Leaf problem

no. all it has is calcium, magnesium, and nitrogen. if it is boron deficient it has to be fixed through your regular nutes. boron and calcium can interfere with each other.

honestly don't think it's the base issue but there's not enough info to go on. try the calmag and monitor close. in coco it should improve within 2 days, coco reacts fast. if no change or worse you'll have to fish for another solution.
Well ran two feedings in a row with calmag and leaves have come back to normal color. I use tap water that's at 150 ppm and herd that tap water has boron in it a little. Will have to do a little more research for my curiosity. Thanks
I am guessing magnesium if it's on the older leaves, and you don't see it right away on new growth, but you have not provided enough information for us to be able to say definitively.
Hey @BAKAND, he says the leaves have come back...
Well ran two feedings in a row with calmag and leaves have come back to normal color. I use tap water that's at 150 ppm and herd that tap water has boron in it a little. Will have to do a little more research for my curiosity. Thanks
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