Lady Cannafan's Seedsman Comparative Grow Banana Jealousy ViparSpectra KS5000

Perfect 👌 did this have a effect on the temp increase we get from lights too??
Running less LEDs with a bit more power Vs more LEDs at lower power. I have never tested that I just run less bars when I trim in there 🤣
An update on the temperature in the grow room. It's only varying from the house temperature by a couple of degrees. House is 74 and grow room at just under 76 F. after all day at 50% power and door closed.
The LED driver is barely lukewarm.
An update on the temperature in the grow room. It's only varying from the house temperature by a couple of degrees. House is 74 and grow room at just under 76 F. after all day at 50% power and door closed.
The LED driver is barely lukewarm.
Thanks for the update, I've never run half my bars on full just half on low. I wasn't sure if it would let some extra heat off but sounds like they rn cool anyways or just great heat dissipation. 👌

I know on blast my bars can burn soft parts of skin but warm to hands.
For the first time in history, the Cannabis Seedling Growth competition has resulted in an unheard of 6-way tie for "Best of Show"!
They've all been given their honorary award tags. Great job, and congratulations to all of the contestants!

Six healthy seedlings and I like your photos with the coloured reflection in the back 😁

For the first time in history
It's gonna start raining men It's raining men!

🤣🤣🤣🤣 Sorry not sorry
Okay, test complete. Unplugging one half of the light resulted in half of the power draw according to the kill-a-watt tester.
This is going to work, and save me a little money during the seedling stages. YEY

I will get the light going today. I have to adjust a couple of things for the table the seedlings are on, and I'm good to go.
That's great to know! This light is now two in one!
The girls are now under the ViparSpectra KS5000, at 50% power using half of the light fixture, at 26.2-ish inches.

They will be happily dancing in the breeze to a lovely LED moonlight tonight..... which puts a Van Morrison song in my head (there's always a song in my head) One of my favorites.

I saw Van do that song in 74 in a small venue. Lucky me! Half the show was acoustic, then went to brass! It was something!
Plants are looking stellar Lady!
That's great to know! This light is now two in one!

I saw Van do that song in 74 in a small venue. Lucky me! Half the show was acoustic, then went to brass! It was something!
Plants are looking stellar Lady!
I believe it was 74 when I saw them too. We were somewhere in the Southern states. Frankly, those years I was so out of it that I can't remember one day from the next. LOL It was party time more than anything else. Oh, to have recorded it or have the kind of digital capabilities we have today......could woulda shoulda. LOL
Thanks my friend!
Today I need to get the Geopots ready for the kids. The roots are coming out big time in the solo cups, I don't want any untangling or tearing of roots issues to deal with.

The Geopots are 3 gallon, and I have some polycarbonate 5 gallon bags which I might try one or two. I used those many years ago, they are just a little awkward to maneuver around when you need to move them.

I'm going to run short of grow medium, so might have to head off to the local nursery today and buy some more. Money money money....LOL
Today I need to get the Geopots ready for the kids. The roots are coming out big time in the solo cups, I don't want any untangling or tearing of roots issues to deal with.

The Geopots are 3 gallon, and I have some polycarbonate 5 gallon bags which I might try one or two. I used those many years ago, they are just a little awkward to maneuver around when you need to move them.

I'm going to run short of grow medium, so might have to head off to the local nursery today and buy some more. Money money money....LOL
Local thrift store had dirt cheap nursery pots yesterday. Grabbed a bunch filled up my car's trunk for like 10 bucks. Can't find potting soil to save my life yet, though. All the big box stores ain't got their garden centers set up for anything more than weedkiller and grass seed, and some potted plants. Mother Nature is teasing me with the decent weather again....
Local thrift store had dirt cheap nursery pots yesterday. Grabbed a bunch filled up my car's trunk for like 10 bucks. Can't find potting soil to save my life yet, though. All the big box stores ain't got their garden centers set up for anything more than weedkiller and grass seed, and some potted plants. Mother Nature is teasing me with the decent weather again....
You got that right. This is just crazy weather. I'm supposed to get snow again on Monday. YUK
I just went out and scared a herd of deer off my pond edge. They were munching the one and only Rhododendron bush I have. It's full of small buds because the weather has been so confusing.
I'll post some pics of the brats in the seasons thread in a bit.

I only have two choices for soil right now, the local nursery carries one of their own brand which sucked and had bugs in it, and then FoxFarm Bush Doctor Coco-Loco. So, coco-loco it is.
I never grew in coco. To me it seems like more work. 🍋
This isn't straight coco, it's a soil blend. I used it last grow and was happy with it:

FoxFarm Bush Doctor Coco Loco Potting Mix Triple-Washed To Reduce Salt Content Plants Require Less Frequent Watering Contains Custom Blend of Soil Microbes With Earthworm Castings and Bat Guano Includes Perlite for Aeration and Drainage As you trek through a tropical jungle, your steps remain light and buoyant, never soggy. The rainforest floor is remarkably deep with layers of exotic coconut palm humus. It is cool and damp for several inches. Hold the richness in your hands, feel the soft silky texture. It’s the perfect medium for cultivating plants. Plants growing in Coco Loco will not require water as often as your usual potting mix. Whether you’re growing in hanging baskets, vertical gardens, containers, or seedling trays, extend your watering schedule. In most climates, every two to three days will be enough. Always adjust your watering schedule as needed.
This isn't straight coco, it's a soil blend. I used it last grow and was happy with it:

FoxFarm Bush Doctor Coco Loco Potting Mix Triple-Washed To Reduce Salt Content Plants Require Less Frequent Watering Contains Custom Blend of Soil Microbes With Earthworm Castings and Bat Guano Includes Perlite for Aeration and Drainage As you trek through a tropical jungle, your steps remain light and buoyant, never soggy. The rainforest floor is remarkably deep with layers of exotic coconut palm humus. It is cool and damp for several inches. Hold the richness in your hands, feel the soft silky texture. It’s the perfect medium for cultivating plants. Plants growing in Coco Loco will not require water as often as your usual potting mix. Whether you’re growing in hanging baskets, vertical gardens, containers, or seedling trays, extend your watering schedule. In most climates, every two to three days will be enough. Always adjust your watering schedule as needed.
Thanks Lady that sound like great grow material. I would have to check out the price compared to FFOF or FFHF. 🍋
I've used a Coco leaning soil mix myself for ever now. Since about my second grow ever lol. Mine is home made though. Really cheap, generic potting compost, Coco bricks bought in a pound shop, add some mycorrhizae stuff from our royal horticultural society (cheap again) 5 pound a bag that lasts at least 4 grows. Some perlite and blend by hand. I go 30-40% soil the rest Coco.

Then recycle over and over, a run of 8 girls probably costs me 5-10 pounds in new material to recharge it😁
I've used a Coco leaning soil mix myself for ever now. Since about my second grow ever lol. Mine is home made though. Really cheap, generic potting compost, Coco bricks bought in a pound shop, add some mycorrhizae stuff from our royal horticultural society (cheap again) 5 pound a bag that lasts at least 4 grows. Some perlite and blend by hand. I go 30-40% soil the rest Coco.

Then recycle over and over, a run of 8 girls probably costs me 5-10 pounds in new material to recharge it😁
I like that recipe. As soon as...or if ever...spring and warmth get here, I will be mixing up more of my own. I used to do it on a tarp on my garage floor, but it's just too cold out there yet.

Do you remember a member that had a little green giant for his avatar? He gave me my first mix recipe and that stuff was awesome! His name will hit me about 3 a.m. when I'm not even thinking about it. LOL You mentioned some member names yesterday that took me waaay back. Like CronicHempHog etc.
I need to get through my old journals and dig that recipe out.

Edit: His name was @PeeJay !
I was up far too early.
The Banana girls are happy, the other grows' new kids have been planted in their starter plugs, mushrooms have been harvested, deer have been chased away from my precious plants outside, and the Canadian Geese appeared on the pond, giving me a comfort feeling that spring might be peeking in very soon.

It's cold, and dreary outside...I'm tucking in with a warm blanky and a nice vape. Ahhh......
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