King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

Damn joe, sry to hear about the shitty tent crashing on your girls. Think positive man youll be back at it and better in no time.
Yes it was a very horrifying thing to see. Wish that upon no man nor woman.

Thanks budz. Shake it off right ain't that what swifty baby
Listen let's move on it happened let's say fuck you bad luck and get some good vibes going again..

Shit I fuck s wit cha to! Aka Redman.

Aka the doctor ✌
Listen let's move on it happened let's say fuck you bad luck and get some good vibes going again..
Hear Hear! I'm with ya on that. Things will only get better for you from here on in :)
There you go. Listen for real

Thank you but I think the wife is feeling frisky. So this guy is an outlet til tomorrow night yall sexy beaches lol.
There you go. Listen for real

Thank you but I think the wife is feeling frisky. So this guy is an outlet til tomorrow night yall sexy beaches lol.

What a day that was! Whew! :phew:
Just a little bit of burn on the tips so dont increase nutes above what you have been feeding. Remember less is more when it comes to nutrients. More nutes does'nt equal more growth or more flowers. Light, temps and humidity are far more important than nutes.

No wonder my 1st grow disappointed me. I was doing exact opposite. Hmmm...more nutes = bigger plant & flowers. Light is light. They grow naturally outside, so let nature take its course. So many learning opportunities for next time...if there is one. Good luck joe...looks like you're doing great to me buddy. Most important though, is that you are enjoying it. I would say to just do the best you can..(& you are doing that), do away with expectations, & simply enjoy your grow(s), and what you yield will be what it is. Sending you well wishes and positive vibes, you have some of the best folks here, & their knowledge, & willingness to share it with you. You are gonna do very well my friend. later bro. Great day to all you pot smoking heathens. Lol:thumb:
No wonder my 1st grow disappointed me. I was doing exact opposite. Hmmm...more nutes = bigger plant & flowers. Light is light. They grow naturally outside, so let nature take its course. So many learning opportunities for next time...if there is one. Good luck joe...looks like you're doing great to me buddy. Most important though, is that you are enjoying it. I would say to just do the best you can..(& you are doing that), do away with expectations, & simply enjoy your grow(s), and what you yield will be what it is. Sending you well wishes and positive vibes, you have some of the best folks here, & their knowledge, & willingness to share it with you. You are gonna do very well my friend. later bro. Great day to all you pot smoking heathens. Lol:thumb:
Thanks moonshine

Energy on thread has been great but definitely missing moonshine for sure.

It's coming along shit is nuts bro.

I feel like I'll got chemistry masters science major and biology as well. Love learning these plants really cool.
It's really isn't hard but yet is. Mother nature and immating it indoors is fun. I want to master coco then learn dwc to begin then aeroponics in few years. Once u have extension of house built. If plans go accordingly. . . . hope life over there is good buddy. Hi to puppy. Love My fur balls . Take it easy buddy!
A new day. A new beginning. A new outlook. Don't give up man. You love this right here and you know.

"Never give up on something you cannot go a day without thinking about"
-Winston Churchill-
It's true I can't go more then few hours away from my girls. Before I wonder what there up to. Lol
Hey king! I'm in! Do you have a specific page you think I should start? I'll be flipping through for plant and or bud pics!
Umm well of you read it's entertainment for you from beginning. But not sure that's nrsscary unless want a good book to read. .

But I'd go back to .... around 60 ish mark three quarters from beginning of thread lol.

Sorry cookie dough shatter tonight giggly. . .

My fight is i didnt catch a god feeding schedule and understand a warranty system as I'm. Using mostly rain water now. As ppm is 30-40 going to add more grow and Micro starting week 2 next time around. I know get it a bit my thing is I'm having to cut leaves out of way during week three white cookies for example. Do you guys cut any off during growth to slow more light in main? Tia bro.
I dont usually trim leaves until flowers show.
So should I raise lights higher and see if it encourages stretch, slash growth bud branches.?
what are you ph ing your water for pro mix ?
I ph usually around 5.5-5.8 for first week then go up to about six on second week. Week two I'll start Nutes never got a chance but white cookies u have bug I screwed it by starting in jiffy starting seed then moving to Schultz premium potting mix then to final product mix hp lol.
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