mA, therefore you are getting double the light output a the same draw.

Same goes for drivers within the LED itself.

So even though a light may be 1/2 price, it also only may last half as long, causing you to have to purchase 2 over the lifetime of a better light.
This is awesome: real comparison of LEDs

Loving my cheap eshine lights. Man you silly platinum guys paid a lot just to have a little extra metal stamped out on the housing haha

lolll thats funny as hell... but when everyone was wondering why mars hydro is not expensive cheaper and others to expensive i knew it was cause they just double or triple the original price and got them from china... if ur using epistar or epiled aint no way your led can be that expensive.... osrams vero and cree really do cost more.... dont know if its worth it yet to move up to osram vero or cree but my only complaint with my cheap leds is resin production i think a better led would do a better job. thinking of building my own. cree cob and osram leds... 5w and 3w...

my gpw is about 2g per watts with a few cheap leds i got for 100$ cdn each on amazon lol... 3 pound harvest with 700 watts... when you understand the concept of leds and using less watts to achieve same results as 1k hps with 650 watts of led... i can confirm its true.... and not that hard to do... i will try scrog next to see if i can get 3g per watt...
I just signed up here, I dont have a journal yet... I will probably make one for my next grow.... i've been growing for 10 years...
Cool never heard of bud backbuilding but i'll look into it maybe i just dont understand the term. I been using leds since the day hightimes started advertising them lol... 90 ufo... i noticed for vegging they were awesome better growth rate then my 400hps.... no heat... but i heard people complaining about flower so i just kept using my 400hps and never used it for flower... then hightimes advertised california works i got 2 solarstorms and advertised blackdog and i got 2 blackdogs.... i like the california works more... plants seem to do better under them in veg and flower... uv bulb was great idea... at those times they were the best... but they get hot and pricey... that was in 2011-2012... now in days i just use 5 - 300w (140 true watts) leds off amazon in a 4x4 tent.... 16 clones 3-4 weeks veg 700 true watts 3oz + per plant around 50 oz harvest.... reason why i sold my expensive lights... i felt i was using to much wattage and not covering enough space... so i went looking for a solution to use less wattage keep it unexpensive lowest price possible i was willing to spend 2k on a led light but i tought i could accomplish better results spending 1k on multiple small lights my goal was to spend 1$ per watt all those led companies selling epistar and epiled for 3$ per watt didnt make sense... i believe the price is you are using osram or cree more but epistar???? thats where mars hydro gets props for not ripping people off but they spectrum sucks... anyways quick search on ebay and amazon to see what selling for cheap and seems to work... i liked the apollo and galaxyhydro stuff... but ended up going with the galaxyhydro. they working great and cost me around 600$ cdn for 5 panels... now im at the stage where I want to built my own led light.
I plan on using 3w osram and 5w cxb cob.. same setup just better quality leds...
Cool never heard of bud backbuilding but i'll look into it maybe i just dont understand the term. I been using leds since the day hightimes started advertising them lol... 90 ufo... i noticed for vegging they were awesome better growth rate then my 400hps.... no heat... but i heard people complaining about flower so i just kept using my 400hps and never used it for flower... then hightimes advertised california works i got 2 solarstorms and advertised blackdog and i got 2 blackdogs.... i like the california works more... plants seem to do better under them in veg and flower... uv bulb was great idea... at those times they were the best... but they get hot and pricey... that was in 2011-2012... now in days i just use 5 - 300w (140 true watts) leds off amazon in a 4x4 tent.... 16 clones 3-4 weeks veg 700 true watts 3oz + per plant around 50 oz harvest.... reason why i sold my expensive lights... i felt i was using to much wattage and not covering enough space... so i went looking for a solution to use less wattage keep it unexpensive lowest price possible i was willing to spend 2k on a led light but i tought i could accomplish better results spending 1k on multiple small lights my goal was to spend 1$ per watt all those led companies selling epistar and epiled for 3$ per watt didnt make sense... i believe the price is you are using osram or cree more but epistar???? thats where mars hydro gets props for not ripping people off but they spectrum sucks... anyways quick search on ebay and amazon to see what selling for cheap and seems to work... i liked the apollo and galaxyhydro stuff... but ended up going with the galaxyhydro. they working great and cost me around 600$ cdn for 5 panels... now im at the stage where I want to built my own led light.
I plan on using 3w osram and 5w cxb cob.. same setup just better quality leds...

50 oz from 16 clones in a 4x4 ft space?

Or 4x4 metre space?
So that's 50 oz so around 1400 grams from 700 watts and this is in a 4x4 foot tent, 50 oz and not even running a vertical sea of green sorry but I don't believe you for a second, if the tent is 4x4 metres then you Can yield 256 oz at 1 pound per square meter but 700 watts wouldn't do it.
So that's 50 oz so around 1400 grams from 700 watts and this is in a 4x4 foot tent, 50 oz and not even running a vertical sea of green sorry but I don't believe you for a second, if the tent is 4x4 metres then you Can yield 256 oz at 1 pound per square meter but 700 watts wouldn't do it.

I will clarify its 4x4 ft so 16 square ft total tent pulling 2.5 to 3.5 oz per plant... from 16 plants with 700 watt leds... 5 x 140 (true watts) led panels... vegged for 3-4 weeks and topped twice once in veg and once after one week flower...remove lower growth and defoliate if necessary... i dont know whats so hard to believe... all u need is high yielding strain... the light and nutrients dont matter much aslong as u have full coverage and they are eating well and healthy then everything is fine... with leds wattage dont matter much... spectrum veg time and ppfd decide yield.....without right spectrum u cant flower properly... need lots of red but need full spectrum also... if u veg 2 weeks u get 1oz to 2oz plants... if u veg 4 weeks... u get 2oz to 4oz... and if u keep intensity of light strong thru your whole space you get big buds... what u feed dont matter much maybe 1 or 2oz difference in total yield... hps just waste alot of light with leds you have to create intensity with less watt possible.... led not ment to be used like hps... with one light in middle and hope everybody gets enough light. with leds you have to use many low wattage leds and set it up so it overlaps... this way you can use less watt and maintain strong par to grow big buds... if you dont believe me you dont know how to use led lights... the goal is to use less watt in more space but maintain even coverage and balance plant count with veg time to get yield u want to get.... once u have those 2 dialed in... nutrients dont matter... c02 dont matter... only thing left to do is care for your plants top them and keep them short 3ft is ideal... with 4 to 6 tops... and u will yield like me... i grow since 2006... and got first led light california works in 2011... now i use cheap chinese lights with decent spectrum because big light sux for coverage.... now i am doing grow with 4 new model 220(true watts) lights in 8x8 tent it cover 3x3 good so well overlap 1x1 light from each light to even it out... and maximize space lighting... so 880watts for 8x8 ft tent... leds quality is getting very good... light cost 400$ each from china... so this one not really cheap... its 5watts multi chip cob and 3watts leds... full spectrum... i expect 4grams per watt with this setup but i think i could achieve 6grams per watt with these new lights.. if they work as expected... if i dont succeed i will add one more light in the middle... but i always try to use less light...and only add to see if it makes a difference then judge what is best scenario based on both yields... this is how i figured out how to yield alot with less... now i dont care about watt per square ft... lighting specs have changed since leds come out and 3watt and 5watt and cob now... lumen or watt per square ft.. i dont care for... i just want to know if the light as strong par for 1x1, 2x2 or 3x3, 4x4.... i never found a light that can do 4x4 other then expensive ones like BML but they are top company when it comes to less watt and more coverage but u can accomplish this style with less expensive lights.... most models from china can do 1x1 or 2x2 high ppfd coverage... now newer models can do 3x3 with just a lil more wattage then 2x2.... so when u buy a light that shows high ppfd for 1x1 and 2x2 and then low ppfd for 3x3 and 4x4 then in 16sqft space 4x4 u know u can buy one led put 24 inches away from the walls do same thing on other side so light on both side have 32 inches to covers together... and u maintain high ppfd everywhere by overlapping other light... leds it all about finding the right combination to cover your canopy using less watts... when they say 650watts replace 1000watts hps... it is true... but not if u buy one light with bad coverage to the side and only 2x2 getting good lights and the rest in shade... if u buy multiple lights and have good coverage then you understand it is very true i think 560 watts can yield as good as 1000watt hps but i play it safe and use 700watts to make sure high par ppfd everywhere with my style....just remember 3watt + leds and cobs are good... osram led is best but epistar works but if using epistar better use 5watt but = more heat and hot spots... so better keep them short and use 3watts... then veg time depending on plant count... i have no patience so 1 month veg is good enuff for good yield.... sorry for big book.... but i just think it funny he doubt me... when it so easy to achieve... if you understand leds... so maybe if i explain it make more sense to you...
I dunno maybe you can but i doubt it and if you are great job, but I just can't see leds pulling 50 oz from 700w I mean come on really, please doc buddy any led growers out there let me know if this is possible with led cause I haven't heard of led yield's like that, with a 600 w hps a grower can expect a pound that's 16 oz and that's do able easily for me miss usually end up pulling an average of 1.33 lb per 600 w hps, so this grower says he is getting 3lb and 2 oz from 700w that's 50oz,somebody prove this to me in picture form asap so I can change instantly to all led.

Like I said I'm not knocking you, show me and I will throw my hps fixtures and bulbs away, I'd love this to be true cause it would mean more bud for me and you hahaha
I dunno maybe you can but i doubt it and if you are great job, but I just can't see leds pulling 50 oz from 700w I mean come on really, please doc buddy any led growers out there let me know if this is possible with led cause I haven't heard of led yield's like that, with a 600 w hps a grower can expect a pound that's 16 oz and that's do able easily for me miss usually end up pulling an average of 1.33 lb per 600 w hps, so this grower says he is getting 3lb and 2 oz from 700w that's 50oz,somebody prove this to me in picture form asap so I can change instantly to all led.

Like I said I'm not knocking you, show me and I will throw my hps fixtures and bulbs away, I'd love this to be true cause it would mean more bud for me and you hahaha

lolll ofcourse.... now it make sense why you doubt me you grow with hps... 600w hps = 350w in leds... so double the watt and guess what double your harvest... 1.33 = 2.66... you could never achieve these results with hps would need 2 600w hps leds alot more efficient soon hps will be absolute.... dont need pictures for proof best proof is to try it yourself ok.... get 5 galaxyhydro or eshine 300w leds.... in 4x4 area... place 16 inches from side and back wall do same thing other side... and put last light in the middle : - : like this... u will get perfect coverage.... this will cost you around 500-600$ right now... get 16 clone from highest yielding very yummy weed... veg for 3-4 weeks or until 16 to 18 inches tall... top it around 2-3 weeks veg then top it again 1 week into flowering... dont just take the top growth off top it like u wanna clone the top... after 4 weeks veg flip to 12/12 and watch it all happen infront of you.... people think led technology is not ready but it almost is and only getting better... i will remember you and update you with my grow soon.... no camera only phone and i dont take pictures with icloud bullshit...
You can turn off the ICloud bullshit easily for security reasons.

I look forward to seeing your journal. Most of us try to hit 1 gram per watt and it is challenging to get everything right for it. Though I don't choose my strains based on high yield, I'm a connesuer ;-)
You can turn off the ICloud bullshit easily for security reasons.

I look forward to seeing your journal. Most of us try to hit 1 gram per watt and it is challenging to get everything right for it. Though I don't choose my strains based on high yield, I'm a connesuer ;-)

I know I just dont wanna turn it off then turn back on and it uploads... if you follow direction i give and adapt mathematics for your space you will hit over 1g per watt... if your not good in maths then too bad for you lolll... but scrog is very good technic for high yield... but make sure you fill up the middle more then the sides loll... i see some people do scrog and the side is full and middle empty.... what a waste of scrog... goal of scrog is to use less plants but utilize all the space with them so u get same yield as using more plants... keep canopy even and it works great.. i will scrog soon but first i finish analyzing results with just topping... so i can see if it will help with my setup or not so much.....

I grow sativa mostly c99 pineapple pheno and strawberry cough cream pheno and for indica i like grand daddy purple i like the trip of c99 when u over smoke it but u get a feel good creative mood happy life when u dont i like the strawberry for my anytime smoke feeel good no hang over.... and grand daddy purple to take away the stress and feel relax... i use to grow ak bubblegum and chronic before... but after tasting those 3 strains and enjoying the feeling... i stick to these 3 i never get bored of them... but i still try other weed to find my next gem.... but nothing yet... blue dream girl scout og kush etc... i dont care for.... i like chocolope grapefruit and afghan kush... i will grow those eventually... but i hunt for phenos when i pop new seeds so i pop alot to find the right pheno to keep as mother... and its long process and need lots of space thats why i just add one strain at a time.... slowly... let me know which strains u like how they taste and the effect always trying to learn from peoples experience...
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