OK 4 gallons and that is enough anymore will be a waist. She is full. I did that too 2 plants and they are all wet I can see where it is coming out the bottom of the pots. Thats 8 gallons of PB. I have not even feed the small plant yet.
I know you love 💕 your plants and you want the best for them. This is definitely the best for them and they will thank you with fat full colas. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
I know you love 💕 your plants and you want the best for them. This is definitely the best for them and they will thank you with fat full colas. CL🍀. :thumb: :cheer:
Thanks Capt. they are loving it, next time I will do it over the course of the day. I did not do run off, but they got enough for sure.
Boy those 2 plants are happy the leaves are sticking out straight and fluttering in the breeze.
Great when you get that insta wake up from a feed!

Like Mia Wallace after Vincent Vega stabs her in the chest… 😅
Afternoon pictures










One of the guys working on my porch just brought me 3, 7 or 8 ft bamboo poles
Those will come in handy in any minute!
These pots are hard as hell all roots.
You could try root coring to make sure there is water getting everywhere in the mass of roots in there. It's basically jamming a barbecue skewer or narrow dowel down into the pot at different angles and locations and depths (just not all the way to the bottom of the pot) to make channels for the water.

@Derbybud showed me how it's done here.
OK 4 gallons and that is enough
I have not even feed the small plant yet.
It's cute you call the one in the hard pot "small."
Those will come in handy in any minute!

You could try root coring to make sure there is water getting everywhere in the mass of roots in there. It's basically jamming a barbecue skewer or narrow dowel down into the pot at different angles and locations and depths (just not all the way to the bottom of the pot) to make channels for the water.

@Derbybud showed me how it's done here.


It's cute you call the one in the hard pot "small."
Thanks, Shed I am going to do some root coring. Make perfect sense. It sure as hell will not hurt because my roots are solid it's the Mykos You guys turned me onto. :thanks:
Awesome work here everyone! They're about to take off again with this extra hydration! And coring! Nice!
I'm about to feed mine early too! The ILKWA is going yellow on her main stalk fans all the way up too.
Thanks Stone I should have been feeding more all the time. In the book with this lesson.
Good morning :420: Another hot day let's see how much my plants can suck up today. I have to stop looking at my plants so much it seems like the buds are not getting any bigger and I am almost finished with week 5 of flower. Patience, I have none. Man, I hope the porch is done soon; I would not want to be those guys it is hot here. got to feed the plants soon.
Where are you Keef?

Your house looks so cute! Looks like it’s straight out of The Wizard from Oz!
It is over 100 years old. Wrong part of the country though. I do not know about cute, it looks 100 years old. How are you get some sleep.
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