KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

When I defoliated I removed most of the large fan leaves on the main stalk and the stems, the fan leaves at the tops and bud sites are not removed. This encourages the leaves at all the bud sites to grow larger.

Thanks for clearing that up, very useful! However I do have another question:

How often do you defoliate the plants? Is it just before flowering, or would this be something that you did through out the plant's life? If so, do you always remove the larger fan leaves and leave the top ones?
Ideally I would have defoliated the 3 Brainstorm Haze 7-10 days before flowering in order for them to rebuild the leaf mass. I regularly defoliate my plants in in vegetative growth in order to open up the light to all of the secondary shoots at the nodes, without removing the large fan leaves the shoots at the nodes receive little light and grow very little as a result. I always leave the fan leaves at the growing tips on the plant. Defoliation can be done in flowering at days 21-25 when the stretch phase has ended and again at day 45 if needed.
Ideally I would have defoliated the 3 Brainstorm Haze 7-10 days before flowering in order for them to rebuild the leaf mass. I regularly defoliate my plants in in vegetative growth in order to open up the light to all of the secondary shoots at the nodes, without removing the large fan leaves the shoots at the nodes receive little light and grow very little as a result. I always leave the fan leaves at the growing tips on the plant. Defoliation can be done in flowering at days 21-25 when the stretch phase has ended and again at day 45 if needed.

I will be doing the same then :) Thanks for clearing that up! I have been veg'ing some seriously bushy plants for a while now and i'm doing my best to move the plants to get some light in there but that seems to be making matters bushier ;) those big fan leaves really get in the way. I cant wait to see those buds sites spring into life when they are gone (for a little while) :thanks:
Congratulations on your new position, it is well deserved
Flower Day 08
The Brainstorm Haze will be watered tonight with with a nutrient mixture consisting of 10 millilitres per gallon of Flora Gro, 7 millilitres per gallon of Flora Micro and 10 millilitres per gallon of Flora Bloom and 5 millilitres per gallon of calcium and magnesium. The FLORA SERIES CALCULATOR 10-07-10 does not include the Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus which includes Nitrogen (N), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg) and Iron (Fe).

You deserve em...
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