KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

Well it is as i expected an absolute wonderful set of XXXBud porn :cheesygrinsmiley:I like the pre trim was that so as to take away some stress from all the trimming that you are going to have in the not so near future:high-five: Flippin wonderful you maxed that girl to the limit and she looks very happy for it:grinjoint:
I do not feed nutrients excessively and General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients leave me without fertilizer salt buildup in the soiless medium. I have removed quite a few fan leaves from the cola's this week as they yellowed and died indicating that the plant was using up its stored nutrients while still more remain. I feel flushing for longer then 7-10 days when using General Hydroponics Flora series is excessive and detrimental to the sugar leaves.
im sure king said he would be collecting the pollen for future use,

@king ive just been reading bid's journal and he uses the silver coloidal, ive asked him how long it takes for his to go hermie after treating as he has got some clones growing and 2 of the clones have been treated and are going hermie, so just finding out how long his takes so we can compare results and get some idea of whats going on, we know the method you used works but took a while, so do you think a stronger mix would of produced results a bit quicker, im just trying to work out what i will be using as the chemical option seems about the only option that produces enough pollen, the method i use is not enough to pollenate a whole plant, i could get 100 seeds form my hermie pollen but yours would pollenate a big room full of plants, so clearly the chemical option is the best option,

has a hermie ever wont potm yet, its the best hermie ive seen so far
I can not see any pistils that have been pollinated on LA Confidential number 1, i feel it was too mature at the time the female pollen sacks began to open. It took 28 days until female pollen sacks began to form on LA Confidential number 2 and several days more until the first female pollen sacks began to open, it took another 14 days until female pollen would fall when tapped. I also wonder if a higher PPM solution would work faster or if LA Confidential is a strain that does not easily produce female pollen sacks from chemical methods of sex reversal. I would say that LA Confidential number 1 was at peak pistil development around days 21-28. It seems that the timing of when a female cannabis plant is in peak pistil development and when viable quantities of female pollen can be released is offset. I will be collecting female pollen from LA Confidential number 2 to use in the future.

I have searched the internet for any information on silver thiosulfate and sex reversal and can not find even one photograph of a cannabis plant that has been treated with silver thiosulfate and photographed. I have considered taking some high quality photographs of LA Confidential number 2 and entering Plant Of The Month but i would like some feedback from the membership on whether you believe I would have a chance of winning with LA Confidential number 2. if you believe that i should enter 2 photographs of LA Confidential number 2 please leave a reply indicating that i should enter Plant Of The Month.
Good Day Your Grace, Just Thought I Would Stop By A Chat Awhile:high-five:!!! I Notice That You Are Still Experimenting With Creating All Female Producing Pollen. From The Looks Of Things You Have That Bit Of The Program Licked, Man I Wish You Could Send Me Some Pollen From You, And Breed It Into My Heirloom Kush(Given To Me By A Couple Names Barbara And Kay,As They Were Parting Ways, And Going Into Opposite Paths In Life, They Entrusted Their Strain In Myself, And Asked Me To Promise To Not Let Its Lineage Disappear From The Earth, That Was 15-16 Years Ago, I Have Faithfully Kept It Going All This Time, And NEVER Seen The 2 Of Them Again Weird.(THERE ARE 3 DIFFERENT PHENOS YOU CAN GET FROM THE SEEDS Off These Plants, ALL SPECIAL!!!)I Feel Some Very Nice Strains Of Seeds Could/Can Be Produced If We Were Able To Accommodate One Another:bravo:!!! But Alas Your There, And I Am Here.I Also Have A Strain Known As Highland Kush, That I Developed On My Own, And It Breeds Steady Now, And Is Particularly Resistant To Mold/Mildew ETC,And The High Is Stellar, And She Is A HUGE YIELDER:partyboy:!!! Of AAA MMJ!!! Never Had A Plant Under4 LBS(AFTER DRYING, CURING, And Final Manicure,NEVER!!! They Usually Give At Least 7LBS, NO BS EITHER!!! Anyways, The Point Being, If We Could Genuinely Pollinate Them With Your Pollen, I Know We Would End Up With Mind Blowing Herb(WHICH IT IS ALREADY!!!) I Also Have Landrace MAZARI-SHAREEF And Several Mexican Varieties That If I Could Get Them To Propagate, Would Also Add To My Gene Pool, Problem Being They Are At The Youngest, A Decade Old!!! The Last Several Times I Have Tried To Propagate Them, I Have Failed Miserably:loopy:!!! I Mean I Have Punta Roja,Oaxacan,Michoacan,Acapulcan Gold,Guerrero,Guerrero Gold And Some South American Varieties Like Colombian,Colombian Gold,Colombian Red Gold,Colombian Red Black And Colombian Multi To Name A Few. So I Read Somewheres On This site That The Trick Is To Remove To The Hard Outer Shell, And You Should Be Able To Get At Least Some Of Them To Sprout,GOD I HOPE SO, These Strains Are To Valuable To Lose, And Crossed With Today's Strains, I Imagine Would Produce Serious Hybrid Plants,Which Is Always Nice, As They(THE HYBRIDS) Usually Tend To Get So Large, And Seem Extra Healthy For Some Reason, Huge Yielders I Would Imagine!!! Anyways, You Fellas Always Intrigue Me With You Experimentation, And I Just Think It Would Be Awesome For Us To Be Able To Try Breeding Out Each Others Strains, With Other More Exotic Ones, But Probably Tis Just A Dream:straightface: And That Saddens Me!!! Sorry For The Hijack Your Grace, I Beg Your Pardon!!! SINCERELY, SER JAMESTHEGREEN:thumb:Lord Commander Of The 420 Knights Watch.
Hi king, It's always worth a go entering the contests, she is a thing of beauty. It would be very beneficial for future growers who are investigating sex reversal of cannabis, to have photographic information to be able to visualize the affects of the silver thiosulfate. Yes you should definitely enter LA Confidential No 2 in the POTM competition, you have many fans KingJohnC.
Would it be possible to wait until it 'foxtails' and pollinate the new calyx's?

that may have been possible. it will not happen for 3 reasons
1) i have already began flushing and the yellowing of the leaves has progressed to most of the fan leaves.
2) LA Confidential bud's are so heavy most of them have fallen over.
3) i feel that LA Confidential is ready to harvest and do not feel that a significant amount of new pistils will form.

If i had another LA Confidential ready to flower i would introduce it now.
I do not feed nutrients excessively and General Hydroponics Flora series nutrients leave me without fertilizer salt buildup in the soiless medium. I have removed quite a few fan leaves from the cola's this week as they yellowed and died indicating that the plant was using up its stored nutrients while still more remain. I feel flushing for longer then 7-10 days when using General Hydroponics Flora series is excessive and detrimental to the sugar leaves.

Thanks Maharaj
so a flush should be done at around 7~10 days befor harvest, my flush will be plain tap water unless I can get some ingredient,s an time to put it all together,
another thing you mentioned that using a GHF flush would be a bit excessive and also detrimental for the sugar leave,s, you see for me I really like as much sugar leaf as possible because i can get away with using it for my herb tea an this time all going well some nice butter which will help me coax my Lady into using some good ingestible med,s. Thank,s for the info and cant wait to find out how much of a yield you are going to get (I am going to think it will be on the larger side)
I will be sorry to see the end of this journal, and want to take this opportunity to thank you in advance and also a request that you start another asap:grinjoint:
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