Hiya Amy!
For the bin I mixed my soil in, it is not identified as food safe. Its just a cheap HDX Storage tote with a lid. This is it...and this is Isabella...aka Lil Bit
She is the Grow Supervisor.
I found these which are great to store soil in. It would be difficult to turn the soil over on a regular basis though. Here is a link. You can find stuff like this at a restaurant supply company.
32 Gallon Storage Ingredient Bin
I use a cultivator like this one to turn my soil. It would be a bit awkward with the bin above, but doable.
Garden Weasel
Here is the 10 Gal trash can I got to grow my plants in. I drilled a bunch of holes in the bottom. They have larger versions that you can get a set of wheels for and you can use for soil storage also...these are food safe as well. I like that. Again, a bit awkward for soil turning, but I like that it is neat and larger version you can buy wheels for them that snap in. The small one you can get a plant dolly for.
10 Gal Rubbermaid Brute
These are 20 Gal Totes. You would need 3 to mix a full batch of Doc's soil. You may be able to source at a restaurant supply store there as well. You can put these on a movers dolly.
20 Gal Food Safe Tote
And one more recommendation...a nice flour scoop for potting up.
Flour Scoop
Hopefully this till give you some ideas that will make your grow more "body" friendly!