Just top dressed last night.. compost, fish bone meal and a little of the OG plant food, watered in with bsm.. I’m getting a fungal tea ready this afternoon to hit her with the next watering.. next 3 waters Is good knowledge cuz yeah she’s eating now
Great timing on your part for the top dressing and the feeding/tea you are reading her well. You are correct on more soil lol. 10 gals is bulletproof but 2-3 gals is how you learn. Now you need to be pro-active on her needs not re-active. If you can feed her right before she looks hungry thats perfect. No harm will come if the meal is late but where it does show up at is in yield. Her life is on countdown so every day counts now. Tend her every need now and dont worry too much if she gets a bit on the wet side as she will be starting to drink alot now so you can dry her out any time. Straight water once a day even if its only a small amount is really important every day till the end now. As she chunks up you are still growing alot of plant matter in the buds but also alot of resin/terpene growth too so you are in both flower and veg until the last 18 days or so when chunk is over and the gooey season begins. Feed her like shes in flower but water her like shes in veg and she will get fat and heavy. You will need to think about support for your colas pretty soon. She looks very fine😍 .
Great timing on your part for the top dressing and the feeding/tea you are reading her well. You are correct on more soil lol. 10 gals is bulletproof but 2-3 gals is how you learn. Now you need to be pro-active on her needs not re-active. If you can feed her right before she looks hungry thats perfect. No harm will come if the meal is late but where it does show up at is in yield. Her life is on countdown so every day counts now. Tend her every need now and dont worry too much if she gets a bit on the wet side as she will be starting to drink alot now so you can dry her out any time. Straight water once a day even if its only a small amount is really important every day till the end now. As she chunks up you are still growing alot of plant matter in the buds but also alot of resin/terpene growth too so you are in both flower and veg until the last 18 days or so when chunk is over and the gooey season begins. Feed her like shes in flower but water her like shes in veg and she will get fat and heavy. You will need to think about support for your colas pretty soon. She looks very fine😍 .

Good stuff.. That’s what I meant when I’m able to read her much better now, It’s nice to see it confirmed.

I’ve taken to aerating her water.. My thinking was, at this point, she’s needing to be kept wet essentially, which is gonna affect oxygen at the roots so why not get as much dissolved oxygen in the water as possible. It doesn’t hurt me any to throw an air stone in the jug a few hours prior, and she gets more oxygen throughout the whole process.
Good stuff.. That’s what I meant when I’m able to read her much better now, It’s nice to see it confirmed.

I’ve taken to aerating her water.. My thinking was, at this point, she’s needing to be kept wet essentially, which is gonna affect oxygen at the roots so why not get as much dissolved oxygen in the water as possible. It doesn’t hurt me any to throw an air stone in the jug a few hours prior, and she gets more oxygen throughout the whole process.
I actually did a bit of reading on that subject, only briefly tho, Lucky from another thread was mentioning it, so the brief research I did on it hinted at colder water holds more oxygen but warmer water stimulates phosphorous production. If that is true it would kind of mimick nature as we get very warm rains in the late summer/early fall and thats when plants need the phosphorus. See if you can find anything on that? If it works well hey, free phosphorus!
She’s definitely in a much better place than when you first got here lol! You helped me quite a bit as well.. I’m now able to spot calmag issues a mile away! Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a bedrock knowledge point.
That's nice of you to say Kman! I'm glad you're picking this up as you are! GEE is putting tools at your reach, mine too, that will make growing better for the rest of life! Thanks GEE! I'm here soaking it all up too from the back seat!
That's nice of you to say Kman! I'm glad you're picking this up as you are! GEE is putting tools at your reach, mine too, that will make growing better for the rest of life! Thanks GEE! I'm here soaking it all up too from the back seat!
I'm just passing on what was given to me. I'm glad its helping. 👊
I'm just passing on what was given to me. I'm glad its helping. 👊
I appreciate it GEE! I've heard a lot of what you're saying before. My retention isn't getting any better and you have a very good way of explaining. One day it'll be first nature and all this will be at the tips of my fingers more readily.
So here are 2 foods for thought Keff. 1 for getting a great finish and the other for next grow.
1. Calcium. You are in small pots and it always moves down. It is to a large degree, your soils EC. Luckily EWC has really good calcium in it so you need to topdress it in regularly. Your soil wants a good steady EC a smidge on the robust side so that top 1-2 inches of soil needs to be calciumed slowly and steadily. Figure out how much EWC you will likely feed every 2 weeks then break it in half and do it weekly but dont over-do it. It will keep your microbes running smoothly as they run on electricity.
2. Carbon. In your small pots it ran out 1st but BSM is a good rescue food. So for next grow think a pot big enough that it has enough carbon for the whole grow. Here is why. When you feed BSM your actually feeding it to the microbes because they eat everything they eat in a quest for carbon so.... When you feed BSM once, its a carbon boost much like a vitamin for the microbes. When you feed it regularly they become sugar junkies and stop eating the soil to get carbon and just eat the BSM. The end result is great weed but if the plant didnt get every micronutrient because the minerals in the soil weren't being eaten anymore, then your seed may never have achieved its genetic potential.
So here are 2 foods for thought Keff. 1 for getting a great finish and the other for next grow.
1. Calcium. You are in small pots and it always moves down. It is to a large degree, your soils EC. Luckily EWC has really good calcium in it so you need to topdress it in regularly. Your soil wants a good steady EC a smidge on the robust side so that top 1-2 inches of soil needs to be calciumed slowly and steadily. Figure out how much EWC you will likely feed every 2 weeks then break it in half and do it weekly but dont over-do it. It will keep your microbes running smoothly as they run on electricity.
2. Carbon. In your small pots it ran out 1st but BSM is a good rescue food. So for next grow think a pot big enough that it has enough carbon for the whole grow. Here is why. When you feed BSM your actually feeding it to the microbes because they eat everything they eat in a quest for carbon so.... When you feed BSM once, its a carbon boost much like a vitamin for the microbes. When you feed it regularly they become sugar junkies and stop eating the soil to get carbon and just eat the BSM. The end result is great weed but if the plant didnt get every micronutrient because the minerals in the soil weren't being eaten anymore, then your seed may never have achieved its genetic potential.
The BSM is a real good reminder because that’s exactly what would happen and it would eventually throw off the soil biology through evolution. Similar to building immunities and whatnot, the microbes would eventually forfeit some of their processes since it’s wasted energy.

Speaking of carbon.. I’m looking through a few tea recipes and one of the fungal recipes calls for 1-2 tsp of Humic acid.. Then the following step is 1-2 tbsp fish hydrolysate.. this sounds like overkill to me for a fungal tea, what are your thoughts?
Bought something today.. I think I’m also going to go grab Humic acid.. the store has a nice little jug for 12 bucks

I think I may separate out half of my lobster compost I have, put it in a second bin, spray it down with some diluted fish hydrolysate and see if I can get some fungus growing. That way I’ll have a bacteria heavy compost pile and a fungus heavy compost pile.
The BSM is a real good reminder because that’s exactly what would happen and it would eventually throw off the soil biology through evolution. Similar to building immunities and whatnot, the microbes would eventually forfeit some of their processes since it’s wasted energy.

Speaking of carbon.. I’m looking through a few tea recipes and one of the fungal recipes calls for 1-2 tsp of Humic acid.. Then the following step is 1-2 tbsp fish hydrolysate.. this sounds like overkill to me for a fungal tea, what are your thoughts?
Im a huge fan of fish. There are 2 kinds of fish fertilizer. Emulsion and hydrolysate. Stay away from emulsion its been cooked and alot of goodness is gone. If the product says something like "cold pressed or cold extracted" thats hydrolysate . A 5 gal pail, so 20 litres should call for about 30ml or 2 tablespoons. I have never made a fungal tea before because I have always started with building a fungal dominant soil, then increasing the microbes thru ewc and/or a compost tea. If you didnt add alot of extra myco during uppotting then a fungal tea should show you some big love. I use fish at least once a week mixed in r/o water and un-ph'd. I know I mentioned it before but I would imagine you have read and learned a huge pile of knowledge lately and your brain is getting full so I will mention it again. Fish fert, as with all organics foods, is best served in numerous lighter doses than one heavy dose. As for humic acid/humic ore/leonardite or any of the other names it goes by, they are organic chelators. Im not a fan of chelators normally as its basically hydroponics for organics and to a large degree bypasses the fungus but... You are more or less in a constant state of rescue now because of the small pot size so yeah I would add it. It will allow the plant greater uptake of nutrients. Next grow when you have an experienced plan keep the humic products in your rescue kit as they work well, but as you stated, you are throwing the soil biology out of balance. So its a rescue tool. Be careful with it as it magnifies what you do by upping intake. Nute burn happens easier. As for carbon I would mainly stick to BSM to be honest. Theres a very good reason people use it...Its dirt cheap and it works really well. Next grow you can add bulk to your potsize with coco or spagnum peat as both are excellent sources of carbon. If you wont re-use the soil go with the peat as coco can contain salt, but if you plan to reuse the soil use coco, just make sure its reputable. I use Canna Organic Coco myself with no problems. The reason for coco on reusable soil is because recycling peatmoss will slowly and steadily dive your ph and you will crash at grow 3 or 4. Also remember, if you ever add a calcium ingredient, other than ewc, to a tea, add it 1st and let it bubble for an hour. This is because calcium sets the proper EC in the solution and that changes the electomagnetic fields of the other ingredients. If you add calcium last all your other ingredients could be stuck to each other electrically( think static magnetism) and the calcium wont have time to neutralize the charges before you feed it to the plants and all the food is locked up and non-bioavailable to the plant. If your calcium is ewc adding it last wont hurt as you are going to bubble it for 24 hours so the calcium in it has time to work its magic. Thats a bit more than your question but if we are talking teas...
So lets see some pics😎
Todays images.. you can see the mass she is putting on just as rapidly as the trichomes now.. I also included a closeup of some crystal action

Here’s an image of the fungal tea.. I went with 2 tbsp of fish hydrolysate diluted into a gallon of filtered water. In a 100% nylon legging I put 2 cups of compost, then 1 cup of EWC, then 1 more cup of compost and hung it from the side. There’s 4 gallons of dechlorinated water mixed with the 1 gallon of fish in the bucket.. one air stone is in one side of the bucket and the other is beneath the tea bag.


So bacillus licheniformis, pumilus, subtilus, and Paenibacillus polymyxa are all bacteria that play a role in plant health, root zone health, antibody production, disease and pathogen resistance. They breed resilience to environmental and biotic stresses in the plant tissue. They also help promote carbon and humus availability in soil and compost. They’ve got a larger range of functions than that but their specialties really lie in those areas. I’ve got more reading to do on the rest but I wanted to look at those since they’re the ones shared across both products.
Voodoo juice is a hydroponic product so it could very well contain sterilizers...or not... so I would stay away from that in organic living soil unless you research it really well to make sure. That being said, I really know nothing about it so it may be fine. Just be careful is all. The GW myco is fantastic. Endo myco is for vegetables and ecto is for trees, generally speaking, and internet science cant really answer if that is 100% true but one certainly wont cause harm if its not needed, and its nature in a bottle so I would guess a mix works best. I use a different brand but more or less identical. The microbes that it comes with are the main strains that mine most of your NPK and being mixed in with the fungal spores it sets up the underground biosphere really well with the fungii linking to the roots and housing the bacteria. 7-10 days later you will see a huge beautification in your plant. I refer to it as "Linking to the soil". I find that dusting a wet rootball at uppotting is the best bang for your buck long term but sometimes for whatever reason a plant doesnt link up. For that I mix 1 tablespoon, which is costly, to 1 litre of water and slowly pour it into the soil in the direct area where the old rootball meets the new soil, and then outwards into the new soil. Water your plant to full runnoff 1st, then let it drip til it stops, then add the myco solution and let it sit completely saturated for a few days until its quite dry but not yet quite ready for water. Then spray the soil with water daily to keep it a bit damp and try not to flood water again for 10 days, but dont let it go dry either. Somewhere in that 10 days you usually notice stalks get fuzzy, leaf stems especially, and a darker healthier green develop, followed by an explosion of growth. I find that cheaper brands of myco really dont work very well when compared to the expensive stuff. Myco is by far my favorite ingredient. In container growing it IS the wow factor. In the garden its less noticable because nature has already dusted the planet in myco.
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