If it takes 2 or 3 weeks that isn't necessary bad.
I jar at 67%.
I put some buds in a jar with a Hygrometer when they are close.
Once I hit 67ish I jar them.
Some like it lower, this is just me.
Then I burp twice a day for a week rotating the jars each time.
After a week if it hasn't dropped little I leave the lid off for an hour.
Week 2 and 3 I burp once a day.
Watching rh making sure it gradually drops to exactly 62 %.
Week 4 and 5 I burp every other day.
But by week 4 I have it down to 62 % and ready to go wherever it's going.
Empty the jars and start over.
That's a Perpetual harvest and my way only. :Namaste:
If your keeping them long-term in the jars I suggest you keep burping until your comfortably at 62 % then add a bodiva package and store in a cool dark spot.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Thanks Bill
RH is holding at 65% I will burp them for 30 minutes and see what it does and if it does not come down I will spred them out again. I am close and will get there today no matter what.
Unless your in a hurry just burp that jar as normal for a week it will come down.
A little longer is always better.
As long as buds are dry and mold free anything 65 or under can gradually be dropped.
Take your time my friend, it's not a race. :Namaste:
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Unless your in a hurry just burp that jar as normal for a week it will come down.
A little longer is always better.
As long as buds are dry and mold free anything 65 or under can gradually be dropped.
Take your time my friend, it's not a race. :Namaste:
Talk soon.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
I am at 64% and holding so burping once or twice a day from now till it is down to 62% I will say this every time I spread it out I took a bud and ground it up and smoked it and it has gotten better. Nice energetic high no in the couch lock. Good Sativa high. Good medicine. I use to think you just put a seed in the ground let it grow on it's own and then you were done.
I am at 64% and holding so burping once or twice a day from now till it is down to 62% I will say this every time I spread it out I took a bud and ground it up and smoked it and it has gotten better. Nice energetic high no in the couch lock. Good Sativa high. Good medicine. I use to think you just put a seed in the ground let it grow on it's own and then you were done.
Glad your enjoying your medicine. :thumb:
Should just keep getting better as the chlorophyll breaks down. ;)
Have a great weekend my friend. :high-five:
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
Last time I open these up just burping from here on out


Jars are holding at 63% and 64% this is great I see an end to this and will not have to lay out my bud anymore. I will not do a second burp today and wait till tomorrow to burp them again. I thought I would never get here I think I will smoke a little tonight my back and feet are killing me, and it helps with the pain. I have to thank Bill and Shed for all the help getting me here.
Jars are holding at 63% and 64% this is great I see an end to this and will not have to lay out my bud anymore. I will not do a second burp today and wait till tomorrow to burp them again. I thought I would never get here I think I will smoke a little tonight my back and feet are killing me, and it helps with the pain. I have to thank Bill and Shed for all the help getting me here.
I just tagged along , Shed is the Best. :thumb:
I just run around on his coat tails to look good.:rofl:
Put your feet up and relax. :passitleft:
Have a nice evening my friend, take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
:welldone:getting them in the zone Keith!

You're too modest by half Bill. :)
1 jar went to 66% but I can take care of it the rest of them settled at 65% for more than 10 hours. It feels good getting in the range. I am burping now, and it should bring them back down to 64%or 63%. I love this stuff
Day 1 I tubed up about 500 1 grammers Than Made about 1000 ,7 gram joints I did get to see the grow rooms again and found out who flips them I call it the bee hive real cool to look at but you cannot touch yet. I am old dam I am tired. Oh yea I also looked at the mothers there is a lot of them 1 whole room full. This shit is cool.
Sounds like an amazing first day on the job!
What I am doing is not rocket science. But it was only a first day. But they have some equipment that does look like rocket science the infusion room that is not up and running yet all kind of safety shit needs to be done first before it is up and running. bomb proof walls and fire codes. I want to get involved in the cloning that is all they use no seeds here.
My jars are doing great at 63% burped them once today.
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