King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

Oh yea, always stay positive and you can accomplish anything.✌
Fo sure
Keep doing what you're doing! .
Thanks penny. Here some pics brother.

candy cane going to do over drive a week then flush for week just rain water.


Looks they still have a bit to go yet. Not long and you'll have a pile of nice buds there.
If you were to guess how many more weeks before i flush penny?
And to think you were so worried King lmao I told you it was easy
Thank you angel

Its still a bit complexee at times.

But definitely see improvement so im happy wife is happy.
Haha i really am getting use to the pro mix now. Im hoping for 3 ounce dry iff biggest cc . Would be my record plant.
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