LadyGaea's Cannaversary Grow - Tangielope & Super Lemon Haze With High Brix

Good Green, but Rainy ass morning to ya Lady... Hope the rain doesnt bring to much pain, though all my joints are outright killing me.... :( Not too much griping here tho, I am off from both jobs, its raining so no need to go outside for the Garden at all.... And Some good ol' fashioned Strawberry Haze for Breakfast, with my smoothie of course... LOL... HAGD....
Ooooooo! Strawberry haze sounds yummy! Joints aren't too bad today! Allergies are! Enjoy the day off! Good day for a nap!:peace:
X2--Been using the Kit for years, have never once mixed it during the 30-day cook.

I've also been known to have a batch of soil sitting, ready-to-use, as when I mix I'll do two batches at a time, and grow in one. That way, at the end of the grow, I have a 3-month cooked soil that ss super active, happy, and ready to rock.

Of course, I'll top it off with water once or twice a month while it sits. So at the end of the grow, I can amend Batch 1, let it cook for 30 days, and start immediately with Batch 2 since it's been sitting, cooking, waiting.

Everyone has their own style, but honestly, it's hard to go wrong :)
Good to know! That will save me from making a mess! If I had the space I'd mix more up at once, but I will start mixing a new batch as soon as I pit up now that I know it will keep! Thanks much Stoney!:thumb:
Oh my, looks tasty

I did Pico, grilled OYSTERS, Cole slaw and smoked brisket

The GF was gone for two weeks so made a nice lunch for her to welcome her back, You say why Pico, cuzz she loves it
Yum! I could and have eaten it for breakfast! Mmmmm! Never thought to grill oysters! Now I have to!! Yum!!:drool:
Hey!!...Amy, hold on woman,...:passitleft:Remixing the soil well into a cook is NOT necessary. I never do it. I may mix in a few pruned off leaves , but i have never mixed during the 30 days cook time. When moistening it during mixing /filing the totes i found that it takes 5 gal's. to sufficiently moisten it for a maintenance free cook.(3.8 cu. ft. bale of Promix HP + doc's amendment and EWC's.) Hope your day is groovin ...cheers.
Thanks for chiming in. Not sure where I got the idea we had to mix it. Apparently I just like to make things harder for myself! :rofl:
Much appreciated m’Lady! Yep, making it disabled body friendly is a priority that’s for sure. I have to consider so many things - I miss the days I could just fire into a plan for something without having to take all this into account! But truth is, wheels... everything must have wheels!
I think I have the casters and timber I need to get my garden helper to knock up a little dolly or 2 for me :)

So you’re right my tall wheelie bin idea would make it hard to mix the soil during the cook. I didn’t realise we had to do that. There’s nothing in the instructions about it... :hmmmm:
I might have to rethink that plan if we do indeed need to turn it during the cook.

I’m right there with you in solidarity with the ‘functional face’, and the pain levels and the weird meds and their side effects. Different conditions were negotiating with but many similar challenges/obstacles. I have thankfully now ditched most of the side-effect inducing meds. I’m taking the deep hibernation route for a few months and see how that goes (thankfully I have the support of the partner to try this!). Hang in there! You’ll get to a balanced place with it all eventually I’m sure. And in the meantime, there’s growing :slide:

Happy cooking day with the sis! Yay! Hope you both get baked as well :ganjamon:


::So you’re right my tall wheelie bin idea would make it hard to mix the soil during the cook. I didn’t realise we had to do that. There’s nothing in the instructions about it... :hmmmm: ::

The reason there's nothing about it in the instructions is quite simple: There's no need to do it! I don't do it. No one I know does it. Just leave it alone.
I dig the guac recipe. I think I miss where the canna oil goes in so I have to go re read, and not the first time today I had to re read something.
I have some canna coconut oil that was my now past cat's. So it got me thinking about making some again but for my missus. I just need something smallish for a single person.
Thanks for getting me thinking.
I dig the guac recipe. I think I miss where the canna oil goes in so I have to go re read, and not the first time today I had to re read something.
I have some canna coconut oil that was my now past cat's. So it got me thinking about making some again but for my missus. I just need something smallish for a single person.
Thanks for getting me thinking.
I use oil as a mix-in at the end to my own serving. My hubby does not partake so I find dosing individual servings is easier. I do that with most of my food. It's also easier to control how much of a dose I get. I don't like to get uncomfortably high.;)
I dig the guac recipe. I think I miss where the canna oil goes in so I have to go re read, and not the first time today I had to re read something.
I have some canna coconut oil that was my now past cat's. So it got me thinking about making some again but for my missus. I just need something smallish for a single person.
Thanks for getting me thinking.
Oh! And yup...You missed nothing. I didn't say when to add the canna oil. Sorry about that Keltic!
::So you’re right my tall wheelie bin idea would make it hard to mix the soil during the cook. I didn’t realise we had to do that. There’s nothing in the instructions about it... :hmmmm: ::

The reason there's nothing about it in the instructions is quite simple: There's no need to do it! I don't do it. No one I know does it. Just leave it alone.

Excellent! Thats what I’d always thought - but LG got me worried that i’d missed something, so i checked the directions and still didn’t see anything about it so thought is was worth bringing it up for clarification :thumb:

Hey!!...Amy, hold on woman,...:passitleft:Remixing the soil well into a cook is NOT necessary. I never do it. I may mix in a few pruned off leaves , but i have never mixed during the 30 days cook time. When moistening it during mixing /filing the totes i found that it takes 5 gal's. to sufficiently moisten it for a maintenance free cook.(3.8 cu. ft. bale of Promix HP + doc's amendment and EWC's.) Hope your day is groovin ...cheers.

Yah awesome Duggs. I copied that little nugget of info (about the amount of H20) after you posted it somewhere else a few weeks ago. Planning to use it as my guide when I mix, so thanks eh. :)

@LadyGaea - Good morning my sister, is the kit you''re using 100% organic?
She's running my products, Lady. And yes, everything is 100% natural----organic if you will----but not in the political sense. Only in reality.

There's nothing in it that isn't rocks, microbes, seaweed or fish juice.
Okay great, I had to ask, for the future...:cool:
:cheer: A few of us (ween maybe?) have been pointing you towards the DBHBB kit for a while Lady G. :) If you think the transition from one growing system to another slightly different system would work out ok for you - I really think it’s potentially the best quality medicine that anyone could grow. I say potentially because of all the other factors that can affect a grow. But really G, since you have everything else dialed in so well - I reckon you’d rock it with the kit ...
can't lose and the cannabis is out-freaking-standing!!
Yeah what she said! It’s just as well I have my light and grow box to finish or the imaptience while it cooks would be crazy!
never been challenged like some of you ladies have. Don't want to. I don't know how I would handle it. Probably just like you are.
It’s true, you would. People often comment, particularly in media coverage, about the incredible bravery and perseverance of folks with debilitating and chronic conditions but there really is little choice. Cope with it or not . And even at the times you’re not coping at all well, you wake up every day and there it is, to be coped with. At the moment for me, either it crushes me, or I grow cannabis and meditiate as many hours a day as possible. I’m doing everthing I can to take the latter option. And it doesnt feel like choice so much as a necessity. SO yes, dear Bode-acious, you would handle it - probably very well because you have cannabis in your life... but I hope you never do!

::So you’re right my tall wheelie bin idea would make it hard to mix the soil during the cook. I didn’t realise we had to do that. There’s nothing in the instructions about it... :hmmmm: ::

The reason there's nothing about it in the instructions is quite simple: There's no need to do it! I don't do it. No one I know does it. Just leave it alone.
Thanks Doc!! Ha ha! Deep down I must have just wanted to be elbow deep in microbes, magic, & worm poop!:rofl::rofl::rofl:
I use oil as a mix-in at the end to my own serving. My hubby does not partake so I find dosing individual servings is easier. I do that with most of my food. It's also easier to control how much of a dose I get. I don't like to get uncomfortably high.;)

Ha, it's opposite here, I don't smoke (was a long time smoker and still occasionally take 1/2 hit, all I need) but my gf does like a banshee and she always has oil on hand too. One time she made pasta and dosed hers but not mine but forgot about it, I had finished mine then ate a bunch of hers. An hour or so later it hit me like a ton of bricks, I could barely sleep I was so wasted, ha! I LOVE it when she opens her jar, smelling it is how I get high!

:passitleft: oh and virtually too!
Ha, it's opposite here, I don't smoke (was a long time smoker and still occasionally take 1/2 hit, all I need) but my gf does like a banshee and she always has oil on hand too. One time she made pasta and dosed hers but not mine but forgot about it, I had finished mine then ate a bunch of hers. An hour or so later it hit me like a ton of bricks, I could barely sleep I was so wasted, ha! I LOVE it when she opens her jar, smelling it is how I get high!

:passitleft: oh and virtually too!
Yikes...I couldn't even imagine hubby getting high. lol! I love opening up the jar. You can really get the individual strain's perfume when it's sealed in a jar! Why thank you kind sir!Back to ya! :passitleft:
It’s true, you would. People often comment, particularly in media coverage, about the incredible bravery and perseverance of folks with debilitating and chronic conditions but there really is little choice. Cope with it or not . And even at the times you’re not coping at all well, you wake up every day and there it is, to be coped with. At the moment for me, either it crushes me, or I grow cannabis and meditiate as many hours a day as possible. I’m doing everthing I can to take the latter option. And it doesnt feel like choice so much as a necessity. SO yes, dear Bode-acious, you would handle it - probably very well because you have cannabis in your life... but I hope you never do!

@Bode I totally agree with Amy. She put it perfectly. The human spirit can be an amazing thing! You find work arounds and supportive friends and family to help you through the rough patches! ;)
Thanks for chiming in. Not sure where I got the idea we had to mix it. Apparently I just like to make things harder for myself! :rofl:
Lady, lets not be doin that ....use all that extra time for other 'fun' stuff, staring at our gorgeous plants....:slide:
She's running my products, Lady. And yes, everything is 100% natural----organic if you will----but not in the political sense. Only in reality.

There's nothing in it that isn't rocks, microbes, seaweed or fish juice.
You forgot the 'love' Doc...there's a lot of that in there too..:ganjamon:..enjoy the night ..:passitleft:
Ha, it's opposite here, I don't smoke (was a long time smoker and still occasionally take 1/2 hit, all I need) but my gf does like a banshee and she always has oil on hand too. One time she made pasta and dosed hers but not mine but forgot about it, I had finished mine then ate a bunch of hers. An hour or so later it hit me like a ton of bricks, I could barely sleep I was so wasted, ha! I LOVE it when she opens her jar, smelling it is how I get high!

:passitleft: oh and virtually too!
Oh ya eh Ween,..lovin the potent , organic smells says it all stinks..lmfao. I'de like some perfume made outta some nice
Yikes...I couldn't even imagine hubby getting high. lol! I love opening up the jar. You can really get the individual strain's perfume when it's sealed in a jar! Why thank you kind sir!Back to ya! :passitleft:
...May i...:passitleft:...nice...:yummy:
@Bode I totally agree with Amy. She put it perfectly. The human spirit can be an amazing thing! You find work arounds and supportive friends and family to help you through the rough patches! ;)
Cannabis has helped me ,..when none of those other things could...:hug:
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