King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

Update white cookies feminized cks led 600 watts temp average 24 Celsius. Week 6 from seed tent an nutes been giving 1 ml each per litre grow micro.bloom 1 ml cal mag per litre thoughts?

Update white cookies feminized cks led 600 watts temp average 24 Celsius. Week 6 from seed tent an nutes been giving 1 ml each per litre grow micro.bloom 1 ml cal mag per litre thoughts?

The Cookies are looking gorgeous!
Thanks penny. They are fraking growing bud branches everywhere. As aoon as i get my early miss outdoors full time im.putting a net up. Asap.
Lets see what she can do. .
Like that attitude .

Night buddy tired thsts all i got in tank. Dont know gow you do it bro.. . . .
Still busy arghh.. now sleep bit fixed up whote cookies lst touch up . Tucking fanning of leafs in way. Cut one or two full out of way. But hete they are now night all.




I can see you are doing very well with your grows, Joe, and having fun while doing it ;)
Hope you are feeling better. Take care man :thumb:
Snarly im so glad your back man real talk. Good vibes man.
Shout out to weedman for his solid advice tonighy i highly advise all noobs to read his threads great tutorial s and solid info on lst and much much more. This guy has been around. Awesome dude say hi to him.

Mad love weedman
Shout out to weedman for his solid advice tonighy i highly advise all noobs to read his threads great tutorial s and solid info on lst and much much more. This guy has been around. Awesome dude say hi to him.

Mad love weedman
Thank you kingjoe83. Really appreciate it. If anyone has any questions about soil grow and techniques, I will try my best to give the best info I have to give. Everything I know comes from experience. I wish I had forums like this growing up and when I started to grow. Would have made things way easier for me. Now I learn new things every day because of apps like this and groups on Facebook. I love the knowledge that it available now. And thank you again Kingjoe83 for the shout out. ✌
Thank you kingjoe83. Really appreciate it. If anyone has any questions about soil grow and techniques, I will try my best to give the best info I have to give. Everything I know comes from experience. I wish I had forums like this growing up and when I started to grow. Would have made things way easier for me. Now I learn new things every day because of apps like this and groups on Facebook. I love the knowledge that it available now. And thank you again Kingjoe83 for the shout out. ✌
No problem just reading that any noib should feel comfortable now approaching you. I cant wait to see these girls of yours hit bloom.
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