I wanted to engage this earlier but had to go to work. I’m gonna preach a bit because we need more science based, organic preachers that are willing to say the things out loud that need to be said.
This is an excellent move for multiple reasons. First, cannabis uses multiple strains and types of fungus, not just myco. Within myco it uses multiple strains but it also benefits from saprophytic fungi, and a whole host of other fungi that all fill various roles in the soil and plant life.
Diversity is king of the jungle. The more beneficial bacteria and fungi you can get in, the less room for parasitic and undesirable stuff. That’s just pest and disease suppression, don’t get me started on genetics, health, quality, resilience, tolerance, etc.
There’s also the fact that the fungi you can actually see is packed with nutrients that a plant loves. When that fungi gets tossed into the soil, it’s basically what synthetics try to accomplish with chelators. That fungi body will release plant available nutrients as it decomposes in the soil. This doesn’t even count all the nutrients tied up in its mycelium, nor does it account for the awesome organic matter it provides.
For too long we have allowed Big fertilizers and chemical industries to dictate how we grow and think of growing. Bacteria was a bad word and fungi meant something wasn’t right. Even today there are people who hear these words and instantly think negative thoughts. It was all about sterility and cramming as many macronutrients down a plants throat as possible. That’s why your synthetic products never taste as good, but you better believe they’re huge. The vast systems and intricacies of a healthy soil biology growing with a plant are things we can’t even come close to replicating yet. We’re still trying to convince people to stop destroying their soil for a subpar harvest. It’s such short term narrow minded thinking, but it generates profits and gives people a job, even if that job is destroying our future.
You’re on the right path. Returning that life to the soil is the very first and most important step. In case people needed any more proof, the world’s largest pumpkins did not start shattering records until they began using biological and organic methods. They have found that using 80% organic biological methods with a 20% use of certain synthetic nutrients, at certain times, produces pumpkins over 2500 lbs. That’s massive, and it only happens when the grower uses the biology in the soil that has been there for millions of years until in our arrogance, we thought we could grow better than earth.