what about these "Blue Orca x Vietnam Black x the One/Panama" - "The one x Panama" and The one x 85 Humbolt RKS (road kill skunk)/Uruapan -- going to run these THERE ARE ONLY 3 BREEDERS THAT HAVE STRAIN LIKE THIS. CAN GET--- 'Mazar-i-Sharis (pure North Afghan) Lebanses (pure) . seeds are $23.00 FOR 5 OR $42.00 Tthe first 3 strain mentioned are $100.00 for 12 seeds
The One and Blue Orca are Coots genetics. Where are you seeing these seeds 4 sale?? Link me up?
The One is Coots thing he's been running for-ever since early 90s. His favorite. I use his soil mix recipe. So I'm good with his genetics just wasn't able to find any.
Edit - we talking Swami Seed... thats the guy Coots had to "pay off" with seeds/cuts for old debt me thinks.