I have to burp today the RH has been holding at 66% hopefully I can get her down a little more.
Takes time but it's worth the effort.
My wife had a surpize 60 birthday party, so I got with my family and caught up on their harvest. They all did good my cousin Brenda had a bumper harvest and has many pounds of weed they are going to make some hash and I can't wait to try some.
:happy-birthday: to Mrs Lemon. :)
i may have actually completed my first grow!
:welldone: 70s!
Will you vegge indoors first ?
Here's something to keep in mind about vegging indoors and then moving them outside: after the first couple of weeks, make sure your lighting schedule matches the day/night hours of the sun for the day you intend to move them outside. Otherwise they'll go into flower as soon as you move them out regardless of when it is. After a few weeks they will reveg and that messes up a lot of things including harvest timing and yield.

For example, if you run them 18/6 inside and live in Massachusetts and plan on putting them outside on May 1st, there will be 14 hours of daylight that day (source). Moving from 18 hours of light to 14 hours of light will send photoperiod plants into flower, so it's better to have your plants on 14/10 during veg.
Should be starting my job at HEKA any day now, I am nervous hope I can do it and my body does not give out on me. Got my license by the state so I can carry large amounts of weed throughout the state and sell it. What a scam this state has if you pay enough money, you can do anything in Mass. I am still not sure what I will be doing anything that keeps me off my feet will be fine. I have so many questions like how long do you veg on different strains. what nuts do they use and many more questions. Did I say I'm nervous.
Should be starting my job at HEKA any day now, I am nervous hope I can do it and my body does not give out on me. Got my license by the state so I can carry large amounts of weed throughout the state and sell it. What a scam this state has if you pay enough money, you can do anything in Mass. I am still not sure what I will be doing anything that keeps me off my feet will be fine. I have so many questions like how long do you veg on different strains. what nuts do they use and many more questions. Did I say I'm nervous.
Good luck buddy, I'm sure you'll do great. :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
All set I start Monday at 7:30 am. 20 hours a week not sure what the pay is I do know it is between $18.80 and 20 an hour I do not really care as I can only make so much a year being disabled. I am nervous so much to learn. I will be moving around which is good as I will learn the whole process.
I'd spread the 70% ones out for half an hour on some newspaper and see if that gets them headed in the right direction!
I will do this again it does come down a little each time I do it. How about just leaving the jars open for lets say 5 hours.
Shed agrees. After this long I'd want them closer to 62% to be safe.
I will open them up again and get it down. I would have thought I would be around 62 by now but that is not what the hygrometers are telling me
I'm into my second week and hope this time I get it down in the mid 60's
If it takes 2 or 3 weeks that isn't necessary bad.
I jar at 67%.
I put some buds in a jar with a Hygrometer when they are close.
Once I hit 67ish I jar them.
Some like it lower, this is just me.
Then I burp twice a day for a week rotating the jars each time.
After a week if it hasn't dropped little I leave the lid off for an hour.
Week 2 and 3 I burp once a day.
Watching rh making sure it gradually drops to exactly 62 %.
Week 4 and 5 I burp every other day.
But by week 4 I have it down to 62 % and ready to go wherever it's going.
Empty the jars and start over.
That's a Perpetual harvest and my way only. :Namaste:
If your keeping them long-term in the jars I suggest you keep burping until your comfortably at 62 % then add a bodiva package and store in a cool dark spot.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 :cool:
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