King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

So no more lst just let go now maybe trim or tucking. Penny .. vertical.?

Just from my experience. An early miss, grew too tall for my lights in tent. Never let's, as you correctly said....takes some skill. I sucked at it. So when it grew too tall, I noticed the branches were limber. Pulled them down to where the two tall vertical branches (which looked like a wishbone) were then close to horizontal. That way, all the bud sites along the two branches were receiving the Same light and hopefully get them all growing upward into big nugs. All this was during flower. So I'd say yes, don't go crazy, but a little bending & securing strategically could be done if needed. Seems like someone here that we trust told me it was ok. Penny , or angel, tricam, p t. Maybe I just said eff it. And tried it for the sake of learning. Lol

Oh, by the way, this was the same plant that I later tried to secure it a bit in a hurry and split it in two. Literally right between the topping point. She's still rocking. Wow was I pissed.
First off, above post I typed colas, but "cops"came out. Autocorrect !!! You have 6 tops looks to me. From what happened to mine, looks like you should have 6 colas. I'll look thru my 1000s of pics & see if I can't show you what I mean, as I haven't learned , rather , taken the time to learn the proper terminology. Give me couple seconds.
Top pic, no top. 1 hopefully big cola. Bottom pic, topped, some late lst. Think there's 5 colas, they're fattening up a bit, but quite spindly in this pic. Same age though. I'm thinking, just like animals, humans etc. they/we may all grow to be similar size, just at different rates. Have fun bro.
Just from my experience. An early miss, grew too tall for my lights in tent. Never let's, as you correctly said....takes some skill. I sucked at it. So when it grew too tall, I noticed the branches were limber. Pulled them down to where the two tall vertical branches (which looked like a wishbone) were then close to horizontal. That way, all the bud sites along the two branches were receiving the Same light and hopefully get them all growing upward into big nugs. All this was during flower. So I'd say yes, don't go crazy, but a little bending & securing strategically could be done if needed. Seems like someone here that we trust told me it was ok. Penny , or angel, tricam, p t. Maybe I just said eff it. And tried it for the sake of learning. Lol

Oh, by the way, this was the same plant that I later tried to secure it a bit in a hurry and split it in two. Literally right between the topping point. She's still rocking. Wow was I pissed.
Ya I remember that I troll feeds sometimes without liking. Lol shh.
Ya I remember that I troll feeds sometimes without liking. Lol shh.

I hear ya. Sometimes I don't have time to respond, or get sidetracked & forget after going through all the email notifications from all the subscribed threads. Gotta go bro. Daddy's morning time is up. Lol. Peace.
I hear ya. Sometimes I don't have time to respond, or get sidetracked & forget after going through all the email notifications from all the subscribed threads. Gotta go bro. Daddy's morning time is up. Lol. Peace.
Have a good one dude I'm off fir massage and chiro then CT scan later
Well today has turn out to be a pretty awesome day feeling blessed .

New mars reflector 144 added to 4'x2x5' two 300's mars hydro. In vege. Sweet . Happy boy I am.
Two day shipping and to my door. Solid # rep #marshydro✌✌✌



need the adjustable things only have one other one will be here sometime before may 24 . Sighs..... . . . . . . . .
Well today has turn out to be a pretty awesome day feeling blessed .

New mars reflector 144 added to 4'x2x5' two 300's mars hydro. In vege. Sweet . Happy boy I am.
Two day shipping and to my door. Solid # rep #marshydro✌✌✌

Nice!! Christmas at kings!! Has a nice ring to it. :thumb: congrats buddy. Can't wait to see what those babies can do. You ought to have some Monsters soon with all that gear!! Lookin good joe! Good day:thumb:
Nice!! Christmas at kings!! Has a nice ring to it. :thumb: congrats buddy. Can't wait to see what those babies can do. You ought to have some Monsters soon with all that gear!! Lookin good joe! Good day:thumb:
I'm so broke dude its not even funny trust. Investing into my own medicine seems logical and practical to me. Wife is but ticked to be honest . But work season is fast my approaching so trying to get these things into flower do can just water nute and light maintenance. I'll be busy.l getting out of debt. Lol lucky Me. But for freals hitting close to 400 watts on tops now so will see true watts. One would say.


MY app won't refresh notifications. Won't update? Any ideas? Thank you very much. Sorry to take your time but I appreciate your help.
Ill top once with autos then lst and let them go
Okay only thing I did penny wise exactly that, but I removed the lower bud growth. Feel like these plant are very small . I know it will grow just need patience . Keep disciplining myself from watering when on fence now no dry dry dry lol. Sigh...
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