Nah bro, at the rate the polar ice caps are melting, it's going to be a water world.
Well... no. If all the ice in the Arctic, Antarctic, and Greenland ice sheets melt, it'll only raise sea level about 216 feet. There'll still be LOTS of land left. Florida would be gone, but that's not exactly a glowing recommendation for halting the process, lol. My property would still be "a few" hundred feet above sea level. California would still exist, more or less (San Francisco's hills would become islands). The bulk of North America, South America, etc. would still be land (current coastal areas would be under water, of course, and the Amazon Basin and... that other one (lol) in the southern part of the continent would become Atlantic inlets). Africa wouldn't change greatly, although Alexandria and Cairo would be under the Mediterranean Sea. Much of the African continent would be uninhabitable due to the temperature increase, but that's a different thing. Speaking of temperature increases, the bulk of the current food-production areas on the planet probably won't be (and well before the polar icecaps melt in their entirety) any longer. Even with the massive death toll due to famine, disease, war, et cetera, population density will still be hellish.
But I wouldn't consider Terra an ocean planet even then. We've, what, just under 30% land now? We'll certainly have less in a few decades - but not
that much less. And certainly not anywhere near the conditions one might (even in their dreams) expect:
US to have webbed feet and webbed hands
After we stop eating GMO corn, we may taste a lot better tho.
I'm a certified meat-eater, lol, but even I draw the line at cannabilism. At least... you know... while I can still get cow, rabbit, squirrel, et cetera. Maybe I'll reconsider that if/when it's down to people and poultry.
Then there's the other ... ICE WORLD.
In 2015 they observed temperatures in Antarctica to be an astounding 63.5°F (17.5°C). Ice world... aint happening here.
If it can rain 20" in 4 hours, it can snow 20" x 7 (snow factor) = 140" of snow in 4 hrs.
again, lol. (Snowfall amounts greater than ½"
per minute - and for a sustained amount of time, at that - is, for all intents and purposes, patently impossible.
About 90 years or so ago, Japan got something like 7½ feet of snow in 24 hours - but that's "only" 3¾ inches per hour. Last year, a place in Alaska reported one of the most extreme snowfall amounts (per time period) on record. They got - at peak - about 1.7 inches of snow per ten-minute period. And that was at peak.
Now, if you have some way to change the planet's orbit (distance from Sol), that orbit's eccentricity, and the planet's inclination... Then I'd be willing to consider the possibility.
Or you could whip up a handy dandy device for retarding Sol's fusion, I suppose. But that'd only cool the planet. At which point, you've simply locked up a good chunk of the available water. We've had ice ages, sure. But not snowfalls like you suggested. They're pretty much mutually exclusive.
Extreme fantastic rates of snow... That's not how it works. 'Twas an ice age because the average temperatures were 12, maybe 18 degrees cooler than they are now. In extreme northern (and extreme southern) parts of the planet, the snow that
does fall sticks around longer. Rinse/lather/repeat and, eventually, you end up with snow that doesn't melt during the Summer. Continue and you end up with larger and larger portions of the planet covered with a blanket of snow. Keep it up and, eventually, you have ice sheets (aka glaciers). That's a gross oversimplification, but I suppose it'll do for this discussion.
It doesn't happen in a day. Or a season. Or a year (or even
THAT kind of climate change was gradual enough that some animals adapted to it. I'm talking evolution here - which obviously takes some time.
BtW, the planet still had Summer during its ice ages. Temperatures during those Summers would have been pleasant in many areas. Again, that just wasn't enough to melt the ice each year; you'll have that when you've got a two to two and a half mile ice sheet below your feet - which is why we still have ice sheets
now. You get some melt, but... It's when this kind of thing stops being considered an anomaly and becomes a trend that there's something to worry about.
There is something to worry about
Learnt that one from Bear, the guy that built the Wall of Sound.
Your friend might have been great at building walls(?) - but a climatologist, he wasn't.
Hey, you're right
. Err...
How about those Cubbies? I mean... landraces... landraces...
Hmm... Climate change... Disappearing ice sheets... landrace cannabis...
I know! Do you suppose there's evidence of ancient cannabis strains under the Antarctic ice sheet, lofl?
Realistically, it'll take quite some time for all of that ice to melt. Even on that first warm Spring day (week, even), it takes a while for those giant pile of ice/snow that the plows create in grocery store and mall parking lots by repeatedly shoving it all together in one spot to melt. And the Antarctic ice sheet is BIG. Not "gee, school pictures are tomorrow and that pimple is big," big, lol - well over seven million cubic
miles of ice. (Maybe this is what confuses those who breathe through their mouths about climate change? IDK...)
So we won't be finding out any time soon. And the weight of all that ice has actually depressed the ground underneath; it'll always be under water (if and when the ice all melts), so diving equipment would be required. And, as much as I like cannabis, I cannot really see this kind of research ever being a priority. But we can speculate
Speaking of landraces (and I clearly
should be, lol): Anyone have any sexually-stable Thai sativa?
That's something, at least. But... yeah, temporary off-topic train wreck in progress, huh?
We should have a 420magazine growers forum - LIVE.
Like a forum shoutbox? I actually requested that (before thinking) once. Thankfully, wiser heads than mine knew why this is a BAD idea on a forum dealing with a subject matter like cannabis.
I'm still interested in the question of best landrace strain qualities to choose from? Asking for a pollen chucker friend!
Amateur pollen-chuckers are cool. It's when they have professional aspirations that I begin to b!tch and moan.
Are you looking to fix traits, or is this expected to be more of a quick cross and hope for the best kind of thing?
And HI A/F - that Kookies shit is the sha-diggles. Ready to walk the dogs.
Smoke one for me while you're at it, please. I had a couple shots a while back when someone was kind enough to dump out what was left in their bowl for me. But it was a
while back, lol.