Leaf discoloration


Well-Known Member
I see an issue with a few leaves on one of my outdoor plants. I was looking on the chart to see if I could determine the problem but to no avail. It’s planted slightly above ground level and it’s on a slight hill. We have been getting downpours daily but I’ve noticed a little issue prior to all this rain. What’s the problem and how do I correct it? Thanks in advance slim

What does the bottom of the leaf look like?
Any poop , eggs or pests visible?
I'd say you have a nutrient deficiency but could be pests aswell. :Namaste:
Have you fed her?
Where on the plant was that leaf? Top or bottom?
Any pics of the whole plant?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
We have been getting downpours daily but I’ve noticed a little issue prior to all this rain. What’s the problem and how do I correct it?
It looks like a case of "leaf spot" caused by any one, or more, of the many fungus out there. It is common on outdoor plants and not just on Cannabis plants. The usual causes are the right combination of daytime and nighttime temperatures, humidity, and amounts of water left on the leaves for awhile after a rain.

Many times the area infected turns brown and eventually black. The center of the spots becomes dead and necrotic tissue, will dry out and shrink and then start to crack and develop holes. Look around and see if other nearby plants have the same issue. It can be on leaves of trees, or shrubs, or small plants and even turf or wild grasses. It is normal for one plant to have it and a plant of the same type right next to it not have any signs.

I suggest that you do a search using the term:
necrotic spots on leaves
or use
fungal leaf spot symptoms
and take a look at the photos. You will see that many of the examples shown look like what you have. Read the info on how it spreads and at the suggestions for treatments. Left untreated it can weaken the plant. Weak plants tend to grow slower and have smaller harvests. Weak plants also attract insects and this can make the problems even worse.

If trying to treat the issue be sure to get a fungicide that is recommended for use on Cannabis so consider stopping by a grow or hydro shop and not just what google comes up with. If the plant is flowering or will be in the next few weeks (very likely for outdoor plants this time of year) then choose a fungicide that will not cause an issue with developing buds.
I must admit outdoors where I’m at will be too harsh for most cannabis plants. I’m going to have to find some badass mold and mildew resistant genetics that can handle 100+ degree heat and 100% humidity on the regular basis.
The one had the mildew issue is growing fine except for the fact it has a new problem. No surprise. I just gave it some bat guano ,5 3 4 all purpose, liquid worm shit and stuck a few trout heads under it


Is that mites?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Agree with Bill, spider mites. look at the back of a damaged leaf for black and white specs the size of ground black pepper flakes. Spider mites and eggs. Each of those yellow spots will have a pin hole if you hold it up to the sun.

If the back of the leaf is completely clean and the holes are a jagged slit, then it is mold.
Frog eye has a vary distinct dark ring around irregular shaped spots.

Back in the day we never used microscopes. We didn't know what to look for with them. You harvested by the pistols. When the pistols turn from white to a dark color you are pre harvest starting to cloudy. When the first pistols shrivel and brown you are starting to amber. When they all shrivel up you are heavy amber and you can wait no more than a week to harvest. It is more art than technique and sometimes pistols just die off from stress showing a false done. If it is all you got, it is all you got. That tells you when to pluck then quick dry and sample a bit. Rough on the lungs but accurate.
Is sevin dust ok to use on vegging plants? I know it usually works great on my vegetable plants just curious if it’s ok for cannabis not in flower
If I remember right it supposedly has a short active span once it is exposed to sunlight. The question is whether it is still considered safe for use on edible vegetables and fruits up to the day of harvest. Or does the gardener have to wait several days before harvest? And if used I figure a strong bud wash would be needed.

When I used it for my veggie garden I did not apply any in the last week or two before picking whatever I was growing no matter what the label said.
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