KJ's T5/CFL 1st Time Grow

Go back a few to see the bud pics, kinda hard to tell, but the bud is like 1/2 damaged and 1/2 fine.

I've turned off the fan and I'm looking for something I can use to wipe the leaves with.
I might isolate these plants and put them under a different light and make sure they are down wind from the others.

I'll post some update pics soon.

I really could use some more info on Powdery Mildew... They say you can't really treat just before harvest and I'm probably about 3 weeks from harvest.

As far as the humidity issue, it's been in the 30s the whole flowering time and that's supposed to be good for preventing PM and I don't spray water on the plants.

Any idea of some product I can sponge wipe on the leaves?

IDK karl, you're so close.
I've turned off the fan, I'm going to put any plants affected downwind and away from the others. A local shop said that I probably have two problems:

1. Wind burn from the fan and that's unlikely to recover.
2. Powdery Mildew or spider mites as their eggs are white and on top of the leaf - news to me about the white on top of the leafs

I just today noticed one plant with white flakes on the top of the leaves. I don't know what it is, but it wipes off.

I'll get some pics of that soon.

The guy at the shop said to use something called 'Green Clean' and mist it over the plants. He says it's ok this close to harvest.

Right now, the fan is off, the a/c is on and I need soil so I'm going to talk to a few local shops and see what they say.

There is one other note, my home is concrete block and part of the remodel involved busting up some concrete. There as a 'cloud' a few times and it was the room next to the grow room. The walls are there, but not air-tight. This might have been some concrete dust, but the white flakes are new and the dust clouds were last weekend.

Again, I'll post some pics soon.
Ok, some update pics. These are not the 'bud problem' plant, this is another plant that sits next to it. All these pics are of one plant and the white flakes are in one area of that plant. I checked the underside of the leaves, can't see anything there, but I don't know how big spider mites are.

The white flake will come off with a wipe and leave a 'dust' mark that could probably be brushed off.

WTF is the crap?


I'm off to buy soil and talk to some locals.
Conclusion: Windburn on the bud sites, PM on the leaves. Cause RH too high.

Solution: Actinovate fungicide for organic gardening. Actinovate Organic Fungicide for Late Blight, Powdery Mildew, and More

It'll be applied tonight and we'll see what happens, probably a few days.

I'm moving the duct back over the furnace to lower the RH, if the temps get too high, I'll add another A/C unit.

The upside (if there is one)

1. Caught early
2. most of the grow should be fine
3. duct over the furnace raises the CO2 by a lot, so could be good there.
4. I learned something new.

I'll post more pics and we'll see what happens.

Basically at this point there was 2 problems:
1. wind burn from the fan.
2. humidity too high.

If anyone has any comments on the fungicide I'll be using, please let me know ASAP!
Before I ran the swamp cooler, the RH meter was on top of the closet. The low was 29. The RH under the lights will be lower.

Here's something to think about: If the 1st group of pics showing bud damage and the purple/white half-n-half is NOT PM, then the 30ish was ok. Because it was AFTER that, I used the swamp cooler. RH was 49~52... and that was lights off.
Running the swamp cooler could have caused all the PM problem. It wasn't until about 3 days after running the swamp cooler that the PM happened.

Another note: The swamp cooler is the size of a very large window A/C, it holds about 5 gallons of water. I never flushed it and it sat for about 1 month or more. I could have had water in it and that could have been part of the problem. I ran some bleach in there before, but that was a while back.

The point I want to make is that this looks like my screw up. I responded to the bud damage the wrong way.

If the bud damage was from wind burn, I should have just adjusted the fan and distance. In fact, if you consider that there is ONLY bud damage near the fan, that alone should have been the clue. Raising the RH to about 50 seemed to be a huge mistake.

On the other hand, if the PM doesn't live in 30% why would it still be there?

Either way, looks like I screwed up because I didn't know what to do about the bud damage. I wanted to do something quick, and my choice probably made it worse.

There was NO flakes on the leaves before the RH went up to 50ish.

After the discussion with local people at the grow shops, I need to get into the < 20 range. I need to figure out how to do that, the only solution they sold was a $300 machine. I need something cheap, so I'm looking at adding more A/C and heat. The furnace is being ducted to the plants, that'll help some.

One good thing is that it looks like overall the plants are doing very well and if I lose 8 bud sites, that'll be about 1/4 of 1 plant, so maybe 10% of the whole thing (wild guess based on the size of the sites, these were some prime sites).
yes great idea! lol i have one under my sink i completly forgot about, home depot sells the refills. my grow is 3x8x7.. thanks for jogging my memory of having one i didnt want to lug out my massive dehumidifier as it has one problem... it works too good it would bring it down to 0% in hours, and make it about 100 degrees aswell.
Well we might be in store for a new DIY. I just started reading about how a dehumidifier works. It's the same thing as my portable room A/C except the dehumidifier re-heats the air.

I'm going to run a test using my portable A/C and see what happens. I'll have to put it back together but I'm certain it works the same way.

The important part is that it removes the moisture by running it across cold coils and drains that. Mine has exactly that, but it drains the moisture across coils and out the back. So all I need to do is vent that outside.

I'll try it out and see what happens.

I havent seen anyone talk about what happens with the portable A/C units and RH. Someone should already know this.
If you open up your unit, you might be able to disable the heater part or maybe add a switch for the heater, just gotta make sure it'll handle the amps.
The upside is that it should be a portable A/C after that.

I'm actually a bit surprised they sell the dehumidifiers to growers, most growers have to deal with heat issues, so a portable A/C would be better.
Update: All the plants in the main grow have been inspected and most have been sprayed. I left about 3 alone just in case this spray kills everything.

Got 5 bags of the Fox Farms Ocean Farm and 5 gallon bags for the 2nd grow. I didn't bother with the 3 gallon bags/buckets this time, went straight to the 5 gallon bags and mounted the plants high up in the bag. Ran out of soil, I was told the 1.5 bags would fill about 3 5 gallon bags, worked out close to 2 per bag not 3.

Got 11 plants transfered, broke 1 at the stem, cut a straw and taped it over the break. It was a full 'snap' not a full break off, so we'll see what happens.

The 2nd grow room is not ready, so I used some panda plastic to make it work. That Panda plastic is great stuff.

Here's some pics of the 2nd grow. I'll probably start a new journal for this. The tallest is about 13". I'll have to check when I actually took the cuts.

Here's some pics, I should have them all in 5 gallon bags in a day or two.

This is the broken one, sad because it was a real nice looking one

Should know in a day or two if she'll heal.



I'll be using PVC pipe for the hanging the lights this time. Last time I had to move the lights so often and drilled too many holes in the ceiling. With the PVC pipe, I'll just attach them to the ceiling, offset and just move the ropes as needed.

Right now it's just a temp setup, so I'll fix it up right over the next few days.
Re: KJ's T5/CFL 1st time grow...

Get a 600 watt hps light from amazon for cheap and run the one light the cfl cost to run to when u use a lot of them
Re: KJ's T5/CFL 1st time grow...

Get a 600 watt hps light from amazon for cheap and run the one light the cfl cost to run to when u use a lot of them

Yea, I got 2 600s now for the main grow. I started using HPS after they went into flower. With the 2nd grow, I'll probably need 1 more maybe even 2 more.

The 600s I got now came from Amazon, got a pretty good deal. I'll probably get the next one in a few weeks, depending on the growth rate. I don't know how many lights it'll take for 26 plants, but I don't think 2 600s will do it.

Still have a long way to go to get this 2nd room setup, but at least all the plants will be in larger bags soon. I didn't want the root-bound problem I had last time. 18oz cups just won't support a 13" plant very well :D
Re: KJ's T5/CFL 1st time grow...

Yea, I got 2 600s now for the main grow. I started using HPS after they went into flower. With the 2nd grow, I'll probably need 1 more maybe even 2 more.

The 600s I got now came from Amazon, got a pretty good deal. I'll probably get the next one in a few weeks, depending on the growth rate. I don't know how many lights it'll take for 26 plants, but I don't think 2 600s will do it.

Still have a long way to go to get this 2nd room setup, but at least all the plants will be in larger bags soon. I didn't want the root-bound problem I had last time. 18oz cups just won't support a 13" plant very well :D

Hey you should look into getting a induction hood to add to your grow room.... Yes it is more expensive at first. but it will make your flower room go nuts and will cover more area better then a HPS will (dont get me woung you can keep your HPS if you like) Just add your HPS to the sides or mabe even angle them to diminish shadows : o..... so many posiblities it cant hurt your brain sometimes ahahh. but i am looking at geting 1 induction that can cover same area as a 600w hps would. Look it up and do lil studying and you'll know whats up!
If you open up your unit, you might be able to disable the heater part or maybe add a switch for the heater, just gotta make sure it'll handle the amps.
The upside is that it should be a portable A/C after that.

I'm actually a bit surprised they sell the dehumidifiers to growers, most growers have to deal with heat issues, so a portable A/C would be better.


I work on appliances for a living and if you do that you will break the dehumidifier and it will not remove humitiy from the air as well.... A/C units are not the same as a dehumidifier, close tho, but not the same.

Didnt know if you wanted more info on how it works exactly lol if you do let me know and ill reply with more info fo sho

I work on appliances for a living and if you do that you will break the dehumidifier and it will not remove humitiy from the air as well.... A/C units are not the same as a dehumidifier, close tho, but not the same.

Didnt know if you wanted more info on how it works exactly lol if you do let me know and ill reply with more info fo sho

Actually I would like more info. The site I looked at made it look like the dehumidifier was started out as a cooled coils and condensation running off the cool coils and gathered in a container. I guess then you dump the container to remove the water.

My room A/C does that, but the water is heated and exhausted out the back where you duct it outside.

I was going to run a test to see how the RH changes when I run this unit.
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