I hope someday everyone realizes that 99% of the LED panels people buy are made in... that's right. PRC!
Then some classy local business jacks you up at %400 cost so you can take home some "new tech".
People buy 1200 "watt" LEDs but it's just a panel that consumes 600 real at the socket and they paid something outright crazy like... 1200$ for one panel.
I run LED 5000K, it's a full spectrum light. But I haven't thrown away my CMH, that is coming out this week as I go to 1212.
Nothing wrong with 150W of CMH to go with some "full spectrum" LED.
This debate will continue for another year at least I believe...
you are right. this year will show the true strength of leds... and everyone will catch up next year.... because with leds even a rookie can harvest 1.0gpw if he plan is room and grow is plants well... micro grows will be the new thing... im moving to multiple perpetual harvest micro grows...8 grow tents 3x3x6...1 week apart....