Finished reading teaming with microbes. Great book.. I knew a lot of stuff through other avenues already but, having it all consolidated and laid out with a running example was very helpful. I learned why I’m overrun with slugs every summer lol.

I’ve gotta find teaming with bacteria and nutrients still but hopefully those are just as helpful and accessible.
Finished reading teaming with microbes. Great book.. I knew a lot of stuff through other avenues already but, having it all consolidated and laid out with a running example was very helpful. I learned why I’m overrun with slugs every summer lol.

I’ve gotta find teaming with bacteria and nutrients still but hopefully those are just as helpful and accessible.
That was a good one but over my head a lot of times. I'm glad you got it.
I started a new journal today. It'll be slow to start but come and meet the folks there and check it out. You too GEE, Of course all are welcome. Cherries Dubelee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow
That was a good one but over my head a lot of times. I'm glad you got it.
I started a new journal today. It'll be slow to start but come and meet the folks there and check it out. You too GEE, Of course all are welcome. Cherries Dubelee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow
Oh boy then you may want to stay away from teaming with nutrients because it gets even headier lol. I also got teaming with fungi which is like teaming with microbes except all about mycorrhiza! I’ve already gone through half of teaming with nutrients, it’s a really good read as well, although, I’m gonna need to brush up on my molecular and cellular biology a bit, I’m having trouble making mental images.

@Gee64 and I will definitely be there. What’s the difference between LOS and TLO? Same thing just referring to the medium itself?
Posting this image to reference.. I noticed this cola swole on the left lower side, if my thinking is correct, she should swell the other side within 24 hours.

With Revs focus on having quality terpene, and flavonoid profiles, along with his appreciation of Sativas, it doesn’t surprise me to see foxtailing in his genetics. Genetic foxtailing in sativas can indicate incredibly high quality terpenes, flavors, and a wonderful high. Its seen as part of its evolution in more tropical climates, allowing the bud to grow less dense due to humidity while still retaining its quality.

Based on what I’ve read of Revs stuff, this is probably more an indication of the quality and purity of his genetics. Were the foxtails off a sativa or sativa blend for the both of you?

This is all because I assume Revs seeds are quality.. if we were talking about anyone or anything else I’d just assume heat stress in flower lol
It was a pure sativa cross of Rev's if I recall. I mostly only really grow sativas and alot have phenos that foxtail nicely but Rev's do it a little more dramatically. Its pretty cool. You get alot of crystal when there is that many calyxes.
Keff she looks beefy! Shes fattening in nicely❤️.

Otter Im in, I will sub in tonight. I'm very intrigued by SIP and LOS. I'm glad you're trying it!👊 I'm stoked to see it!

I have read all the "teaming" books and they are great. Even better the 2nd time you read them, then better again the 3rd time guessed it... Better still the 4th time🤣 I use them to reference things in my mind if something isn't quite making sense. Learning how cells work in conjunction with nutrients is what lead me to determine that the best way is to make good complete soil and then use a pot big enough so not a single ingredients runs out and you end up with a really big rootball. Then a plant can achieve its full genetic potential by being driven as hard as its genetics can safely handle using vpd to do it. Yeah they are a pretty good read. A little dry but what else have you got to read down here in the rabbit-hole🤣
Keff she looks beefy! Shes fattening in nicely❤️.

Otter Im in, I will sub in tonight. I'm very intrigued by SIP and LOS. I'm glad you're trying it!👊 I'm stoked to see it!

I have read all the "teaming" books and they are great. Even better the 2nd time you read them, then better again the 3rd time guessed it... Better still the 4th time🤣 I use them to reference things in my mind if something isn't quite making sense. Learning how cells work in conjunction with nutrients is what lead me to determine that the best way is to make good complete soil and then use a pot big enough so not a single ingredients runs out and you end up with a really big rootball. Then a plant can achieve its full genetic potential by being driven as hard as its genetics can safely handle using vpd to do it. Yeah they are a pretty good read. A little dry but what else have you got to read down here in the rabbit-hole🤣
I knew I was deep in the hole when I realized my dishes were still dirty and I was halfway through teaming with nutrients 😂. I knew I was even deeper when I realized I was being entertained by the books and was reading them like they were A Song of Ice and Fire 😂

It’s really awesome knowledge.. the kind that makes you see the world differently, and also the kind that makes you go “wtf humans, why so stupidly greedy?!”

I can already tell I’ll be going back over nutrients quite a bit lol
It was a pure sativa cross of Rev's if I recall. I mostly only really grow sativas and alot have phenos that foxtail nicely but Rev's do it a little more dramatically. Its pretty cool. You get alot of crystal when there is that many calyxes.
Yep that’s what I figured. It’s not so bad when it foxtails like the pics otter showed.. at least it’s just concentrations of it instead of entire buds growing like that. Hell, on the cover of TLO the image of the bud Rev uses is foxtailing.. you can see it from the smaller dark green rounded leaves.

I assume based on the pictures I saw, it looks like the foxtails have a wonderful concentration in them that would normally be spread throughout the bud.
Oh boy then you may want to stay away from teaming with nutrients because it gets even headier lol. I also got teaming with fungi which is like teaming with microbes except all about mycorrhiza! I’ve already gone through half of teaming with nutrients, it’s a really good read as well, although, I’m gonna need to brush up on my molecular and cellular biology a bit, I’m having trouble making mental images.

@Gee64 and I will definitely be there. What’s the difference between LOS and TLO? Same thing just referring to the medium itself?
Hehe, I don't care that it's over my head so much. Over time I'll read it again or refer to it somehow. I know the information is in there. That never goes to waste.
A 2 gallon planter tray fits the top of a 5 gallon bucket perfectly. I cut out a notch to run the air lines through. I brew either in the bucket or in a gallon jug on a drip tray inside the bucket. Keeps light and debris out.
Sweet innovation!
Hey Keff, Wanna see something very cool? Google the nutritional value of "organic cane sugar" and compare it to the nutritional value of unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Organic Cane Sugar is a pure carbon source for the microbes without all the mag,pottass, etc so if you need carbon on a rescue but dont want all the extras you can use it instead. Too much mag can tighten the soil and cut off nitrogen, which negates the need for more carbon. tail-chasing. I think this is a good tool for you to put in your toolbelt for the future. Check your rootballs too, they may be tightening on you right about now when they get light and dry, which is when they should be freely inhaling. Keep an eye on that every watering now its really important on a rescue.Pretty much you should check every time you look in on her. Do it as you feel her weight. If you cut off her air this deep into flower she will kick to finish mode early. Thats no good. Get the resin! Its close now😈
Hehe, I don't care that it's over my head so much. Over time I'll read it again or refer to it somehow. I know the information is in there. That never goes to waste.

Sweet innovation!
I get it.. A lot of times I have to reread something with a few days rest to absorb it.

Hey Keff, Wanna see something very cool? Google the nutritional value of "organic cane sugar" and compare it to the nutritional value of unsulphured blackstrap molasses. Organic Cane Sugar is a pure carbon source for the microbes without all the mag,pottass, etc so if you need carbon on a rescue but dont want all the extras you can use it instead. Too much mag can tighten the soil and cut off nitrogen, which negates the need for more carbon. tail-chasing. I think this is a good tool for you to put in your toolbelt for the future. Check your rootballs too, they may be tightening on you right about now when they get light and dry, which is when they should be freely inhaling. Keep an eye on that every watering now its really important on a rescue.Pretty much you should check every time you look in on her. Do it as you feel her weight. If you cut off her air this deep into flower she will kick to finish mode early. Thats no good. Get the resin! Its close now😈
This is super useful, I was just thinking the other day of ways to push carbon in by itself in an emergency.. All the other nutrients are nice and all but if I don’t need them, it becomes a chase the tail situation. I have to offset the increase in nutrients, which requires more fuel, which adds more unwanted nutrients, ad infinitum.

Honestly I’m excited to get this grow done with, its painful watching her struggle in the pot. She’s stubborn though and hanging in there like a champ.
Day 50.. we’re about to come into the final 2 weeks.. I’ll be prepping a final tea per The Revs “Harvest Rains” recipe to soak her down before the last 2 weeks. You can tell resin production has kicked up, she’s become more pungent, the flowers all look darker and feel more like sticky dense buds than fluff. It’s odd but I could see when resin production really started to kick in because the buds took on a shade almost, it’s hard to explain.

Still have plenty of white hairs. I looked at the trichomes and it looked like one or two have turned cloudy but overall the majority are still clear. I don’t expect to see a change for at least another week and a half to two weeks. I will decide when to harvest based on what the plant is telling me. I’m going to be looking for a decrease in water consumption as well as an overall degraded look to the plant. This in combination with the hairs and trichomes will be my guide.

After reading about Nutrients, plant, molecular, and cellular biology, it seems apparent to me that many plants are harvested well before they are finished. There are a number of reasons for this but I am intrigued as to what the cell breakdown is when harvested too early, too late, and right on time. Something tells me that would yield a far more consistent result than trying to determine trichome color. This sounds like a long term experiment.







MILs Green Crack.. Wasn’t bad.. she let it dry out too much so the cure was worthless. It’s ok quality but definitely hot on the throat. Under normal circumstances this would have pleased me, as my harvest will be better quality and she refuses to take my advice about anything even though she asks. However this year was off.. BILs wedding made her plant 2 weeks late in the spring, and she got sick right at harvest time so she wasn’t as meticulous as usual.


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