King's True Grow: Autos, Mars Hydro LED 900, Tent, Pro Mix

Put a white cookies outdoor. Full time now off a 12/12 cycle letting Nature see these pistils swell up .
One will be kept indoor to compare at end. Lads and gents ...

Joe!!!! You are kicking ass dude. Holy shit man. Your plants :bravo::high-five:are really impressive bro. Awesome job! White cookies looking sweet. Talk at ya!!
Joe!!!! You are kicking ass dude. Holy shit man. Your plants :bravo::high-five:are really impressive bro. Awesome job! White cookies looking sweet. Talk at ya!!

Thanks buddy ! Still have a long way to go. I'm meeting guys who have plants 16ft tall and still stretching flowering lol .... taking notes as much as. Possible like a boss bro! Go check out my kings outdoor journal. See how well my early miss auto is doing outdoors.truly is amazing to see what the sunlight can do compared to led? Thus making me invest in a top notch light such as a black diamond product. Everyone needs to look at this guy and journals and see what his lights are doing? Fantastic hearing good things about warranty on lights too..
Thanks buddy ! Still have a long way to go. I'm meeting guys who have plants 16ft tall and still stretching flowering lol .... taking notes as much as. Possible like a boss bro! Go check out my kings outdoor journal. See how well my early miss auto is doing outdoors.truly is amazing to see what the sunlight can do compared to led? Thus making me invest in a top notch light such as a black diamond product. Everyone needs to look at this guy and journals and see what his lights are doing? Fantastic hearing good things about warranty on lights too..

Yes I thoroughly enjoyed my earlies outside in the sun, & I would def say they did better outside than inside. But I only had the two 300w galaxy hydros:thumb: I experienced no light stress, but had lots of leaf & bud munchers. Catapillars. Lol
Yes I thoroughly enjoyed my earlies outside in the sun, & I would def say they did better outside than inside. But I only had the two 300w galaxy hydros:thumb: I experienced no light stress, but had lots of leaf & bud munchers. Catapillars. Lol

Yeah see some bugs time to time but nothing serious as if yet I use neem oil and rain water mixed in spray bottle. During veg I spray on plant bin flower around pot time to time
Fantastic job Bro, keep doing what you're doing!

That's is the plan very nice of the mods to select me almost made a tear came in my eye for f sakes lol
Thanks buddy appreciate stopping in and sending love ..

Jus kinda gave ur journal a decent look threw and dam man u got some skill for those autos I'm just starting out getting to know how 2 grow autos decently lol my first like 3 r 4 autos I grew were masivley stunted then I got a few to get me like an ounce dry but most now are like a half oz to 3/4 of an ounce I can't wait to get an auto to grow out like a big photo plant about how far do u hang ur lights cause I have mine which I'm using 4 mars hydro 150w roughly in my tent and they are about 6.5 to 9.5 inches above the plants shud I raise it some wud that help them stretch and get bigger is that maybe why my plants have been slightly smaller??
Yeah I'd back off a tad I kept my lights around 12 inches min with led lighting. 10 okay too. the key is less nutrients and let it do its thing . What's ur medium?
Put a white cookies outdoor. Full time now off a 12/12 cycle letting Nature see these pistils swell up .
One will be kept indoor to compare at end. Lads and gents ...
Wow she looks really goood! I wanna try a auto outdoor now lol.. but hey on the pics some freindly advice, If ur using a phone to take pics of the nugs u can click on the nug in ur camera and it will focus on the part u click on .
Wow she looks really goood! I wanna try a auto outdoor now lol.. but hey on the pics some freindly advice, If ur using a phone to take pics of the nugs u can click on the nug in ur camera and it will focus on the part u click on .

Thanks buddy will try later they are up At 7 pm
Looks like i get to see the last interesting bit here. Im subbed. Just doing first auto grow indoors and want to try one this summer outdoor.

Do it I'll sub bro...
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