That’s interesting. Kind of bothersome. I’ll dig around in the forums, generally a job I need gloves, gas mask and strong stomach to do for long. The reason I felt MT has no skunk in it is not brand loyalty- just that I never noticed any trace of it In the high or the smell. I feel like I’d be getting that indica paranoia and munchies if it was a skunk cross. Who knows- maybe it was a very good breeding job then passed off as pure Thai. Seems like more work than they would have wanted to put in.
It does finish in 12 weeks or so instead of 14+ and isn’t as stretchy as some other Thais. To be expected from any commercial Thai strain though because how else can they sell it... They can barely sell Thai as it is. Other than that, Mt just seems exactly like Thai bud.
Thai seems like a pretty clearly defined landrace strain. It always seemed to be pretty uniformly Thai, no matter which part of the country I was in. It did vary in strength and sometimes we’d get a pleasant surprise.
Thai Stick, another landrace/Thai ditchweed strain that Ace sold for a while, takes over 14 weeks to flower and is a little more stretchy. But otherwise the plant is basically identical.
Let me know if you find any concrete info.
Edit. All I’ve been able to dig up so far is all over the map. It sounds like there were various versions of it. Some people saying it was an 18 week flowering willow bush. Others saying something about it being crossed with skunk and taking 9 to 11 weeks.
I really don’t think mine has skunk in it. Almost anything is possible of course. I’ve got a lot of seeds of crosses of it, including with a male Thai Stick and many other sativas, as well as self pollinated with CS. I don’t remember if I crossed it with a male MT, I’d have to dig around.
PM me about that though if you like, TS.