That is my inexperience I can tell you it is just the fans turning yellow. I am not sure if this is normal at sometime during flower. She is trying to tell me something, but I do not know what it is. Not feeding enough need more N.
Looks like they're in spots that don't get much light.
When a leaf starts to consume more energy than it produces the plant will usually start to pull everything it can from it and then cut it loose.

Edit: I'm not saying it isn't a nutrient issue, just that it might not be
Looks like they're in spots that don't get much light.
When a leaf starts to consume more energy than it produces the plant will usually start to pull everything it can from it and then cut it loose.
It is turning even the fans that get the best sun.
Yellowing fans







Are you sure it’s not a little hungry ? Those are some beast I wished where in my yard .
Are you sure it’s not a little hungry ?
I'm with WH on that!
I just gave them 2 gallons of Prescription Blend today. Maybe need more?
I'm wondering if you need a lot more water in those pots, which means a lot more nutrients. 2 gallons in a 25 gallon pot probably isn't wetting the entire rootball, not to mention the roots that have grown into the soil (for the cloth pots).

I don't think conserving the remaining PB nutes by underwatering is a good trade-off.
I'm with WH on that!

I'm wondering if you need a lot more water in those pots, which means a lot more nutrients. 2 gallons in a 25 gallon pot probably isn't wetting the entire rootball, not to mention the roots that have grown into the soil (for the cloth pots).

I don't think conserving the remaining PB nutes by underwatering is a good trade-off.
I agree with everyone here that you’re not feeding them enough and now is not the time to be holding back. You’re cheating yourself from making your buds the best they can be. My buck 2 fitty. CL🍀. :morenutes::cheesygrinsmiley:
I just gave them 2 gallons of Prescription Blend today. Maybe need more?
I'm with WH on that!

I'm wondering if you need a lot more water in those pots, which means a lot more nutrients. 2 gallons in a 25 gallon pot probably isn't wetting the entire rootball, not to mention the roots that have grown into the soil (for the cloth pots).

I don't think conserving the remaining PB nutes by underwatering is a good trade-off.
After growing a big girl finally, they let you know quick when more is better. My two pounder did 3-1/2 gallons a day in a 17 gallon DWC if that helps .
Thanks @InTheShed i see you where hinting it needed more right after he watered and didn’t realize till I saw the up close pic .
After growing a big girl finally, they let you know quick when more is better. My two pounder did 3-1/2 gallons a day in a 17 gallon DWC if that helps .
Thanks @InTheShed i see you where hinting it needed more right after he watered and didn’t realize till I saw the up close pic .
Thanks Shed I think I will start feeding more tomorrow.
Thanks Shed I think I will start feeding more tomorrow.
I would keep adding a gallon every 30 minutes and see how many gallons it takes before you see serious runoff (not trickles). Then you'll know what the pot can really hold.

If you have to buy more nutes then you'll have buy more nutes, but I ran out of my PB with one plant in a 5 gallon bucket!

Ask for recommendations before you buy since there are loads of choices in loads of price ranges.
Woke up this morning smelling my plants and I am in the house. No hiding it now.
One of the guys working on my porch just brought me 3, 7 or 8 ft bamboo poles just what I needed
I started feeding and now I will see how many gallons she will take. Every 30 minutes.

Keith are you sure you're in the house? Sounds kinda like a guy about to camp out under his plants. Sweet smells, shelter and supplies under the trees 🤣
Keith are you sure you're in the house? Sounds kinda like a guy about to camp out under his plants. Sweet smells, shelter and supplies under the trees 🤣
Ya a camping trip in my back yard. Gallon 2 just went in now wait another 30 minutes. I do not think this is going to take but 4 gallons. These pots are hard as hell all roots.
OK 4 gallons and that is enough anymore will be a waist. She is full. I did that too 2 plants and they are all wet I can see where it is coming out the bottom of the pots. Thats 8 gallons of PB. I have not even feed the small plant yet.
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