Landrace Durban Poison Outdoor Grow

Morning @Lerugged . Plants are looking awesome. Love the moster crop. Soooo many cola's. Plant in a barrel is looking really lekker as well.
Ja, this waiting game. I have been impatient in the past and not let them buds fill out properly so byt vas broer. ( hold on brother )
Hey Strain
Lol the first two years I harvested way to early. Then another grower said something I stick by ... When you want to harvest wait a week and then when you want to harvest wait another week.
That's stuck in my head for the last 20 years or so. Patience is not my strongest point lol. I.shall.wait
Just go with trichs!
Yeah I mean you have to learn along the way that not all strains mature in the same time, especially landrace sativas, which can be 30%/30/40% clear/cloudy/amber and they're good to pick, but it's as accurate as we can wish for if we don't know the strain very well :passitleft:
Ok so some interesting (for me anyway) pics of how this beautiful plant has basically been through full flower 4 times ( this being the fourth) there is a monster in the cupboard for spring. I've included some pics but if you can imagine all the big branches coming out the ground meet at one stalk. She has been a great experiment .


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And a couple pics of the MC and big lady


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And the April rain has begun. So close to harvest... 10- 12 mm expected today. Let's see how resistant the Durban really is.. never in 20 years or so have I had budrot with any African sativa. Still it rains every april and still I stress. We need this rain though.
Good morning and happy Friday to all. So the rain stopped and the wind blew last night and all is dry and on track. A little breezy today but clear skies above. Below some pics of the monster crop lady. I couldn't get any focused pics of the big lady as the wind makes it difficult to focus . MC lady is getting close. Hopefully harvest around the 12 but before the 19th as I'll be away. I try take them down when 80% are cloudy and 10 each clear and Amber. I had a cheeky little nug sample yesterday and already the high is great. Still needs a bit of time but for my tourettes meds just about there. For me it's not about gaining as much mass as possible but more about harvesting as close to milky as possible and then let the cure calm it down a bit.


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I assume that most equatorial sativas will have high mould resistance. When I grew Malawi Gold in my humid „jungle” she loved it and still delivered top-notch flower. It’s this trait that got me in growing sativas... but yeah sometimes even plants from humid climates won’t stand a week of nights with 95% RH, which I have here and they’ll mould :laugh:

This one that stands the rain and humidity well is a prized cultivar though!
I assume that most equatorial sativas will have high mould resistance. When I grew Malawi Gold in my humid „jungle” she loved it and still delivered top-notch flower. It’s this trait that got me in growing sativas... but yeah sometimes even plants from humid climates won’t stand a week of nights with 95% RH, which I have here and they’ll mould :laugh:

This one that stands the rain and humidity well is a prized cultivar though!
Yeah that's pretty much what I would assume. 95% is pretty high but I can imagine most of the african sativa I've grown out would be ok. Ahhh Malawi is a personal favourite.
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