Keffka's doing a great job. Let's not put all this on his table but stay in touch. I'm starting an LOS grow ala The Rev soil in a couple of weeks. Maybe we can all meet there for more of this. I'm wrapping up the :love: Zkittlez etc. one below now. I'll let folks know when the new one starts there and try to remember to drop it here too.
Are you feeding your worms specific canna positive input like Coot?
Just reminding you to drop a link here when you get your next journal up
I start early in the plants life by removing all side branches and leaves too low to get light and continue that thru until the end of stretch, never removing too much at once. After stretch is done every top not up in the sun gets removed. I have never noticed any signs of stress.Here is a stump of mine. The bamboo is 66" tall and all the foliage was above the stump. It had 28 tops and after I cut them all off this is what was left underneath the scrog. No larf on that girl but she did produce over 2 pounds of primo bud. Hardly any trimming at all. The smallest buds that I left on were ping-pong ball sized and the main cola buds were 12-16 inches.

Here is the same stump with a sativa dominant Candida CD-1 CBD plant on the left. I only took it to 8 tops but you can see I lollipopped it the same way. In the beginning you want yield. After you realize that you will never run out of weed again you go for quality. This is the way to quality.
Awesome! So yeah then as I suspected, just a light trim throughout the grow.. it seems like a much less invasive technique, that is less confusing for the plant growth.
Todays images.. she’s fattening up fast and I am getting a clear scent off her now.. the trichomes are much easier to see with the naked eye now.. The smell is going to have to get much, much more pervasive before I even contemplate doing something about it.



Todays images.. she’s fattening up fast and I am getting a clear scent off her now.. the trichomes are much easier to see with the naked eye now.. The smell is going to have to get much, much more pervasive before I even contemplate doing something about it.



Those spears are filling in nicely!
Wow She is looking so fine! What a pretty plant.
She does look really good and I’m really thankful for a lot of the information you’ve dropped and the challenges you gave me.. The way I understand her and her growth now is so much more deep and intimate than it would’ve been had I just bumbled myself through the grow.

I’m watching her react and adjust exactly as I expect her to, and I can read what she’s saying much, much better now. You’ve really helped me be able to form the knowledge together into a cohesive train of thought I can grasp in my mind. She’s become more than just a set of nutrients on a schedule.. She’s a living being that doesn’t need her hand held.. She only needs to be given the right environment for success. It’s a complete change from my original outlook on growing.

I would say that I no longer grow cannabis. She grows herself. I just provide her the environment she wants and needs, and allow her to live her own life.
Those spears are filling in nicely!
She’s definitely in a much better place than when you first got here lol! You helped me quite a bit as well.. I’m now able to spot calmag issues a mile away! Doesn’t sound like much, but it’s a bedrock knowledge point.
She's stacking nicely!

I'm betting you'll want to start planning for that now!
My wife smokes weed upstairs so I’m constantly thinking the plant is kicking off the scent just to find out she’s smoking again lol. I’m hoping since it’s the attic and it’s not insulated, the air exchange upstairs will keep the smell up there. We’ll see.. I expected her to be much stronger by now and have a plan to tackle it if it gets out of control. I still have CFM to spare on my blower so I can get a carbon filter on it if needed but I’m not sure how effective that’ll be with my setup.. The “tent” isnt sealed in the room so it’ll have to be a whole room setup if it gets really bad.
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