Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

Can’t wait to see that!
I for one, would love to see a time lapse and detailed log of training methods. What got cut and why along with the time lapse of the recovery, growth, and progression.
Your posts have become the highlight of my day … lol
Well, now you done caused me some work! Dagburn ya!

Just thinking I should semi-permanently attach those cameras out of my way and off the tripods so I don't trip over them. And I WILL trip over them. LOL
So, I have an idea. Getting my toes warmed up here (Propane delivery just happened, so I can turn the heat up a little now), then I'll get things arranged.
Don't you feel bad causing this poor old girl all this work?? :rofl:
Well, now you done caused me some work! Dagburn ya!

Just thinking I should semi-permanently attach those cameras out of my way and off the tripods so I don't trip over them. And I WILL trip over them. LOL
So, I have an idea. Getting my toes warmed up here (Propane delivery just happened, so I can turn the heat up a little now), then I'll get things arranged.
Don't you feel bad causing this poor old girl all this work?? :rofl:
I do feel bad for making work for ya but, I’m sure I’ll get over it once the first pics are posted.. haha!..
just keep doin you, and I’ll just enjoy the process .. lol
So do you treat it like soil or coco ?
I treat it like a soil mix. It is supposed to be a mix that requires less watering.
Here's some info:

FoxFarm Bush Doctor Coco Loco Potting Mix Triple-Washed To Reduce Salt Content Plants Require Less Frequent Watering Contains Custom Blend of Soil Microbes With Earthworm Castings and Bat Guano Includes Perlite for Aeration and Drainage As you trek through a tropical jungle, your steps remain light and buoyant, never soggy. The rainforest floor is remarkably deep with layers of exotic coconut palm humus. It is cool and damp for several inches. Hold the richness in your hands, feel the soft silky texture. It’s the perfect medium for cultivating plants. Plants growing in Coco Loco will not require water as often as your usual potting mix. Whether you’re growing in hanging baskets, vertical gardens, containers, or seedling trays, extend your watering schedule. In most climates, every two to three days will be enough. Always adjust your watering schedule as needed.
I treat it like a soil mix. It is supposed to be a mix that requires less watering.
Here's some info:

FoxFarm Bush Doctor Coco Loco Potting Mix Triple-Washed To Reduce Salt Content Plants Require Less Frequent Watering Contains Custom Blend of Soil Microbes With Earthworm Castings and Bat Guano Includes Perlite for Aeration and Drainage As you trek through a tropical jungle, your steps remain light and buoyant, never soggy. The rainforest floor is remarkably deep with layers of exotic coconut palm humus. It is cool and damp for several inches. Hold the richness in your hands, feel the soft silky texture. It’s the perfect medium for cultivating plants. Plants growing in Coco Loco will not require water as often as your usual potting mix. Whether you’re growing in hanging baskets, vertical gardens, containers, or seedling trays, extend your watering schedule. In most climates, every two to three days will be enough. Always adjust your watering schedule as needed.
What kind of yields do you get?
What kind of yields do you get?
I cannot state for a fact from a complete grow. My last grow was a bit incomplete due to continuous interrupted light schedules from storms taking power out. I had to pull quite a few plants from the grow that had hermied.

This is the first year I've tried this blend. My old stand by soil is no longer manufactured (it was a local blend) and I don't have any of my own made up. I'm hoping to get my old home mix done up when warm weather starts here.
So, from start to finish on a grow is TBD on the yield.
A little update, pics later and hopefully a video. Having a major issue with video editing programs and my computer.....again.

The kids are doing well in their new pots. Annie, the surprise 6th plant, had been having a little trouble with the droopies for a couple of days before the up-pot. I'm happy to say she is perking up and looking good now.

I have both sections of ViparSpectra light plugged in now, so everybody is getting plenty of light.
I'll work on some pics as soon as I get the puter/video issues worked out.

Good thing I ordered propane, it's going to be a freaking wintry cold snowy few days. Arrrrrg!
Alrighty, let's see if this works. These plants are very young, so the sleep action before lights out is minimal, but you can see that they are training themselves on when to sleep and wake up. Lois is up front. Wake up time is a bit short, but I wanted to get the card out of the camera and make sure it worked overnight.
I'll do a couple more as they get bigger and it will become more noticeable.


Alrighty, let's see if this works. These plants are very young, so the sleep action before lights out is minimal, but you can see that they are training themselves on when to sleep and wake up. Lois is up front. Wake up time is a bit short, but I wanted to get the card out of the camera and make sure it worked overnight.
I'll do a couple more as they get bigger and it will become more noticeable.


That's so neat, you can see them grow what a cool camera thing going on there 💎💕💎
I still think they have us trained.. we just wanna believe we're in charge. ☺️
I usually top my plants at the 4th node. What do you all do and why?
I topped at the 2nd node, I was counting them wrong. Plant didn't mind, it's probably good too cuz it's small and big all at the same time.
Also, when we count how many days our babies are, do we do it from day we plant or from day it sprouted?
I topped at the 2nd node, I was counting them wrong. Plant didn't mind, it's probably good too cuz it's small and big all at the same time.
Also, when we count how many days our babies are, do we do it from day we plant or from day it sprouted?
I have been counting from the day they go into the solo cups and have first set of leaves started usually. I think it's supposed to be from the day they get their first true leaves.
Could be wrong on that, but let's see if there are varying opinions.
My most recent post was just to remind me when they had their birthday so I can get my log straightened out. ;-)

I think I'll be topping the eldest, LOIS tomorrow.
I usually top my plants at the 4th node. What do you all do and why?
I’m going to try the quad line thing so, top between 4 and 5, then remove 1 and 2.
Leaving 3 and 4 to grow out to the edge of the pot then up. Should be fun since the 5 I have now, I let grow as they wished.
I’m going to try the quad line thing so, top between 4 and 5, then remove 1 and 2.
Leaving 3 and 4 to grow out to the edge of the pot then up. Should be fun since the 5 I have now, I let grow as they wished.
Not quite sure I understand that. Are you going to take some pics when you do it? I tried to read up on the quadlining thing the other day, but got pressed for time.

I dove in a few minutes ago and topped three of the girls. Lois, Tricia, and Bonnie. The other three have a few days to go yet.
Not quite sure I understand that. Are you going to take some pics when you do it? I tried to read up on the quadlining thing the other day, but got pressed for time.

I dove in a few minutes ago and topped three of the girls. Lois, Tricia, and Bonnie. The other three have a few days to go yet.
Of course, it will all be in my journal and as long as it goes well, I’ll post pics of em everywhere
Update: I believe we are at day 23-ish from sprout. I really need to get a log in that grow room.
All the kids today:

Frannie #1 from conjoined seed:



Annie #2 from conjoined seed:



The girls are looking terrific!
I usually top my plants at the 4th node. What do you all do and why?
I've been letting them go for 1/3 of the height of the tent then topping. Then waiting for however many branches can make it to the canopy party. Cutting the rest off that don't.
This grow I just started will be different. A manifold of some sort is calling do I'll lose the bottom node, save the next up and top above that leaving just that one node to play with.

I'm changing to try and get less crazy in my grows! There usually gets plenty of weight but I'd like to focus on girth a little more. Less colas = more girth some say. Also they'll be coming from the same canopy level so auxin wise they should all get the same push.
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