Sunday, January 5, 2025

Landrace Durban Poison Outdoor Grow

Cool I'll try it. Will spray her down with some kelpak tomorrow. Want to let her soil dry out for a few days and see if that's the problem even though there is great drainage. Besides from some yellowing old leaves the new stuff and buds are green and happy so not sure I want to worry too much and not sure I want to go heavy on the nitrogen either ayway this stage. She is getting n with each feed though so hopefully that's enough. I'm sure next grow Will be easier, these wild ones are well.... Just that. Wild.
Hi @Lerugged I've recently read that it's not a good idea to let the soil dry too much if you're using living soil, because the beneficial organisms can die off. I saw on a video by Mr. Canucks, he keeps the soil slightly damp from the top with a sprinkle of water when letting the soil toward the bottom dry out a little to prevent root rot.
Hi @Lerugged I've recently read that it's not a good idea to let the soil dry too much if you're using living soil, because the beneficial organisms can die off. I saw on a video by Mr. Canucks, he keeps the soil slightly damp from the top with a sprinkle of water when letting the soil toward the bottom dry out a little to prevent root rot.
Hey Peter
Yeah I don't mean bone dry. We had massive rain in cape town (275 mm in some places) and the pot is just over 200lt so I think she will still be moist in a few days.
There is a hole in the side of the barrel which I have put some gauze in to keep the soil in the pot but I use that as well to look right into the middle of the soil when that is looking only damp then I'll water again.
Hey Peter
Yeah I don't mean bone dry. We had massive rain in cape town (275 mm in some places) and the pot is just over 200lt so I think she will still be moist in a few days.
There is a hole in the side of the barrel which I have put some gauze in to keep the soil in the pot but I use that as well to look right into the middle of the soil when that is looking only damp then I'll water again.
Ja, that was some HEAVY rain for a change. Hopefully more to come. Will you be growing indoors?
Ja, that was some HEAVY rain for a change. Hopefully more to come. Will you be growing indoors?
Hey. I'm not really into the whole indoor vibe, we have too much sunshine here and winter almost never gets below 10 c so Will be attempting a couple winter grows this winter. Not expecting much but might as well give it a go.
I have a converted nylon camping cupboard that I've cut the shelves out and hung 3 45w cfls in, slapped on a timer and I use that to keep my mother's going through winter and then will clone for spring. Will also clone for winter grow. Setup is like ridiculously basic and came in less than 1 k.
That's about all I do indoor. I have grown from seed 12/12 but the yield was a waste of time and I am not prepared to spend more money on a decent set up when I prefer sun grown doob anyways.
Not knocking indoor at all just not my game at the moment
Evening mr.Green I agree there are better seeds/strains out there, I've been collecting landraces as I go along and I've never heard of pondo until last week really....hahaha, it's not a sativa strain that was local to me here in kzn so it's nice to add to my collection, and as you mention from sometimes it's not worth it but some folk like to spend time cultivating an amazing sativa, I have a couple in my garden from Bagseed that I almost gave up on but now they running for pole position...haha I stopped over in you journal earlier looking good brother..... :ganjamon::snowboating:

Evening @Tabenf im also a saffa from kzn nice to meet you, you can use nitrosol for nitrogen.... Don't be shy start a journal and share your grow with us brother, there's plenty of folk who will gladly help if not just tag me @Smeegol and I reply with any help I can,,,,,:snowboating:
Thanks i bought nitrosol wil see what it does,any tips for higher soil ph levels?
I mixed a cap with 3litres of water and gave half a litre yesterday and half a litre this morning,after the heavy rains on Sunday my soil is much more acidic so now i got a new problem

Is your girl in a pot or in the ground.....? Are you able to measure ph with a soil probe perhaps and take a pic and show us..?

I'm sure mr.Rugged won't mind if you post a pic so we can see what's going on to better help you, or post on my journal " The Jerky Box " down below in this post..... :snowboating:
Is your girl in a pot or in the ground.....? Are you able to measure ph with a soil probe perhaps and take a pic and show us..?

I'm sure mr.Rugged won't mind if you post a pic so we can see what's going on to better help you, or post on my journal " The Jerky Box " down below in this post..... :snowboating:
Ive got a journal up with pictures, its in a pot ph is about 5,5
Hey again LeRugged and thanks for stopping by my grow and commenting man. I wish you had mentioned you were such a Durban lover but luckily I saw your signature and followed you on over here.
I love a great outdoor grow and I love that I can watch you guys in Africa and Australia grow outdoors when it’s too cold in the states!
I have dabbled in outdoor growing and I have successfully harvested a couple. I’ve also lost a few :(

My foray into outdoor growing has been mostly experimental but this spring I aim to get serious about an outdoor grow. Well, more serious than I’ve ever been before. I’ll be growing a couple plants to try and keep my focus on less plants but big plants and hopefully very healthy.
By the way, I’ve had Durban from a dispensary once upon a time. I wasn’t blown away by the taste by any means. I’m sad to say that because it just seems the genetics have been so poorly maintained it seems.
You SA guys, does your Durban’s ever go purple or is this a result of genetic infiltration?
Hey again LeRugged and thanks for stopping by my grow and commenting man. I wish you had mentioned you were such a Durban lover but luckily I saw your signature and followed you on over here.
I love a great outdoor grow and I love that I can watch you guys in Africa and Australia grow outdoors when it’s too cold in the states!
I have dabbled in outdoor growing and I have successfully harvested a couple. I’ve also lost a few :(

My foray into outdoor growing has been mostly experimental but this spring I aim to get serious about an outdoor grow. Well, more serious than I’ve ever been before. I’ll be growing a couple plants to try and keep my focus on less plants but big plants and hopefully very healthy.

May I join you mr.Archweedies love outdoors...... :snowboating:
By the way, I’ve had Durban from a dispensary once upon a time. I wasn’t blown away by the taste by any means. I’m sad to say that because it just seems the genetics have been so poorly maintained it seems.
You SA guys, does your Durban’s ever go purple or is this a result of genetic infiltration?

I've never grown Durban before but I reckon mr.Rugged would be able to tell you, whose your Durban from...?
May I join you mr.Archweedies love outdoors...... :snowboating:
I've never grown Durban before but I reckon mr.Rugged would be able to tell you, whose your Durban from...?
Hiya Smeegol! I haven’t quite started the journal for my outdoor goings on, but your welcome to join me in my current one and watch my flowers bloom :high-five:
Then we can get ready to grow some plants under the SoCal sun in Doc Buds kit :yahoo:

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