Landrace Durban Poison Outdoor Grow

The girls are certainly fattening up nicely mr.Rugged and the wind only makes them stronger, she must be smelling citrusy at least that's what my brain is telling me...haha
She is smelling citrus hard. Next season I'll keep them all low profile like the mc girl. Just more protected.
Just 3 pics I snapped this morning. First two monster crop and the last one is the big lady. Cool to see How she is going about filling in her buds.


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That monster crop is really becoming something!

Yesterday I saw a friend of mine posting a selfie with this mountain in the background and I instantly thought "daaang, this is where @Lerugged lives!" Haha
And it wasn't too fas from here, looking at this last pic it would be to the right, where some kind of big yellow metal frame with "table mountain" written on it stands :)
That monster crop is really becoming something!

Yesterday I saw a friend of mine posting a selfie with this mountain in the background and I instantly thought "daaang, this is where @Lerugged lives!" Haha
And it wasn't too fas from here, looking at this last pic it would be to the right, where some kind of big yellow metal frame with "table mountain" written on it stands :)
Hah yep I know the spot. Your friend is lucky with the weather. Absolute pearler of a day today.
Yeah I can't wait for her to be done. Have a rocking weekend man
That monster crop is really becoming something!

Yesterday I saw a friend of mine posting a selfie with this mountain in the background and I instantly thought "daaang, this is where @Lerugged lives!" Haha
And it wasn't too fas from here, looking at this last pic it would be to the right, where some kind of big yellow metal frame with "table mountain" written on it stands :)
Hey Katins
So first two pics are a plant in soil that had a lot of N And mg
Third is high p
Forth is high k
Fifth is pants down not enough nutrients in soil. You a're looking good I recon


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Good day to all. Hope all is rocking in the green world.
So a few pics. Cloudy today which should hopefully clear this afternoon. First two the big lady. Starting to develop some very interesting scents. Limonene and pinene which I was hoping for in order to make some topicals for my mother's arthritis and some essential oils for memory retention for my father's dementia.
Monster Crop is just getting chubbier by the day. I would say 2 to 3 weeks out.


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Afternoon mr.Rugged the girls are looking mighty fine brother, and some primo colas there which looks like it's going to be killer meds already.....
I've also got a cpl girls that are heavy on the limonene and pinene hits the nostrils and opens the taste glands at the back of the throat....

Aren't you tired of looking at them wondering how much longer, it's like pulling teeth this waiting game I'd rather be baby sitting a bunch of vegging plants more action with them...haha
Awesome lookong sativas :)
Afternoon mr.Rugged the girls are looking mighty fine brother, and some primo colas there which looks like it's going to be killer meds already.....
I've also got a cpl girls that are heavy on the limonene and pinene hits the nostrils and opens the taste glands at the back of the throat....

Aren't you tired of looking at them wondering how much longer, it's like pulling teeth this waiting game I'd rather be baby sitting a bunch of vegging plants more action with them...haha
Thanks so much bro. I know that opening up taste glands feeling. Hah
Yeah I'm getting antsy. Think another 2 weeks at least.
Tick tock..
Morning @Lerugged . Plants are looking awesome. Love the moster crop. Soooo many cola's. Plant in a barrel is looking really lekker as well.
Ja, this waiting game. I have been impatient in the past and not let them buds fill out properly so byt vas broer. ( hold on brother )
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