Thank you gentlemen!
Oh about outdoors or lights? I love to see full plants growing out naturally but unless you live in a perfect climate, have plants adapted to your climate or you get a lucky good season.
Plants indoors tend to have less leaf an tighter budding and can be taken further into ripeness with way less risk to mold. Bag appeal is usually better on indoor bud because of that.
Most people turn down outdoor bud because of that, not me!
But outdoor bud has more of a uniqueness because of the influence of the soil composition, weather, altitude, rain water UV fresh air etc. Especially in landrace strains from very distinct regions of the world. For instance, for now you will not be able to grow 1978 Buddha Stick and have it come out the same. Maybe someday with lighting advancements but I doubt it! Some great landrace strains simply do not like artificial light and will let you know but heading for the moon in height or throwing off herms.
Just my opinion.